Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Senate Just Dont Get It


I dont know what the hell Mike DeWine is thinking. The man is up for re-election against a candidate who could beat him, and he decides to vote against the bill in the Senate that would demand we secure the border first before working on the guest-worker program and other measures.

Michelle Malkin has a list of GOP Senators who voted against this important bill:

Bennett (UT)
Brownback (KS)
Chafee (RI)
Coleman (MN)
Collins (ME)
Craig (ID)
DeWine (OH)
Graham (SC)
Hagel (NE)
Lugar (IN)
Martinez (FL)
Murkowski (AK)
Shelby (AL)
Snow (ME)
Specter (PA)
Stevens (AK)
Voinovich (OH)
Warner (VA)

R's that Didnt Vote:

Cochran (MS)
Gregg (NH)
Lott (MS)
McCain (AZ)

The Republicans in the Senate are disgraceful on this issue. I just dont understand why they are so weak on tough immigration defense reform. They dont seem to want to secure the border. I find it astounding that BOTH Ohio Senators voted against this bill, DeWine especially. A new poll has Sherrod Brown beating Dewine by 3%, and I can tell ya this wont help. He needs to wake up or hes gone in November. The entire Senate needs to wake up. I just dont get his...at all.


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