Friday, March 31, 2006


El Presidente Bush gave a press conference today with Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. They have been meeting in Cancun for a couple of days discussing numerous topics, but obviously immigration is at the front of the list. Bush said that these meetings have been very productive. Fox sure hasnt done much in his tenure to help the situation with illegal immigration, Ive even heard that the Mexican government helps people go to the US by giving them maps of ways to evade the Border Patrol
The President also reiterated strong support for a "guest worker" program that would allow undocumented immigrants already in the United States to remain in the country to fill low-paying jobs that Americans wont take.
Bush declined to say whether he would veto legislation that did not contain such a provision.

First of all there is no way he would veto it, secondly it wont matter because a bill without a guess worker provision will never pass both houses of Congress. The Senate especially has been especially weak thus far in this immigration debate when it comes to putting the kabash on illegal immigrants. Dont expect any help from the Mexicans on this issue. As a matter of fact donw expect any help from our Congress either, as I dont expect any real progress on this debate until after November. Thats politics for ya. [source yahoo]

Nothing makes me more angry than traitors, and freed hostage Jill Carroll is one. After spending three months under captivity by insurgents in Iraq, she comes out today and says that the US will lose the war.
"I think the mujahedeen are very smart and even with all the technology and all the people that the American army has here, they still are better at knowing how to live and work here, more clever," Carroll said in response to a question.
Asked what she meant, Carroll, who was snatched from a Baghdad street on January 7th, answered: "It makes very clear that the mujahedeen are the ones that will win in the end."

Carroll also said she felt guilty being set free while many women remained imprisoned at Baghdad's US-run Abu Ghraib prison.
"It shows that difference between the mujahedeen and the Americans; it shows the mujahedeen are good people fighting an honourable fight while the Americans are here as an occupying force treating the people in a very bad way."

In that case she should have stayed in captivity. Let her stay with the good people of the insurgency. I just dont understand these people. I have no sympothy for this dumb woman. She shouldnt have been over there in the first place and I dont want her coming back to the US, she belongs with the bad guys. [source yahoo]

Jock Chirac...yes Jock, addressed the young people in his country that have been protesting a bill that would allow employers to fire them anytime within their first 2 years of employment for really no reason at all.
President Jacques Chirac said Friday he would press ahead with a contentious labor law making it easier to fire workers, but he offered some concessions in hopes of calming furious protests that led to nationwide strikes.
Chirac said he would reduce a trial period during which employees could be summarily dismissed from two years to one, and he would require employers to offer reasons.

Keep rioting people. The only question I have is how come we never hear about Chirac's approval ratings every two seconds? He is not a good man. [source breitbart]

UPDATE ALERT: Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney will probably be under arrest in the very near future.
Capitol Hill police plan to issue an arrest warrant for Rep. Cynthia Mckinney (D-GA).
The warrant is related to the incident Wednesday when Mckinney allegedly slapped a Capitol Hill police officer.
Charges could range from assault on a police officer, which is a felony carrying a possible five year prison term, to simple assault, which is a misdeamenor.

I dont expect her to get any jail time. If she does prepare for a race riot. [source wsbtv]

Other Stories:
Mexican flag burned at Arizona high school [source] removes 200,000 'objectional' profiles [source]
Condi Rice defends Iraq war in Britain [source]
If you care: Britney Spears on 'Will and Grace' Video [source]
Large Earthquake rocks Iran [source]
Sad: 911 calls released from WTC on September 11th [source]


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


President Bush is becoming increasing frustrated with the lack of a functional Iraqi Government more than 3 months after the December 15th election, and rightly so. I fully understand the difficulty to putting together a Democratic government, however, the Iraqi's seem to be letting simple religious differences from allowing them to more forward politically. They need to learn to settle problems diplomatically through government, rather than simply blowing up their counterparts. Political Analyst Dick Morris says that the sectarian violence in Iraq is just their way of negotiating. I actually agree with that a little, but they have to get beyond all that and form their government the right way, and quickly because the American people are continuously losing patience.
"I want the Iraqi people to hear Ive got great confidence in their capacity to self-govern," Bush said. "I also want the Iraqi people to hear - its about time to get a unity government going."
"In other words, Americans understant you're newcomers to the political arena. But pretty soon its time to shut her down and get governing."

Exactly. Bush has to keep the pressure on the Iraqi's to make progress. I also still think they can do, they just better do it soon. [source AP]

Perhaps in the most bizarre story of the day, Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney appearently punched a Capitol policeman after he mistakenly confronted her for not passing through a medal detector.
The officer called out, "Ma'am, Ma'am," and walked after her in an attempt to stop her. When he caught Mckinney, he grabbed her by the arm.
Witnesses say Mckinney pulled her arm away, and with her cell phone in hand, punched the officer in the chest.

The cop even said he was going to press charges against Ms. Mckinney, however no such charges have been filed as of now. Of course Mckinney released a statement saying that she was the victim saying that the officer basically harassed her. Im just happy the guy is aggressive in his job, and was willing to track down someone he thought didnt go through the proper procedure in order to keep the Capitol safe. Better safe than sorry, right Rep. Mckinney? [source 11alive]

Its about time that Major League Baseball is going to investigate Barry Bonds and his steriods. Its just a shame it took a new book to jump start the process. The book appearently proves that Bonds took steriods, even though its pretty obvious he's guilty by simply looking at the guy. I have nothing personal against Bonds, I just think he took steriods. There is no doubt in my mind. Former U.S Senate majority leader George Mitchell will lead the investigation.
From my research, it seems that even if Bonds is found guilty of using steroids, the fact that he did so more than 6 years ago may exempt him from any punishment by the MLB:
No matter what the findings of an investigation, it would be difficult for baseball to penalize anyone for steroids used priot to Sept. 30, 2002, when a joint drug agreement between management and the players' association took effect. Baseball began drug testing in 2003 and started testing with penalties the following year.

Honestly at this point I dont care if Bonds is physically punished when found guilty, I just want his records to be thrown out because he cheated. Thats all I care about. [source espn]

Other Stories
President Bush to meet Mexican President Vincente Fox [source]
Funny: Cat terrorizing Connecticut town [source]
Rape scandle at Duke University grounds lacrosse team [source]
U.N. demands Iran suspend nuke enrichment [source]
Ouch: Jack Abramoff gets 6 years in prison [source]
Dummy: American gets 30 years for Bush assassiniation plot [source]
Senate passes new ethics legislation [source]
Interesting: Dick Morris on immigration [source]


Tuesday, March 28, 2006


White House Cheif of Staff Andrew Card submitted his resignation to President Bush today. Andy Card has been there since the very beginning of the Bush Administration, and I think he did one hell of a job. Nobody really knows if Card actually resigned or if he was pressured to do so, but who cares, the guy did great service to his country through 9/11 and other very tough times. Andy Card seems like he is one of the nicest guys in all of Washington, and he deserves our praise. With that said, he will be replaced starting in April by budget director Joshua Bolton.

Like Card, Bolten, 51, is a Washington insider whose ties reach back to Bush's 2000 campaign for the White House. Democrats - as well as some Republicans grumbled that the new White House boss looked a lot like the old one.

Here is Bolton's new job in a nutshell:
As chief of staff, Bolten will regulate the paper flow to Bush's desk, oversee his schedule and determine who gets in to see the president - although some longtime aides ahve unquestioned access.

Sounds like fun. However Bolten will now have to deal with the likes of Harry Reid, who I cannot stand. Sen. Reid said today, "Josh Bolten has a record of failure," take a look in the Mirror Harry. Reid is a jerk.
Even Teddy Kennedy thinks Bolten is a good choice. Whoa!
"His reputation among Democrats and Republicans alike is being a tough-minded, skilled conservative but also has an ability to work with Congress, work with Democrats as well as Republicans."

I wish Bolten the best of luck, he'll need it with the way things are today. He also has big shoes to fill, and Andy Card will be missed. Thanks for everything Mr. Card. [source ap]

More riots erupted today all over the country of France in protest of laws the evidentally discriminate against younger professionals. As far as Im concerned I hope these kids create an entire revolution and throw that good for nothing Chirac out on his ass.
Unions and student groups said 3 million people took part in rallies across the country, including 700,000 in central Paris, where police used tear gas against hundreds of youths who threw bottles and Molotov coctail petrol bombs.

Union and student leaders say the CPE will create a generation of "throwaway workers" by making it easier to dismiss employess under 26 during a two-year trial period.

From what I have read about this situation it really does seem to be unfair to the young people trying to start their careers. But they could be protesting about the rights of tin foil and I still would care. Keep up the good work kids. [source reuters]

America voted and...who cares if Kelly Pickler's an idiot? I certainly dont. Sometimes she does come off like she's ditzy, but I think its great. She is obviously not the best singer in the competition this year, but she looks good and she makes people laugh. What more can you ask for in a perfect American Idol contender?
The 19-year-old pixie is always spewing out one-liners like, "My hair is caught in my fake eyelashhes," or "I had my first spinach salad. It was OK. Kinda tasted like picking the leaf off a bush," and "The dogs here have more clothes than I do."

Some people think her elevated ditzyness all an act, but Im not convinced, yet. Her Mom left her when she was 2 and her Dad is currently serving time in a state penitentiary, that sounds more like the backround of a porn star than an American Idol contestent. She seems genuine and her story proves she deserves a little good luck in her life. So pick Pickler! [source foxnews]

Finally, I read something today that was totally typical of the New York Times and even the media in general these days. It was an article in todays NYT by columnist Peter Bergan titled "Enemy of our Enemy." I cant give you the link because you need a password to access via the internet, but the thesis of the article is that in light of newly released documents by the U.S. Government that seem to show a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, the two were actually bitter enemies. I knew this would happen. You see, any connection between these two men helps justify the Iraq war, and to people on the left like writers for the New York Times, that cannot happen. So Bergan tries to prove that because bin Laden wants Muslim theocracy in the Middle East and Saddam Hussein simply wanted total power without really caring much about religion, they had to hate each other.

The new evidence, which he sites in his story seems to prove otherwise. I for one am convinced that these two mad-men could find common ground on harming the U.S. and other areas of the West, and that would probably trump their other petty differences. I hope more of these documents come out, even though they wont be reported by the major media. But just the fact that Bergan tried to downplay their importance, shows their importance nonetheless.

Other Stories
Good article by Arnold Schwarzenegger about immigration
Senate panel approves immigration reform bill [source]
Olmert declares victory in Israeli election [source]
Corrupt Democratic Congressman loses appeal in phone taping [source]
Ekk! More remains found at World Trade Center [source]
Reagen Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger Dies at 88 [source]
Laughable: Dems promise to 'eliminate' bin Laden [source]
Weirdo: Student lives as Walmart for 41 hours [source]


Monday, March 27, 2006


Today during the sentancing phase of his trial, Zacarias Moussaoui admitted that he was supposed to be on a 5th hijacked plane on 9/11, with convicted shoe-bomber Richard Reid, that would have targeted the White House. He also admitted to knowing about the terror plot before it was carried out.
"I had knowledge that the two towers would be hit, but I did not have the details." Moussaoui told jurors.
Moussaoui said that while he didnt know the "precise date to the day" of the planned terrorist attacks, he knew they would come soon after his arrest in August 2001 in Minnesota. He said he made sure he had a radio in his jail cell. [source cnn]

With his testimony today, the Judge in the case better give Moussaoui the death penalty, and not by lethal injection. I want something brutal. Hanging, firing squad, even the chair, just as long as the bastard has to suffer.

This immigration debate is beginning to become a joke to me. Again today, thousands of people took to the streets in protest of the impending legislation that hopefully will crack down on illegal immigrants. The protests were mostly in southern California, where students walked out of classrooms even shutting down highways in some cases.
More than 1,000 students waiving Mexican, El Salvadoran, Guatemalan and American flags began gathering on the south lawn of Los Angeles City Hall just after 9 a.m. and stayed through the early afternoon, Los Angeles Police Department Lt. Paul Vernon said.

Now there is the problem. These people are not helping the cause when they wave Mexican flags around during protests to become American citizens. I dont want to see that. If your so proud of your flag then go back there. The bottom line is that illegal immigration has to be stopped. I have no problem with people coming here legally, more power to them. But if you didnt come here the proper way then you should NOT be here...Period.

Senators are now in the hot seat when it comes to the immigration issue.
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved sweeping election-year immigration legislation Monday that clears the way for 11 million illegal aliens to seek U.S. citizenship without having to first leave the country. [text of HR 4437]

Basically, I dont think anything will be done this year with immigration. The House wants tough changes while the Senate seems to be afraid of doing the right thing. Common ground between the two is going to be extremely hard to come by. The fact this is an election-year does help matter either. [source nbc4]

A very important election is going to take place Tuesday in Israel. This election is not only important for the Israeli's but also for Americans. Israel's geographical position is becoming increasingly indangered with the rhetoric of the Iranians of late, so that should play a role in the outcome. Also, with Ariel Sharon still in acoma, his successor, Ehud Olmert, is hoping this election will vindicate his position as the new Prime Minister.
Opinion polls predict Olmert's centrist Kadima party, founded last year by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon before he suffered a stroke and went into acoma, will win some 34 seats, enough to form a governing coalition in the 120-seat parliament.
For Olmert, a Kadima victory would represent a vote of confidence in "cosolidation," his term for unilateral steps to set Israel's frontier by 2010 through the removal of remote West Bank settlements and strengthening bigger enclaves.
This is going to be a very important story in the coming days as the Israeli people officially move on from the leadership of Ariel Sharon. This should be quite interesting.

Ohhh boy. Scarlett Johansson tops FHM's newest list of the "100 sexiest women in the world." She only 21 years old and beat out the beautiful likes of: Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, Keira Knightley, Halle Berry, Jenny McCarthy, Carmen Electra, Teri Hatcher, and even last years winner Angelina Jolie.

Wow. Not sure I agree with everyone mentioned above, but Scarlett sure does make that dress come to life. Laaaaaaaady in Reeeeeeeeeeed. [source yahoo]

Other Stories
Blackwell and Strickland lead Ohio Governor primary poll [source]
Sean Penn has torture doll of Ann Coulter [source]
Now John Kerry's hotel demands are revealed [source]
"Dirty bombs" crossed U.S. border in test [source]
IRL driver killed in crash on speedway [source]
Country music still uneasy over playin dumb Dixie Chicks [source]
Reagan spokesperson Lyn Nofziger dead at 71 [source]


Sunday, March 26, 2006


Immigration protest were enormous this weekend. More than 500,000 people gathered in LA, in one of the largest protest for any reason in the history of the U.S.. They are upset about the Congress looking to pass much tougher immigration laws that would make living here illegally a felony. Remember folks, its called illegal immigration for a reason.

This is gearing up to be a huge battle in Congress. The Senate is to begin discussing the situation on Tuesday now that the House has already passed a bill. Here is the sentimate of a protesters:
"When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?" said David Gonzalez, 22, who marched in Los Angeles with a sign that reaad, "I'm in my homeland."

This should be a huge debate in the coming months and in November, we will have to see how much politiking goes on here considering more than 70% of the US is against illegal immigration. Stay tuned kids. [source AP]

Senator Russ Feingold, who is calling for Censure against President Bush has rising stock amongst Democrats (surprise surprise). However, many Democratic Senators are staying away from this ridiculous motion, realizing that it is nonsense and will merely help energize an anxious Republican base. Feingold seems more preoccupied with his future in presidential politics than the good of the country, good for him.
While only two Democrats in teh Senate have embraced Sen. Russ Feingolds call for censuring President Bush, the idea is increasing his standing among many Democratic voters as he ponders a bid for the party's presidential nomination in 2008.

Told ya.
A Newsweek poll taken March 16-17 found that 50 percent of those surveyed opposed censuring Bush while 42 percent supported it, but among Democrats 60 percent favored the effort.

The left-wing base is crazy and they are taking over the party. Im predicting if the Dems win the House and Senate in November, God forbid, they will impeach Bush. [source FOX NEWS]

In a story that has gripped America, a man who converted to Christianity in Afghanistan will reportedly be set free in the near future. Converting from Islam in the Afghan culture is an offense resulting in death, however international pressure caused their government to let the man go.

Abdul Rahman said recently that if it came to death that he is ready to die for what he believes in.
"I am serene. I have full awareness of what I have chosen. If i must die, I will die."

Wow. Later her added, referring to Jesus, "Somebody, a long time ago, did it all for us."
I really hope they let the guy go, Democracy does not discriminate on the base of religion, and the Afghan's are going to have to learn that. Will they? Thats another question. [source Newsday]

Well I hope your bracket is as busted as mine. I had Memphis going all the way, and after they put up 45 points last night in that pathetic game, Im officially finished. Duke is gone, and now UCONN is out. They were the favorite but have struggled the whole way and today they lost to 11-sead George Mason.
I cant believe it. I knew this year was gonna be tough with no real frontrunner, but good Lord. Even now I have no idea who will win next Monday, but I have to root for Mason.

A story in the Washington Post today was describing Ohio politics, saying that once again the country will be focused on the Buckeye state. The column, by George Will, discusses the Senate race between incumbant Sen. Mike Dewine and Rep. Sherrod Brown. I have made no quelms of my dislike for Brown. I live in his district and I can assure you the guy is a disaster. Will says:
Brown, whose career voting record is, according to the American Conservative Union, more liveral than another Cleveland area congressman, Dennis Kucinich, makes scant concession to conservatism, cultural or economic. He opposes bans on same sex marriage(Dewine also opposes the ban that Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed in 2004), human cloning and partial-birth abortion. But he does favor a line-item veto, and a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budged. That amendment, which would constitutionalize fiscal policy, is a t errible idea but a convenient gesture by Brown, who knows it is going nowhere. Besides, in 1992 his district was one of the nation's strongest for Ross Perot, giving him 27 percent.

*Liberal Alert* Ohio voters will see right through Sherrod Brown, I honestly dont think he has a prayer in November. Lets all hope not. [source Washington Post]


Saturday, March 25, 2006

History Speaks

Ok here is an article I found from World Magazine. It gives a very good overview of all the new documents found regarding Saddam Hussein, his weapons programs, etc. It is very informative and shows the truth of what was going on prior to the war. Please read and enjoy.


Same Old Russians

I have always believed that Russia was an enemy to the United States, even since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The only reason they are not a super power today is because their economy is in ruins, they didnt give it up voluntarily. Newly released documents show that the Russians were not only aiding Saddam Hussein prior to the U.S. invasion in 2003, but they were also giving them U.S. war plans.
Moscow had informants inside U.S. Central Command whose information on the March 2003 invasion of Iraq was relayed to dictator Saddam Hussein days before American troops ousted him from power, according to a Defense Department history releasted yesterday.

And, as U.S. troops encircled Baghdad in April, Russia's ambassador fed information from Moscow's intelligence service to Saddam's regime regarding U.S. troop movements.

Unbelieveable. I have no idea how much Vlad Putin was involved in all of this, but if he was he has got to go. Bush better step up and not let this one go because we cant be friendly with countries that are willingly attempting to undermine our efforts to protect ourselves. That makes them as guilty as Saddam Hussein himself.
The documents found also have some details about Saddam's WMD program:
The regime planned to restart production of weapons of mass destruction. It continued to hide scientists from the U.N. inspectors right up to the time U.N. inspectors left and the war began.

A seized Dec. 15, 2002, memo, written by an Iraqi intelligence agent posing as a U.N. escort, states, "Inside Bader WMD inspection site, there are Russian and Turkish scientists. When we visited the site, there were forced to hide from inspectors eyes."

And, Saddam continued to tell his commanders he still has such weapons. "For him, there were real dividends to be gained by letting his enemies believe he possessed WMD, whether it was true or not," the report said.

In conclusion, Saddam wanted the weapons and said he had them. Also, the Russian's were helping the Iraqi's before the war to help defeat the US. But of course its all Bush's fault...right?

Source Washington Times


Friday, March 24, 2006

Mehlman: Ohio "Ground Zero" in '06

National Chairman of the GOP isnt downplaying Ohio's importance in this years congressional elections, and even in 2008. Mehlman, knowing the importance the Buckeye state played in both 2000 and 2004, says Ohio will play a very similar role again this year.
"We intend to work with the Ohio state party to turn out voters," Mehlman said. He said Republicans want to be "the big tent party" and reach out to labor unions, African-Americans and other traditional Democrats."

Well said Ken. I agree that the races in Ohio should be veeeery interesting this November...Im so excited!!!

Source Enquirer News


Some Real Stupidity

Here is proof that some people in this country have absolutely lost their minds:
A small easter display was removed from the City Hall lobby on Wednesday out of concern it would offend non-Christians.

The display - a cloth Easter bunny, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words "Happy Easter" - was put up by a City Council secretary. They were not purchased with city money.

Tyron Terrill, the city's human rights director, asked that the decorations be removed. Terrill said no citizen had complained to him.

Council Member Dave Thune called it a shame.

"This has just gone too far," he said. "We cant celebrate spring with bunnies and fake grass?"

The council president, Kathy Lantry, said the removal wasnt about political correctness.

"As government, we have a different responsibility about advancing the cause of religion, which we are not going to do," she said.

Its not the first time a holiday symbol has been removed from City Hall. In 2001, red poinsettias were briefly banned from a holiday display because they were associated with Christmas.

This happened in St. Paul, Minnesota. I guess the "war on Christmas" is turning into the "war on Easter." It happened just in the nick of time too, those damn cute bunnies that light up kids faces on Easter Sunday sure dont belong anywhere in public. Thanks for protecting the people of St. Paul Ms. Lantry.

Source Star Tribune


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hostages are Weasel's

Coalition forces freed three hostages that were imprisoned in Iraq. The fourth man, an American, was shot execution style and killed a few weeks ago. It drives me crazy when the military has to take time out to save idiots like these men. I dont know what they were doing in Iraq and I dont care. Them getting captured by terrorists is no surprise to me considering they voluntarily went into a WARZONE. Then, brave members of our military have to go and risk their lives to save these people who should never have been there in the first place. If that isnt bad enough, today their little organization released a statement which included this:
"We believe the the illegal occupation of Iraq by Multinational Forces is the root cause of the insecurity which led to this kidnapping and so much pain and suffering in Iraq. The occupation must end."

As outrageous as the above statement, one released by the family of one of the guys rescued says nothing about the courage of the members of the military that had and go pull his butt out. I just dont understand that kind of ignorance. Im glad these men were not killed, but I hope this experience scared the hell out of them. Maybe they can tell their fellow morons not to follow in their footsteps because there is a war going on.

Source Pulse 24


Dick's Demands

I thought this was pretty cool. Its courtesy of and its what Dick Cheney asks for everytime he travels. The list is actually pretty boring, nothing compared to most nutty rock stars who ask for a particular type of spring water from the Swiss Alps or a bowl of exactly 37 only blue M&M's. I do however like that he wants all TV's tuned into FOX News. Awesome.

Source the smoking gun


"Bush Makes Me Sick"

Well, just when I give ABC News some credit, this crap comes out. This is for all you "Faux" News people out there. This is an email obtained by the drudgereport from an ABC News producer which said that Bush "Makes me sick," and also "If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, Im going to puke."

All I have to say is that if you honestly dont believe the vast majority of the media in this country has a liberal bias, you have really got to get a clue. Unbelieveable.

Source Drudgereport


The Osama - Saddam Link

I have to give credit to ABC News. They seem to be the only news source attempting to get the whole story on the war on terror, instead of just picking tid-bits to satisfy an agenda. They have recently been reporting on a number of documents released by the U.S. Government describing many aspects of Saddam Husseins reign that were previously unknown. I wrote about one of these documents in a previous post, but another has caught my attention. It has to do with the relationship between Saddam and Osama bin Laden prior to 9/11. Most of the media downplays the correlation, and they are not even willing to report on these documents. However, ABC is doing so, and here is what the document says:
A newly released pre-war Iraqi document indicates that an official representative of Saddam Hussein's government met with Osama bin Laden in Sudan on February 19, 1995 after approval by Saddam Hussein. Bin Laden asked that Iraq broadcast the lectures of Suleiman al Ouda, a radical Saudi precher, and suggested "carrying out joint operations against foreign forces" in Saudi Arabia. According to the document, Saddam's presidency was informed of the details of the meeting on March 4, 1995 and Saddam agreed to dedicat a program for them on the radio. The document states that further "development of relationship and cooperation between the two parties to be left according to what's open (in the future) based on dialogue and agreement on other way of cooperation." The Sudanese were informed about the agreement to dedicate the program on the radio.

The report then states that "Saudi opposition figure" bin laden had to leave Sudan in July 1996 after it was accused of harboring terrorists. It says information indicated he was in Afghanistan. "The relationship with him is still through the Sudanese. We're currently working on activating this relationship through a new channel in light of his current location," it states.

Whoa. I for one have never believed that Saddam was involved or even knew about the 9/11 attacks prior to their undertaking, but after reading that Im not so sure. One thing I am sure of is, I will never give Saddam Hussein the benefit of the doubt, like some in this country do.

Source ABC News


The Osama - Saddam Link

I have to give credit to ABC News. They seem to be the only news source attempting to get the whole story on the war on terror, instead of just picking tid-bits to satisfy an agenda. They have recently been reporting on a number of documents released by the U.S. Government describing many aspects of Saddam Husseins reign that were previously unknown. I wrote about one of these documents in a previous post, but another has caught my attention. It has to do with the relationship between Saddam and Osama bin Laden prior to 9/11. Most of the media downplays the correlation, and they are not even willing to report on these documents. However, ABC is doing so, and here is what the document says:
A newly released pre-war Iraqi document indicates that an official representative of Saddam Hussein's government met with Osama bin Laden in Sudan on February 19, 1995 after approval by Saddam Hussein. Bin Laden asked that Iraq broadcast the lectures of Suleiman al Ouda, a radical Saudi precher, and suggested "carrying out joint operations against foreign forces" in Saudi Arabia. According to the document, Saddam's presidency was informed of the details of the meeting on March 4, 1995 and Saddam agreed to dedicat a program for them on the radio. The document states that further "development of relationship and cooperation between the two parties to be left according to what's open (in the future) based on dialogue and agreement on other way of cooperation." The Sudanese were informed about the agreement to dedicate the program on the radio.

The report then states that "Saudi opposition figure" bin laden had to leave Sudan in July 1996 after it was accused of harboring terrorists. It says information indicated he was in Afghanistan. "The relationship with him is still through the Sudanese. We're currently working on activating this relationship through a new channel in light of his current location," it states.

Whoa. I for one have never believed that Saddam was involved or even knew about the 9/11 attacks prior to their undertaking, but after reading that Im not so sure. One thing I am sure of is, I will never give Saddam Hussein the benefit of the doubt, like some in this country do.

Source ABC News


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hillary for Immigration

While Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is on the Mexican border checking out the pathetic state of our nations immigration policy, Hillary Clinton plans to block legislation envoking tougher penalites on illegal aliens which she describes as "mean-spirited."
"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! If someone can translate that please let me know. I was also unaware of Hillary's devotion to the Lord. Evidentally Jesus is against stricter laws against immigration, but thats news to me.
She also called for new enforcement laws, including penalties for employers who exploit illegal immigrants, as well as a system to allow the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States to earn their citizenship.

Thats just brilliant Hillary. They are called illegal immigrants for a reason -- because their being here is illegal! Harry Reid is trying to make the Dems look tough on illegal immigration while Ms. Clinton shows their true colors. Thanks Hil.

Source Newsday


U.S. Casualties Way Down for March

Call me crazy but I dont think you will hear about this on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, but the casualty count in Iraq is the lowest its been since February 2004. Global Security has all that numbers for you. Obviously most of the media wont report this, because its good news about the war and God forbid it might even help Bush's poll numbers, GASSSSSSSP! I wish no Americans were dying in Iraq, however the fact that the casualites are down means that the military is thankfully adapting to IED's and other cowardly insurgent weapondry. Lets just pray that number gets to zero.


New Poll Still Sweet

A new Fox News poll of both parties continues to show good news for the GOP. The Poll looks at each indivdual candidate on both sides and then also gives a hint at potential head-to-head matchups in 2008. Here is what the poll says about the Primary races:
Rudy Giulinan 29%
John McCain 22%
Newt Gingrich 8%
Bill Frist 5%
Mitt Romney 4%
George Pataki 2%
Chuck Hagel 1%

That is very good news for Rudy supporters like myself. It still remains to be seen whether he will run in 2008 or if the party will even embrace his moderate views. However the majority of Republicans still seem to like him 2 years out.

Now for the Democrats:
Hillary Clinton 43%
Al Gore 12%
John Edwards 11%
John Kerry 10%
Joe Biden 4%
Wesley Clark 4%
Mark Warner 3%
Evan Bayh 2%

Obviously Hillary is the frontrunner here. I still think she will breeze to the nomination even though her support among the far left is deteriorating. One interesting note from those numbers is that John Kerry's running mate in 2004, John Edwards, is more popular among Democrats. Hilarious.

Now as far as a head-to-head matchup goes here is what the poll says:
In General, the Republican candidates lead the Democrats by double-digits in the hypothetical races tested on the poll.

McCain leads Clinton by 11 percentage points (50 percent to 39 percent), and Kerry by 20 points (53 percent to 33 percent). McCain also tops Gore by 18 points (52 percent to 34 percent).

Similarly, Giuliani bests Clinton by 51 percent to 39 percent. These results have remained constant in polling conducted since November 2004.

Very Nice.

Source FoxNews


Read About Me

There will be an article about me today in the Avon Lake Press. They interviewed me last week and said that it should be in print in today's issue (March 22nd). I used to be a political columnist for The Press and will hopefully be writing a few times for them between now and the November election. There will also be a picture of me in there so you all can see my beautiful face. It was a great opportunity and I thank the editor of The Press for everything. I hope you all enjoy it.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Loonies Gather for Anti-War Concert

Your typical cast of characters were among the big names to head up the "Bring 'Em Home Now" concert last night in NYC. Michael Stipe, Susan Surandon, Chuck D, Margerat Cho, Moby and others tried to raise money for anti-war campaigns. Cindy Sheehan also was there to do her typical ranting about the war and President Bush. Evidentally only 3,000 tickets were sold and the proceeds were to be given to groups like Gold Star Families for Peace (Sheehan's orgainzation), and Veterens Against the War. Here are some quotes from the concert courtesy of Michelle Malkin:
Margaret Cho on Brokeback Mountain: (paraphrasing) " Brokeback Mountain makes Christians so mad they could spit. Christians have to learn to swallow it, swallow it. If you spit, you taste it twice..."

Aint she great?
Here is a wrap of what Sheehan had to say:
...[S]he began with the same old by insisting that Bush "lied" to us about Saddam's WMD's. Then things got interesting: she acknowledged that 9/11 was a "criminal act." and said we should have treated it like a criminal act and not gone and invaded "two innocent countries." She sais Bush's motto has become, "We have to kill more people because I've already killed so many." Then she said that a certain right-wing journalist "from Fox News" (loud boos) had asked her earlier that day about Casey's tombston, and thta she had two responses to that: (a) its none of your business, and (b) there are people lying in swamps in America's gulf states (because of Katrina) who will never have tombstones, there are people who died on 9/11 who will never have tombstones -- "all because of George Bush."

She's a complete idiot.

Source ABC News


Monday, March 20, 2006

Bush in Cleveland

First of all let me apologize for my lack of posts lately. I have been sicker than hell the past couple of days and just getting out of bed has been a pain in the butt. But luckily I got to see President Bush give another major speech about Iraq from right here in Cleveland. Finally, the man I voted for came out and made a great speech and answered more than a dozen questions. He really did a great job. He fielded questions on topics ranging from his education policy to whether he believes that the war on terror is a sign of armeggedon. Yes, someone actually asked that. Mr. Bush needs to keep making these types of speeches almost daily while also hosting a couple of prime time news conferences to really reach out to most Americans. I know he hates dealing with the media, but doing these things during the day only allows the media to chop up the speech and show the parts they want to during the evening telecasts. I hope he continues doing these things, because if so I do believe he could be successful in turning his poll numbers around. I just hope he does so and doesnt go back into hibernation.

Source 19 Action News


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Iraqi Freedom - 3 Years Later

Today marks 3 years since we invaded Iraq. Much has been made of this anniversary, mostly by the media. They continue to undemine this war every chance they get. Want proof,'s current headline is about the protests going on today, not about the progress. The mainstream media hates this war, as do most Democrats and especially liberals. They do not comprehend military engagement, or how to obtain victory. They feel that anytime life is lossed, the cause is then wrong. They fail to recognize that killing and death is war. And sometimes it is necessary for the good to triumph. But they see America as evil, not Saddam, or bin Laden, or Zarqawi, and etc. Their hatred for Republicans and Bush have made them crazy, without the ability to read history, and see that the Iraqi war has been one of the greatest military operations of all time. People dont realize that when we invaded Iraq 3 years ago, we took over the country in less than two months, with minimul casualties. Napoleon would have been jealous of the success we had. Remarkably, the Invasion and subsequent collapse of the Iraqi forces was probably the easiest part of the war. The trouble has come since, when terrorits have set up camp and have made life tough for coalition troops, and made life hell for the Iraqi people.

For those of you who think we are losing this war, or that too many people are dying let me put it into some perspective. Since March of 2003, the US has lost 2,318 service men and women in Iraq. I believe 1,800 in combat and the rest non-combat related. In 1968 alone, the US lost 10,569 servicemen in Vietnam. Eventually 58,178 would be lost total in the conflict. On June 6th, 1944, D-Day, 1,465 servicemen were killed in a matter of hours during the invasion of Normandy. Eventually more than 300,000 brave men and women would die in World War II, which lasted less than 4 years for the Americans. The US got involved in WWI in 1917 and the war was over a little more than a year later, but 116,516 American men had died there. And on September 11th, 2001, 3,030 innocent American civilian were murdered during the terror attacks. Thats right, more Americans died on the morning of 9/11 than after 3 years in the Iraq war.

Obviously these numbers are painful, especially in Iraq. In my opinion, not one American soldier deserves to die because some coward puts in IED on the road for them to run over. This war is brutal, and so is the enemy. But the amount of caution and precision by the US military in the conflict is unprecidented. We have killed more of the enemy that experts can count, and they continue to run and hide because they know that going face to face with the Marine Corps isnt in their best interest lets just say.

Are we winning this war on the battle field after 3 years, absolutely. Are we winning this war at home after 3 years, absolutely not. All the bickering in Washington about the war and the undermining from the media about the war is killing our efforts over there. In WWII, there really was no mainstream oppostion to the conflict, and during WWI you could be arrested for dissent. FDR even instituted the office of censorship during the second world war so that the American people could not see how destructive the war was. But today, we see it everyday. I call it the "car bomb in baghdad syndrome", because thats all most will show us. There is good news in Iraq, lots of it, we just never hear of it. The Iraqis are doing things with their government that took the United States decades to do. It was difficult for us and its going to be hard for them. But its being done, slowly but surely. And we have to stick with it, we cannot allow the media and the Democrat leaders to shake our will. We are doing the right thing, and we have to do it until its done. Period. The Iraqi's are more optimistic about their country than we are, and they are the ones threatned daily with car bombs and suicide bombers. Why is that? Its because they see the benefits of the US mission there, but we dont. Mistakes have been made in Iraq. Many of them. But that is just a part of war. Its not an easy business, you just have to pray that the men in charge learn from the mistakes and get it right the next time. Luckily we have the best military people in the world over there winning this for us.

I want the troops home as soon as anybody, but I also want them to finish the job they were sent to do first. Just because this war is long does not mean it has lost importance. A stable and Democratic Iraq would be huge in the Middle East. Democracy in the Middle East is as dangerous to terrorists as if a communist country popped up in Western Europe. We need the Arab world to be free, and to reject radical Islam. Iraq is well on its way, and I have faith they can get it right. Once they do, then every US serviceman should return home as the hero's they are. Because they have done an amazing job, and they are winning, and will win. God Bless them, and especially the ones who have given their lives for the cause and their families. They gave their lives for a noble cause, and have continued to protect the freedoms of our country, even for those who dont deserve it. Pray for them. And also pray that this will end soon, in victory, so the world can be a better place.

America can do it, we always have and we always will. God Bless this country.


Friday, March 17, 2006

The Iraq -- Al-Qaeda Connection

ABC News has a story about new documents released by the US Government. Within these documents seems to be proof of a connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Here's what I mean:

Document dated September 15, 2001

An Iraqi intelligence service document saying that their Afghani informant who's only identified by a number, told them that the Afghani Consul Ahmed Dahastani claimed the following in front of him:

- That OBL and the Taliban are in contact with Iraq and that a group of Taliban and bin Laden members visited Iraq.
- That the U.S. has proof that Iraqi government and "bin Laden's group" agreed to cooperate to attack targets inside America.
- That in case the Taliban and bin Laden's group turn out to be involved in "these destructive operations," the U.S. mat strike Iraq and Afghanistan.
-That the Afghani consul heard about the issue of Iraq's relationship with "bin Laden's group" while he was in Iran.

At the end, the writer recommends informing "the committee of intentions" about the above-mentioned items. The signature on the document is unclear.

Well, this is very interesting. Let's see how many in the mainstream media pick up on this.


The Iraqi Truth

A Washington Post op-ed columnist named David Ignatius recently returned back from Iraq. He wrote a piece for the WP which I feel really shows a good and un-baised truth of what is actually happening on the ground over there. Ignatius does say that the country is still a mess, but he feels that we are heading in the right direction, and the steps we are taking now should have been taken years ago. Here is a snipet:
I had a chance to see the new counterinsurgency doctrine in practice here this week. U.S. troops are handing off to the Iraqi army a growing share of the security burden. As the Iraqis step up, the Americans are stepping back into a training and advisory rold. This is the way it should have happened from the beginning.

A brutal stress test came on Feb. 22, when Sunni insurgents destroyed a revered Shiite mosque in Samarra. For a moment, Iraq seemed to be slipping toward civil war, but the Iraqi army performed surprisingly well. In many areas Iraqi forces -- backed up by overwhelming U.S. firepower -- helped restore order. "You never know the tipping point until you're past it," says Gen. George Casey, the commander of American forces here. With many U.S. and Iraqi officials, he hopes Samarra may have been such a tipping point, for the better.

The article is well written and the fact that Ignatius was in Iraq gives him great credibility. I suggest everyone read it.

Source Washington Post


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pre-emption Rules

Today, the Bush Administration reaffirmed its foreign policy in a 49-page national security report. The only parts that the media is reporting about this report is the fact it names Iran as the US's biggest threat (huge surprise), and also that it says the US will continue to use pre-empitive war as a way to combat terrorism. Many people in this country feel that the US should never use pre-emption, that we should only use force when it is used against us. That is extremely dangerous. Why should we have to wait around for an attack to materialize before we take action. We have the best military in the world for a reason, and that reason isnt to let it collect dust while terrorists plot and plan to kill thousands of American civilians.

Had the Clinton Administration used significant military force against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the 1990's we most likely wouldnt be in the position we are today. We cannot be afraid to use force when the occasion warrents, like in Iraq. Saddam Hussein had to go, and we were the only ones who had the will to do it. The rest of the world either didnt care or they were profiting off of Saddam financially, i.e. the French. Now, the enemy's of American realize we have a president who will not be afraid of physical confrontation, if all else fails of course. Osama Bin Laden had no idea of the ramification of his actions on 9/11. I fully realize we havent captured him, however his life certainly is much more difficult as a result of George W. Bush's war on terrorism. Saddam Hussein knows Bush's policy better than just about anybody, because today he is sitting in a jail cell instead of a billion dollar palace while torturing his innocent subjects.

Anti-war kooks cannot allow our government to get rid of pre-emption, if they do we are no better off than Western Europe in the late 1930's. Like Bush says, we must stay on the offensive in this war, or we will be sitting ducks, just like we were on the morning of September 11th. We are no longer the "sleeping giant" like we were prior to Pearl Harbor. We are now a pissed off giant who will and should do everything possible to protect itself. The moment we go back to sleep and capitulate to the threats out there, is the day when we will once again have to awaken to American's bleeding in the streets and jumping to their deaths as the building they work in burns to the point of collapse. We should not accept that as the most power nation in the history of the world. So I say, keep up the good work George W. Bush, and dont let a liberal media and low poll numbers prevent you from doing what you know is right.


Operation Swarmer

Being dubbed the largest air assault in Iraq since 2003, the US military along with Iraqi security forces have launched a major offensive in the town of Samarra which is north of Baghdad. Samarra has become an insurgent stronghold lately and is the site of last months mosque bombing that sparked the "sectarian violence" (the mainstream media's new favorite words) that some said would lead to civil war. That never happened. "Operation Swarmer" consists of about 1,500 soldiers in all, including the Iraqi Army's 1st Brigade, 4th Division, the 101st Airborne Divisions 3rd Brigade Combat Team adn the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade. Whew. The assault also involves 200 tactical vehicles and more than 50 aircraft.

"Operation Swarmer" will go on for days according to the military. Bombs, artillery shells, and military uniforms have already been found in the raid. Lets all hope that they can capture as many insurgents as possible and maybe even Zarqawi, however the military isnt saying whether he was believed to be in the area or not. More news should be coming in about this operation throughout the day and I will let you know of any major developments. God Bless our troops.

Source Foxnews


Update: Most Dangerous Man

Unlike in Vermont, the good people of Ohio are willing to take action in getting rid of unfit judges. Yesterday, both Governor BoB Taft and wannabe Governor Jim Petro, urged the Ohio Legislature to look into how to remove Judge John Conner from the bench after he sentence a convicted child rapist to only probabtion.
The governor's office issued a statement late Wednesday that read, "Judge Conner's sentenced is flat-out wrong," and that the "state legislature should act immediately" with its authorit to "remove a sitting judge."

Jim Petro had this to say:
"I know we have a procedure for organizations within the justice system to evaluate the fitness of the judges to continue to serve, and I would not object to that evaluation."

The people of Franklin Country are also upset with Judge Conner, which begs the question of why they even elected him a couple years ago. But at least they now understand how dangerous this man is and hopefully the legislative process will succeed in removing him from the bench ASAP.

Source ONN


Is There Still a 1st Amendment?

In probably the most pathetic story of the week (well maybe tied with the Russ Feingold hoop-la), an editor of a college newspaper in Illinois, named Acton Gordon, has been fired after he chose to publish the now infamous cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that triggered rage across the Muslim world. IT WAS A FREAKIN CARTOON PEOPLE! Now, I cant believe a guy would get fired for this, isnt that why we have freedom of speech and of the press? He should be able to print whatever he wants as the editor, now it doesnt mean people have to buy it or read it, however he should be able to publish it. The whole situation has just been blown out of proportion, and this proves that thesis. Here's the story from CNN:
The Illini Media Co. board of directors, which comprises students and faculty, voted unanimously to fire the editor after a review "found the Gorton violated Daily Illini policies about thoughtful discussion of and preparation for the publication of inflammatory material," according to a statement.

What a bunch of crap. Here is the response from Mr. Gordon:
"If I can be fired, what will other students think who maybe want to challenge the status quo?" said Gorton, who had briefly addressed a board meeting the previous night. "This is a bad precident."

Damn right. Evidentally the editor of the opinion page was suspended, and then declined to be reinstated, which is awesome. He hit the nail on the head saying:
"We had a news story on our hands, with violence erupting about imagery, but you cant show it because of a taboo, because of a taboo thats not a Western taboo but a Muslim taboo?" he said. "Thats a blow to journalism."

I dont know what these educators over at this school think they are doing, certainly not their job. Aren't college campus's supposed to be a place where young people challenge ideas? I guess the media can show people getting blown up in Iraq on a daily basis, but showing cartoons about Mohammad is against the rules. What is happening to this country?


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Democrats Run and Hide"

Those are the words of the admirable Russ Feingold, who recently called for a censure of the president because of the domestic spying program. Feingold isnt happy because his fellow Democrats in the Senate have pretty much distanced themselves from this ridiculous notion. The most amusing part about this is that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist actually called for a vote on the censure bill, but the Democrats blocked it. Now why on earth would they block their own bill?
Feingold introduced censure legislation Monday in the Senate but not a single Democrat has embraced it. Several have said they want to see the results of a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation before supporting any punitive legislation.

Republicans dismissed the proposal Tuesday as being more about Feingold's 2008 presidential aspirations than Bush's actions. On and off the Senate floor, they have dared Democrats to vote for the resolution.

"I'm amazed at Democrats...cowering with the president's numbers so low," Feingold said.

Its always great when the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot after gaining ground on the GOP. Last week, after the ports deal, they tried to come off as stronger on national security than the president, well Russ Feingold has single-handedly squashed that reality. I must give credit to the rest of the Dems in the Senate for not following this stupidity, however they havent done much to shut Feingold up. This helps the GOP at a time when we need it, so from me and the rest of Republicans in America, thanks Russ Feingold.



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My NCAA Bracket

Alright, this was a tough one. This is the first time in years there is no front runner to win the men's tourney. Let me say real quick that I am still recovering from picking Illinois last year to win the thing which costed me more than $200. I ended up finishing fourth in a league that paid the top three, just my luck. This year, it took me over an hour to fill my bracket out after some serious research compliments of A lot has been made of the fact there are many mid-major schools in the tournament this year, upsetting some people. I feel the contrary, I like having more smaller schools in the mix. I think it makes things more interesting. Anyways, without further adue, let me share with you my priceless pics...

Atlanta Region: I have Duke coming out of Atlanta. They have a lot of offensive firepower and Coach K always puts a quality team on the floor. J.J. Redick is amazing, and Sheldon Williams is always a force down low. However, their depth is not what it normally is, so I suppose an upset is possible, but the Blue Devils should take the region.

Oakland Region: I gotta go with Memphis. This is a tough region with teams like UCLA and Gonzaga, but Memphis has shown all season that they have the athletes to beat anyone on their best day. They are not from a top notch conference, but these guys can play.

Washington D.C. Region: UConn should come out of D.C. without much of a problem. This is probably the weakest region in the tourney this year with the only possible road block coming from last years winner North Carolina, but they arent what they were a year ago. Expect UConn to breeze to the Final Four.

Minneapolis Region: Im still going to take Ohio State, even after that horrible loss to Iowa in the Big Ten Championship. OSU is very tough and balanced, on their best day they can beat anyone, and they will have to as this is a hard region. They will have to go through teams like #1 seed Villanova, Boston College, Florida, and a decent Georgetown team. But if the Buckeyes play well, they can make it to Indy.

Finals: In the championship game I have UConn facing Memphis. I hope I am right because this will be one hell of a game. Two very physical and athletic teams should warrent a close and high scoring affair.

Champ: Im going with Memphis to win it all. They are an underdog, but a very formittable one. They have the talent to go all the way, I just hope their inexperience doesnt cause a breakdown early, because if so im screwed.

Goodluck to all.


Oil Exec's go to Washington...Again

I remember the last time these oil big-wigs testified in front of the Senate a few months ago. The Senate failed at whatever they were trying to do as gas is at $2.49 per gallon at my local station. Now these oil executives were invited back for another round of hearing in front of the Judicial Committee, and it appears the results will remain empty. Nobody in Washington is willing to make a move against the oil companies, for one reason or another. Most of them talk a big game when asked about gas prices, but most americans continue to get nailed at the pump. Senator Arlen Spector is attempting to get some sort of legislation passed, however I am not sure how it will help reduce prices. Here's what I mean:
The main issue at hand was a proposed bill by the committee's chairman, Sen. Arlen Spector, that would limit oil and gas company mergers if the merger would impact supplies or prices.
The legislation would also permit the government to take legal action against the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, for restricting oil supplies and fixing prices.

The response by our oil friends was:
They said restricting mergers or breaking up big companies wouldnt solve the price problem, as price is set on the world market and is driven by supply and demand, but would simply make the U.S. companies less competitive in securing oil supplies in a tight race against the national oil companies from countries such as Russia and China.

Booooooo-Hooooooooo. If these people in the oil industy expect any sympothy from the American people they must by on some goooood drugs. We are all getting screwed, and the worst part is we know it. Everytime I drive by a gas station and see the price of gas jump 40 cents in one day I get angry, because I shouldnt have to pay so much for something I need. American should not have to drive less because oil is expensive, so dont let this call to conserve energy fool you. There is no shortage in supply. The sad part is that nothing will be done and prices are just going to get higher, and higher, and higher. Crude oil was at less than $20 per barrel just 6 years ago, it closed today at close to $63.



Myths of Iraq

In an article at, an author and retired Army officer named Ralph Peters wrote a very impressive piece dicrediting many of the myths Americans are force fed about Iraq. He begins it this way:
During a recent visit to Baghdad, I saw an enormous failure. On the Part of our media. The reality in the streets, day after day, bore little resemblance to the sensational claims of civil war and disaster in the headlines.
No one with first-hand experience of Iraq would claim the country's in rosy condition, but the situation on the ground is considerably more promising than the American public has been led to believe. Lurid Exaggerations and instant myths obscure real, if difficult, progress.
I left Baghdad more optomisitic than I was before the visit. While cynicism, political bias, and the pressure of the 24/7 news cycle accelerate a race to the bottom of reporting, there are good reasons to be soberly hopeful about Iraq's future.

During the rest of the article, he attempts to disprove many of the myths about Iraq that we so commonly hear through the vision of his own personal experience over there. It is a very good and comprehensive story and everyone should read it. Enjoy.


Monday, March 13, 2006

The Most Dangerous Man in Ohio

In my opinion, Ohio Judge John Conner is the most dangerous man in the state right now. Recently, he sentenced a convicted child rapist to ZERO jail time. Instead, this preditor is currently sitting in his home under house arrest. The man was convicted of forcing 2 boys, ages 5 and 12, to partake in oral and anal sex. This is an absolute outrage. As a citizen of Ohio, I cannot allow this man to sit on the bench as he is obviously incompetent. Want more proof? In 2004, Judge Conner had his law license suspended for six months because he was convicted of drunk driving for the second time in five years! Evidentally, Conner has over a half-dozen DUI's in his past.
Another sad part about this story is the lack of media coverage it is getting within the state. I had to hear about this through a national media outlet. So if the major media wont do its job, it is up to us to act accordingly. In doing so, I have contacted and will continue to contact people who can get to the bottom of this story, get it out to the public, and hopefully get this jerk removed from the bench. I still dont know all the details, but I assure you I will report them as soon as they are available. Stay Tuned.


Bill Frist Wins Early Straw Poll

This weekend during the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, a straw poll was conducted to get an early view of the more than 1,400 Republicans leaders from 37 states. Since the conference was held in Tennessee, Frist's home state, it is believed he packed it with supporters so that he could tilt the poll in his favor, and it worked. Frist came in first with 36.9 of all votes cast. Frist's people were successful in getting him the small victory, one much needed as his mainstream appeal was seriously tarnished in 2005. Here are more results:
The shocker of the evening was that Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney placed second, besting far better-known rivals Arizona Sen. John McCain and Virginia Sen. George Allen. Romney finished with 14 percent of the vote.
Third place was shared by Allen and President Bush, each of whom won 10.3 percent of the ballots cast. Bush, who of course is not eligible to run again for president, was the write-in candidate that McCain was pushing through the weekend.

John McCain asked for people to write in Bush because he said that Republicans needed to show the president support during these tough times. However it has been widely reported that he did it because he knew about Frist's plan to inflate the vote. The one major candidate who was not in attendance over the weekend was Rudy Giuliani. Rudy has successfully kept American guessing on whether or not he will run in 2008, and not showing up for the SRLC only helped confuse his supporters.
The significance of this straw poll is marginal considering we are still 2 years from any nomination. However, the conference did help people hear from the laundry list of men who appear to be the current frontrunners. By the way, the winner of the last straw poll in 1998 was a little known Governor of Texas named George W. Bush

MSNBC is doing their own virtual straw poll of GOP candidates and you can vote here.

Source MSNBC


Russ Feingold Must Go

I have realized recently the Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold is a threat to the United States. Not only does the Senator vote for almost every anti-terror measure he can, including the Patriot Act, but now he wants a vote of censure against President Bush, which is obsurd. Let me just say that a censure vote really does not have any meaning, its used more just as an embarassing tool.
Sen. Russ Feingold, a potential presidential candidate, told CNN's "American Morning" the surveillance program is illegal and he will fight again the "intimidation campaign" that the Bush Administration has launched to defend it.
Feingold, a member of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees, said a censure would "send a clear signal" that Bush's actions were "wrong."

Here is how the White House responded to this nonsense:
"I think it does raise the question, how do you fight and win the war on terrorism?" McClellan said. "And if Democrats want to argue that we shouldnt be listening to al Qaeda communication, its their right and we welcome the debate. We are a nation at war."

Exactly. Besides perhaps having a few screws loose, Feingold is only doing this for publicity. The man wants to run for president but he will never gain mainstream support, and this wont help. Im just glad the Democrats are back to these kinds of antics, because after last weeks ports fiasco, Republicans need to look good again.

Sources CNN and Washington Post


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Browns Offseason Looking Promising.

This guy pretty much sums up last season for the Cleveland Browns and us, the fans. They were pitiful. But today's Plain Dealer gave a good summary of what the Browns have been doing since free agency began and I must admit I am very impressed. Someone Pinch me. Here is the update:
They signed two-time Pro Bowl guard/center LeCharles Bentley of St. Ignatius and Ohio State, and receiver Joe Jurevicius of Mentor's Lake Catholic High -- and were finalizing a deal for punter Dave Zastudil of Bay Village, who visited Saturday and had dinner with team officials. They also signed former Falcons left tackle Kevin Shaffer to replace L.J Shelton.

Signing home grown talent sounds good to me. Ok that was what they have done, now here is what is in the works:
The Browns are trying to land Detroit defensive end Kalimba Edwards, Steelers safety Chris hope, Baltimore linebacker Bart Scott, and Oakland defensive tackle Ted Washington. Savaged (Browns GM) all but ruled out Redskins linebacker LaVar Arrington and did not appear to have Pats linebacker Willie McGinest on the front burner.

Its about damn time that a Cleveland team is willing to shell out the cash to get premium players and not hope that luck will make winners out of mediocrity. In my opinion, the offense is already looking playoff calibre, as long as they stay healthy, but we know how that goes. Now, especially with the draft coming up, the Browns must look for defense. They need speedy linebackers for the 3-4, so that should be top priority now. I know its early, but so far so good.

Source is the Plain Dealer


In the News

Here are some of todays headlines:

Reports say there is discussion of closing Guantanamo Bay detention base for terrorists [source]

Moronic hecklers harass families of US soldiers killed in Iraq [source]

Bill Frist wins informal straw poll of GOP frontrunners for 2008 [source]

Tornadoes rip through Midwest; kill 2 in Missouri [source]

Bomb kills 4 US soldiers in Afghanistan [source]

Hit TV show 'The Sopranos' starts a new season tonight on HBO [source]

Sen. Russ Feingold wants to censure Pres. Bush over eavesdropping program [source]



Saturday, March 11, 2006

Headlines this Weekend

Here are some top news stories of the weekend:

Former Yugoslovian leader Slobodon Milosevic found dead in his jail cell [Source]
American hostage Tom Fox tortured and killed by terrorists in Iraq [Source]
Rain expected in Phoenix today after record 143 days without any precip [Source]
The Dixie Chicks plan to release album with record bashing President Bush [source]
Jordan executes two terrorists convicted of killing American in 2002 [source]
Anti-Bush teacher Jay Bennish back in the classroom following suspension [source]
USA beats South Africa 17-0 in third game of World Baseball Classic; USA advances [source]
2008 GOP hopefulls gather in Tennessee to discuss issues and '06 election [source]
Former advisor to Pres. Bush Claude Allen arrested on theft charges [source]


Awesome Chalk Artwork

I found this on and thought it was amazing. It is a bunch of pics of sidewalk chalk artists who draw these unreal 3D pictures. Check it out.


Friday, March 10, 2006

The Economy is Good Stupid

Contrary to popular belief, the US economy is doing great according to most economists. Even with ridiculous gas prices, a war on terror, and a large trade deficit, the economy continues to impress. The newly released Labor statistics from February illustrate the upward trend.
Hiring gained ground in February with employers adding 243,000 jobs, the most in three months.Brighter job prospects sent people streaming into the labor market, however, pushing the unemployment rate up marginally to 4.8 percent.

The story continues:
"Businesses are appearently seeing strong enough growth in demand for their goods and services to look for more workers-- and businesses are being forced to pay up for them because wages are rising strongly, too," said economist Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economic Advisors. "The job market is becoming more and more friendly if you are a worker or looking to become one."
The unemployment rate inched up to 4.8 percent from a 4 1/2 year low of 4.7 percent in January. the bump-up in the jobless rate came as people -- feeling better about job prospects -- applied for work.
"You are seeing a large number of people coming out of the woodwork because there are jobs to be found. People are now looking for jobs because it is now worth looking," said Bill Cheney, chief economist at John Hancock.

For some reason, the positive news about the economy is largly under reported in the media. But the fact is that the economy is as good as its been since the recession we had when Bill Clinton left office in early 2001.

Source Yahoo Finance


Bush Finally Speaks About Ports Deal

The President finally made public statements about the Dubai ports deal, unfortunetaly he is too late to save the failed proposal. Here's the story from CNN:
President Bush said Friday he was concerned about "the broader message" that the failed port operation deal with a United Arab Emirates company sends to other Arab allies in the U.S. war on terrorism.
"In order to win the war on terror, we've got to strengthen our relationships and friendships with moderate Arab countries in the Middle East," Bush told a meeting of the National Newspaper Association in Washington.
"The UAE is a committed ally in the war on terror. They are a key partner for our military in a critical region."

And here is the proof of that:
"Outside of our own country, Dubai [the UAE region where DP World is based] services more of our military ships than any country in the world," Bush said.
"We're sharing intelligence so we can hunt down the terrorists...I'm committed to strengthening our relationship with the UAE and explaining why its important to Congress and the American people."

Goodluck with that Mr. President. It seems appearant to me that the Democrats dont want allies unless they are European. Bush just needs to let this one go, talking about it now is just as bad as being silent before. The Damage has been done.
