Thursday, May 25, 2006

Congress Does Good


Today the Senate passed a very important piece of legislation. "The Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act," will bar protests within 300 feet of the entrance of a cemetary and within 150 feet of a road into the cemetary from 60 minutes before to 60 minutes after a military funeral. Any idiot who decides to violate that law will face an up to $100,000 fine and up to a year in prison.

The need for legislation like this comes as a group that calls themselves religious has been going to the funerals of servicemen killed overseas and protesting their deaths calling them acts of God. That is an absolute disgrace and I feel those people should be thrown out of our country. The 1st Amendment should not protect that sort of speech, and now it does not.

The act "will protect the sanctity of all 122 of our national cemeteries as shrines to their gallant dead," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee.
Im very glad to see the Congress take on and pass this bill. Our elected leaders have been letting us all down lately, but this is one to be proud of. Thank God for this legislation, and I mean that.

Kinda fitting that this bill passes just days before Memorial Day. Coincidence?


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