Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Liberal Mind


Here is a review from by a man who supposedly saw "FLIGHT 93." I swear this is real. Here ya go:

I see reviews of people praising this movie as a "heroic" moment in Americas history. The truth could not be farther from it.

People in America need to wake up, this kind of propoganda is being fed to the US daily, this movie is nothing more than a lie to back up the "official" government story.

Why did experts on the site of the United 93 describe it as looking as though "someone had dug a ditch, and dropped scrap metal in it".

Why did the official corener on the scene report no blood being seen or gathered?

Why was United 93 reported as landing at an airport, and having the passengers evacuated.

Why did United 93 remain listed as an active airliner, after the 2 jets used in the WTC attacks were removed?

How were passangers on board the plane able to make cell phone calls when experts have concluded such calls would have a next to the nothing % chance of going through. And why would America Airlines later spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make it possible to use cell phones to airlines? Because the calls from the airline on 9/11 were lies.

Simple research will tell you the truth.


Our United States of America was founded because the pilgrams were tired of the leader ship of the King. They stood up against what the knew was wrong. If every person out there, refuses to argue with the governments side of the story, we are letting down the people that died to let this country exist.

Do not become another blind follower of propoganda, do proper research for yourselves, and the truth will shine upon you.

Do not support this movie.

In my opinion, this guy sounds like a terrorist to me. Anyone who does not think that what those aboard flight 93 did was heroic should be tried for treason. Those people saved this country a psychological wound of unimaginable proportions on September 11th and their story should be remembered and revered by every single American citizen. What this man wrote is proof that people that follow his ideology weakin this county and help our enemies. People like him are obsessed with false conspiracies to indict the US Government for every problems in the world. Im willing to bet this jerk didnt even see the movie, but Im sure he has "Fahrenheit 9/11" in his home DVD library. I would love to see him say this stuff to the faces of the families who lost loved ones on this flight, but Im sure he's too cowardly.


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