The President also reiterated strong support for a "guest worker" program that would allow undocumented immigrants already in the United States to remain in the country to fill low-paying jobs that Americans wont take.
Bush declined to say whether he would veto legislation that did not contain such a provision.
First of all there is no way he would veto it, secondly it wont matter because a bill without a guess worker provision will never pass both houses of Congress. The Senate especially has been especially weak thus far in this immigration debate when it comes to putting the kabash on illegal immigrants. Dont expect any help from the Mexicans on this issue. As a matter of fact donw expect any help from our Congress either, as I dont expect any real progress on this debate until after November. Thats politics for ya. [source yahoo]
Nothing makes me more angry than traitors, and freed hostage Jill Carroll is one. After spending three months under captivity by insurgents in Iraq, she comes out today and says that the US will lose the war.
"I think the mujahedeen are very smart and even with all the technology and all the people that the American army has here, they still are better at knowing how to live and work here, more clever," Carroll said in response to a question.
Asked what she meant, Carroll, who was snatched from a Baghdad street on January 7th, answered: "It makes very clear that the mujahedeen are the ones that will win in the end."

Carroll also said she felt guilty being set free while many women remained imprisoned at Baghdad's US-run Abu Ghraib prison.
"It shows that difference between the mujahedeen and the Americans; it shows the mujahedeen are good people fighting an honourable fight while the Americans are here as an occupying force treating the people in a very bad way."
In that case she should have stayed in captivity. Let her stay with the good people of the insurgency. I just dont understand these people. I have no sympothy for this dumb woman. She shouldnt have been over there in the first place and I dont want her coming back to the US, she belongs with the bad guys. [source yahoo]
Jock Chirac...yes Jock, addressed the young people in his country that have been protesting a bill that would allow employers to fire them anytime within their first 2 years of employment for really no reason at all.
President Jacques Chirac said Friday he would press ahead with a contentious labor law making it easier to fire workers, but he offered some concessions in hopes of calming furious protests that led to nationwide strikes.
Chirac said he would reduce a trial period during which employees could be summarily dismissed from two years to one, and he would require employers to offer reasons.

UPDATE ALERT: Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney will probably be under arrest in the very near future.
Capitol Hill police plan to issue an arrest warrant for Rep. Cynthia Mckinney (D-GA).
The warrant is related to the incident Wednesday when Mckinney allegedly slapped a Capitol Hill police officer.
Charges could range from assault on a police officer, which is a felony carrying a possible five year prison term, to simple assault, which is a misdeamenor.
I dont expect her to get any jail time. If she does prepare for a race riot. [source wsbtv]
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1 comment:
may have run across this a little late...but i am serving at ABU GHRAIB and there are NO FEMALES detained at ABU GHRAIB....whatever! She's a insurgent sympathizer and an idiot!
On the other hand..though many Iraqis beleive "nothing at Abu Ghraib is of Allah...nothing here is holy"...they still send Red Cross messages reading...something along the lines of 'if it were not for the deprivation of freedom, I would have all of you with me to share of the aminities which I enjoy"....hmmmm? sounds like a real hellhole of abuse and atrocities huh?
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