"I want the Iraqi people to hear Ive got great confidence in their capacity to self-govern," Bush said. "I also want the Iraqi people to hear - its about time to get a unity government going."
"In other words, Americans understant you're newcomers to the political arena. But pretty soon its time to shut her down and get governing."
Exactly. Bush has to keep the pressure on the Iraqi's to make progress. I also still think they can do, they just better do it soon. [source AP]
Perhaps in the most bizarre story of the day, Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney appearently punched a Capitol policeman after he mistakenly confronted her for not passing through a medal detector.
The officer called out, "Ma'am, Ma'am," and walked after her in an attempt to stop her. When he caught Mckinney, he grabbed her by the arm.
Witnesses say Mckinney pulled her arm away, and with her cell phone in hand, punched the officer in the chest.

Its about time that Major League Baseball is going to investigate Barry Bonds and his steriods. Its just a shame it took a new book to jump start the process. The book appearently proves that Bonds took steriods, even though its pretty obvious he's guilty by simply looking at the guy. I have nothing personal against Bonds, I just think he took steriods. There is no doubt in my mind. Former U.S Senate majority leader George Mitchell will lead the investigation.

No matter what the findings of an investigation, it would be difficult for baseball to penalize anyone for steroids used priot to Sept. 30, 2002, when a joint drug agreement between management and the players' association took effect. Baseball began drug testing in 2003 and started testing with penalties the following year.
Honestly at this point I dont care if Bonds is physically punished when found guilty, I just want his records to be thrown out because he cheated. Thats all I care about. [source espn]
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