Monday, June 12, 2006

Today in the Liberal Media


Ok I want to show you exactly how the mainstream media is reporting the important stories of today. Its quite humerous.

Lets begin with President Bush's war summit at Camp David. The only thing the libs seem to care about is whether or not the people involved in the summit will discuss troops withdrawls. I have heard that phrase about a dozen times already this morning and its only 10:30am. Troop levels have become an obsession of the MSM over the past few years, and they just cant comprehend the logic of keeping the troops in the warzone until the job is done. I say win the war, then bring the troops home. Here's the proof.

Next is the story about the three terrorits who committed suicide at Guantanamo Bay over the weekend. I applaude their decision to end their pathtic lives, in fact I wish that every one of them would kill themselves. It would make our job much easier. From most accounts, the prisoners there are doing quite well and are treated great, so they can save every American money by hanging themselves. The media does not agree with my assessment. They hate what we do in Guantanamo, and they somehow blame the US for these suicides. Most have said that they did this out of protest and not desperation, but that isnt enough for most liberals in the media. They will do almost anything to get GITMO shutdown, which will seriously hurt the war effort and put us and our troops at risk. Here's the proof.

Im going to do this sort of thing quite often, to prove the liberal bias in the news. If you deny its there, your an idiot. Seriously. Thanks and stay tuned.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what liberal media? Get real man and stop drinking the kool aid.

If the media is liberal then it's pretty powerless considering how Republicans are running everything.

Again, I point you to: