Thursday, June 29, 2006

Supreme Court Rules Against Bush


This morning, the Supreme Court said that the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, and remember these people are terrorists, cannot be tried in military tribunals, which basically means that they must be tried like they were American citizens. Read the story here. However, in the court decision, it says that the president did overstep his bounds as commander-in-chief, but they also said that if congress were to pass legislation saying that the people in GITMO should be tried like military combatants, then that would be just fine. As soon as that was known, Republican senators were already getting together to introduce some legislation to do just that.

Of course, the media was abuzz with this news. Remember, liberals absolutely hate what we are doing in Cuba, so to them, this was a huge victory while being an enormous defeat for the Bush administration. What I said in the first paragraph rebukes that obscene notion. But its ok, let them think they have won this one so that when congress acts accordingly, it will be even sweeter to see them go completely looney, even more looney than they already are.

Now, on to the logistics of this decision. Firstly, once again allow me to reiterate the fact that I just dont get all the fuss over Guantanamo. Why do regular people care so much about the fact that we lock up terrorists that we find on the battlefield. We must do things like this to protect ourselves against future attacks both in this country and against our troops. Many liberals talk about how much the detention camp has hurt our credibility around the world...WHO FREAKIN CARES! This isnt their country or their war to run. We were hit, not them, so they should just shut up about it and let us do our job. What we are doing in the war on terror does not effect France of Germany. We dont tell them how to run their business so they should keep their stinkin noses out of ours. Furthermore, if we cannot detain terrorists captured in battle then what good are our troops? Should they be risking their lives to fight an enemy that gets more sympathy than they do? If this decision is upheld, then maybe our troops should just kill every person they capture. That would solve the problem, would it not? You decide.

I hope that the congress will do what it has to do in this case so we can continue to win our war. One good thing that came out of this whole thing is that this will undoubtedly rally the conservative base behind the president. This latest BS, plus the New York Slimes debacle, is helping the GOP more than we could have ever wished. I am becoming more confident every time something like this happens that we will be just fine in the November elections. I think that most of the American people are smart enough to see how those on the left are seriously trying to ruin this country. Hopefully, im not giving people too much credit, but I dont think I am. We must win this war, Ive said it a million times, but everyday it is getting harder and harder, and that is scary, veeeeeeeery scary. Remember, we havent been hit in almost five years, ask yourselves why.


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