I thought last nights press conference between Bush and Blair was magnificent. I thought Bush was especially on his game, while Blair was not as polished as usual, but still very effective. The president seemed very calm and relaxed, and took each question in stride with very precise and articulated answers. Bush has really become quite effective in this types of settings, and he should do them much more often.

Now, on to some specifics that I thought were great. Firstly, one of the opening questions regarded the United Nations and basically how worthless it is, and the first words out of Bush's mouth were, "I would like to see a UN that is effective," that was awesome. W really layed the wood to the UN, and Blair basically said the same thing. I have always said that George W. Bush should run the UN after he is out of office, but someone asked Blair if he thought about doing it, and I believe he would also be very good leading the horrible United Nations.
Secondly, the president gave a very good and long lecture on Iraq and how we are not only winning, but how we will end up being victorious. His answer was very very good, leaving Blair almost speechless, because there really wasnt anything more to say. Bush was obviously extremely well prepared for any question questioning his Iraq policy, and he knocked it out of the park.
Thirdly, I liked that fact that the immigration issue was not even brought up. That issue is a loser for Bush, so its absence was very welcome as far as Im concerned. Questions about the economy and Iran were asked, so the whole thing was not totally focused on Iraq. But the majority of it was.
And finally, I really enjoyed how Bush handled the question about mistakes that had been made. Everyone was waiting for that question because he gets asked it all the time. But this time he was very forthcoming, and his answer was great. He said he regretted his rhetoric after 9/11, telling the terrorits to 'bring it on,' and saying that he wanted Osama bin Laden, 'dead or alive.' He said he realized how those statements could be misinterpreted around the world, and basically apologized for them. It was very sincere. He also expressed regret for the Abu Ghraib problem, but said that those involved have been prosecuted.
All in all, I enjoyed every minute of it. Bush's candor was very refreshing, and he did a hell of a job. I am cautious however, because I know that the only thing the media is going to take away from the entire press conference is that Bush admitted mistakes in Iraq. Thats all they care about. But in reality, that was one of the last questions asked, and so much more was accomplished during the rest of the thing. Just be prepared for it, because they will use his admissions to undermine him like they always do. So just be forwarned.
Im proud of my president.
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