Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Plain Dealer: Dewine up by 11 points over Brown


As no surprise to me, the Plain Dealer tried to put a negative spin on the good news for Republicans, but the proof is in the pudding. The title of this article was "Ohio Voters Down on GOP," I mean gimme a break. Mike Dewine being up 11 points on Sherrod Brown seems to prove the contrary does it not? That is a big lead with 6 months left before the election. But the article has very little to say about that particular fact.

It mostly discusses how bad Bob Taft is and how that will hurt Republicans later this year. Well, Bob Taft is not on the ballot in November, and the election will not be a referendum on him, and the Democrats in this state are going to have to face that sooner or later. I believe the GOP will be victorious this year, no matter how much the PD hopes thats not the case.


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