Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Poll Says Hillary gets NO vote for 2008


A new poll done by CNN of all people shows just how unlikeable Hillary Clinton really is.

Regarding potential Democratic candidates, 47 percent of respondents said they would "definitely not vote for "both Clinton, the junior senator from New York who is running for re-election this year, and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the party's candidate in 2004.

Forty-eight percent said the same of former Vice President Al Gore, who has repeatedly denied he intends to run again for president.

Among the Republicans, Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani fared better than the Democrats, and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fared worse.

Ok, this obviously does not look good for the Dems if all of their big names in the running for Prez in '08 get ratings like these. But nobody should be surprised by these numbers, considering the political history of the people on the list and also their character. This is why I believe Republicans will be ok in 2006 because our opponents are just pathetic. Even with the media on their side, feeding the American people Democratic talking points on a daily basis, they still have no plans or ideas. Thank God for the inept Democratic Party.


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