Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Media vs. National Security


Unless you dont have a brain in your head, it is extremely evident that the media in this country hates George W. Bush. This fact comes out time and time again, and almost everything Bush does, says, and proposes, the media attacks him. The most recent issue that has sparked another mainstream media blitzkreig is the NSA wiretaping and data collecting program.

The American people are behind these programs and overwhelmingly understand that doing these sorts of things are necessary if we want to be safe from attacks in the electronic age. A Washington Post poll said that 66% of Americans approve of what the NSA is doing. But the media is up in arms. Every news network you turn on is talking about this, and most are saying that is unlawful, and how doing this impede's on people civil liberties.

I dont know about you, but I am willing to give up some of my civil liberties if it will keep me and my family safe from terror attacks. We need to be able to track terrorists inside this country who might be plotting a huge attack that could literally wipe out an American city. If we were doing this before 9/11 we most likely could have avoided what happened that morning.

People like Jack Cafferty on CNN say that the Bush administration is basically a dictatorship. Why? Because Bush and his security policies have prevented another terror attack from happening on American soil in nearly 5 years. Nobody expected that we would not see another attack after Sept. 11th, but its happened, and we must give the government credit for protectiong us.

No one is listening in on the average person's phone calls. That is not the point to this program. It is to monitor people suspected of terrorist ties living among us making or receiving calls from abroad. Again I reiterate, this type of program is detrimental to keeping us all safe. But that doesnt satifify the liberal media types who want to undermine the president anyway they can, even if it means putting people at risk.

The NSA program is going to end up as a victory for Bush and I believe it will eventually help his poll numbers a little. I say a little because most polls being conducted are not entirely accurate, as can be proven by looking at the actual sample and seeing that they poll more Democrats than Republicans in almost every major poll. But beyond that typical political BS, just know that what the president is doing is legal, while simultaneously protecting your privacy, and saving your life. Dont let the media fool you.


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