Friday, May 19, 2006

USA Today Reporter is a Democratic Donor


More Proof that Democrats are biased and are trying to ruin this country:

Leslie Cauley, the USA Today reporter who last week "broke" the news that three major U.S. telecommunications companies were assisting the National Security Agency in building a database to more easily track any communications by potential terrorists, is listed as a donor to former House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, according to a search of The Center for Responsive Policits Web site,

A search found a listing for "writer and journalist" Leslie Cauley, indicating she gave $2000 to Gephardt on June 30, 2003, when Gephardt was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. And that seems not to be her only tie to Democratic Politics.

I really wish the media would help us win the war on terror instead of constantly undermining it. Seriously, if these people get elected we are all doomed. And im not over-exaggerating.


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