Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Do Liberals Hate Hillary?


Evidentally many in the left-wing of the Democratic Party are pretty upset with Hillary Clinton these days. They seem to think they she has gone to far to the right, especially when it comes to the war in Iraq. This says alot about just how crazy liberals are today in this country, when Hillary Clinton is too conservative for them.

Besides the war, Im not sure how liberals feel about her positions, probably because she hasnt taken any. Doesnt it amaze any of you that a person can be a US Senator for an entire term and do absolutely nothing, get re-elected, and then probably being your party's nominee for President of the United States.

Im sure chairman Dean is very proud.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right. She didn't do anything for veterans of the war in Iraq, lead the quest for ground zero repair funding, spearhead reform of the New York School system... or lead a move with Newt Gingrich for universal health care. Now, to me, that sounds like "doing things in her first term". It also sounds like "a reason to get re-elected". But I don't know. Maybe do an ounce of research before you write something down?