Like Card, Bolten, 51, is a Washington insider whose ties reach back to Bush's 2000 campaign for the White House. Democrats - as well as some Republicans grumbled that the new White House boss looked a lot like the old one.
Here is Bolton's new job in a nutshell:
As chief of staff, Bolten will regulate the paper flow to Bush's desk, oversee his schedule and determine who gets in to see the president - although some longtime aides ahve unquestioned access.
Sounds like fun. However Bolten will now have to deal with the likes of Harry Reid, who I cannot stand. Sen. Reid said today, "Josh Bolten has a record of failure," take a look in the Mirror Harry. Reid is a jerk.
Even Teddy Kennedy thinks Bolten is a good choice. Whoa!
"His reputation among Democrats and Republicans alike is being a tough-minded, skilled conservative but also has an ability to work with Congress, work with Democrats as well as Republicans."
I wish Bolten the best of luck, he'll need it with the way things are today. He also has big shoes to fill, and Andy Card will be missed. Thanks for everything Mr. Card. [source ap]
More riots erupted today all over the country of France in protest of laws the evidentally discriminate against younger professionals. As far as Im concerned I hope these kids create an entire revolution and throw that good for nothing Chirac out on his ass.
Unions and student groups said 3 million people took part in rallies across the country, including 700,000 in central Paris, where police used tear gas against hundreds of youths who threw bottles and Molotov coctail petrol bombs.

Union and student leaders say the CPE will create a generation of "throwaway workers" by making it easier to dismiss employess under 26 during a two-year trial period.
From what I have read about this situation it really does seem to be unfair to the young people trying to start their careers. But they could be protesting about the rights of tin foil and I still would care. Keep up the good work kids. [source reuters]
America voted and...who cares if Kelly Pickler's an idiot? I certainly dont. Sometimes she does come off like she's ditzy, but I think its great. She is obviously not the best singer in the competition this year, but she looks good and she makes people laugh. What more can you ask for in a perfect American Idol contender?
The 19-year-old pixie is always spewing out one-liners like, "My hair is caught in my fake eyelashhes," or "I had my first spinach salad. It was OK. Kinda tasted like picking the leaf off a bush," and "The dogs here have more clothes than I do."

Finally, I read something today that was totally typical of the New York Times and even the media in general these days. It was an article in todays NYT by columnist Peter Bergan titled "Enemy of our Enemy." I cant give you the link because you need a password to access via the internet, but the thesis of the article is that in light of newly released documents by the U.S. Government that seem to show a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the two were actually bitter enemies. I knew this would happen. You see, any connection between these two men helps justify the Iraq war, and to people on the left like writers for the New York Times, that cannot happen. So Bergan tries to prove that because bin Laden wants Muslim theocracy in the Middle East and Saddam Hussein simply wanted total power without really caring much about religion, they had to hate each other.
The new evidence, which he sites in his story seems to prove otherwise. I for one am convinced that these two mad-men could find common ground on harming the U.S. and other areas of the West, and that would probably trump their other petty differences. I hope more of these documents come out, even though they wont be reported by the major media. But just the fact that Bergan tried to downplay their importance, shows their importance nonetheless.
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1 comment:
I heard your girlfriend is going to dump you since you are so obsessed with kellie pickler... you better PICK wisely!
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