Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Real Illegal Immigration Movement


Here are some images you wont see on TV or in sympothetic newspapers. This is what many of these people really want. I got these from Michelle Malkin and they are very interesting. Enjoy.

That should be the Democratic Platform.

Laugh it up ladies.


Notice that these people are Socialists.

I think these fellas need a map.

More socialists.

If Bush is so bad then why do you want in?

I hope this shows you the truth.



James Price said...

I think these fellas need a map? umm. i think you need a map, because we do live on the North American Continent. That includes Mexico, Canada and Central America.

And they don't want to live here because bush is the president but because our international policies via the world bank and the IMF generally keep poor countries poor. Meanwhile American pharmaceutical companies and giant Agribusiness's get rich due to unfair and oppressive trade practices.

Scott said...

Bush sucks.

Anonymous said...

The truth? Please, this is the most disgustingly biased thing that I have seen. Until you spend time living and working with Immigrants, you have absolutely no room to talk. And unless you're a Native American, you're rooted in Immigration too.