"When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?" said David Gonzalez, 22, who marched in Los Angeles with a sign that reaad, "I'm in my homeland."
This should be a huge debate in the coming months and in November, we will have to see how much politiking goes on here considering more than 70% of the US is against illegal immigration. Stay tuned kids. [source AP]
Senator Russ Feingold, who is calling for Censure against President Bush has rising stock amongst Democrats (surprise surprise). However, many Democratic Senators are staying away from this ridiculous motion, realizing that it is nonsense and will merely help energize an anxious Republican base. Feingold seems more preoccupied with his future in presidential politics than the good of the country, good for him.

While only two Democrats in teh Senate have embraced Sen. Russ Feingolds call for censuring President Bush, the idea is increasing his standing among many Democratic voters as he ponders a bid for the party's presidential nomination in 2008.
Told ya.
A Newsweek poll taken March 16-17 found that 50 percent of those surveyed opposed censuring Bush while 42 percent supported it, but among Democrats 60 percent favored the effort.
The left-wing base is crazy and they are taking over the party. Im predicting if the Dems win the House and Senate in November, God forbid, they will impeach Bush. [source FOX NEWS]
In a story that has gripped America, a man who converted to Christianity in Afghanistan will reportedly be set free in the near future. Converting from Islam in the Afghan culture is an offense resulting in death, however international pressure caused their government to let the man go.

"I am serene. I have full awareness of what I have chosen. If i must die, I will die."
Wow. Later her added, referring to Jesus, "Somebody, a long time ago, did it all for us."
I really hope they let the guy go, Democracy does not discriminate on the base of religion, and the Afghan's are going to have to learn that. Will they? Thats another question. [source Newsday]
Well I hope your bracket is as busted as mine. I had Memphis going all the way, and after they put up 45 points last night in that pathetic game, Im officially finished. Duke is gone, and now UCONN is out. They were the favorite but have struggled the whole way and today they lost to 11-sead George Mason.

A story in the Washington Post today was describing Ohio politics, saying that once again the country will be focused on the Buckeye state. The column, by George Will, discusses the Senate race between incumbant Sen. Mike Dewine and Rep. Sherrod Brown. I have made no quelms of my dislike for Brown. I live in his district and I can assure you the guy is a disaster. Will says:
Brown, whose career voting record is, according to the American Conservative Union, more liveral than another Cleveland area congressman, Dennis Kucinich, makes scant concession to conservatism, cultural or economic. He opposes bans on same sex marriage(Dewine also opposes the ban that Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed in 2004), human cloning and partial-birth abortion. But he does favor a line-item veto, and a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budged. That amendment, which would constitutionalize fiscal policy, is a t errible idea but a convenient gesture by Brown, who knows it is going nowhere. Besides, in 1992 his district was one of the nation's strongest for Ross Perot, giving him 27 percent.
*Liberal Alert* Ohio voters will see right through Sherrod Brown, I honestly dont think he has a prayer in November. Lets all hope not. [source Washington Post]
I've been enjoying reading your posts since I saw the article about you in the Press last week. it's refreshing to see a fellow young conservative voice their opinions! and i had memphis going all the way in the ncaa too...and my other three final four teams are all out now. but anyways i appreciate what you're doing on this forum and keep up the good work.
Thanks Alison...Keep reading!
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