Well, just when I give ABC News some credit, this crap comes out. This is for all you "Faux" News people out there. This is an email obtained by the drudgereport from an ABC News producer which said that Bush "Makes me sick," and also "If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, Im going to puke."
All I have to say is that if you honestly dont believe the vast majority of the media in this country has a liberal bias, you have really got to get a clue. Unbelieveable.
Source Drudgereport
Dude, you REALLY need to read What Liberal Media? by Eric Alterman.
If the media is so liberal, then how come conservatives are running everything? If the media is so liberal, how come they were in lockstep to tow the administration's lies in the run-up to the Iraq war? Gimme a break.
Keep watching Faux news and you'll believe anything. Right. Lemme guess, all liberals are elitist, rich, latte drinking, New Englanders, etc etc folks (don't forget Hollywood!) who are out of synch with the heartland? Sounds like Republicans in power to me...
One guy who works at ABC doesn't like the president and the whole entire media is liberal. That's Republican logic for ya!
How much you want to bet that there is at least one other guy at ABC who loves the president?
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