Monday, February 27, 2006

Still Living in a 'September 10th' World

Here is concrete proof that liberals cannot be trusted with national security nor do they ever seem to acknowledge the fact that we are involved in a war on terrorism. A professor from MIT named Barry Posen wrote an op-ed in the New York Times today titled, "We Can Live With A Nuclear Iran." If the title isnt bad enough, here are the first few paragraphs from the NYT:
The intense concern about Iran's nuclear energy program reflects the judgement that, should it turn to the production of weapons, an Iran with nuclear arms would gravely endanger the United States and the world. An Iranian nuclear arsenal, policymakers fear, could touch off a regional arms race while emboldening Tehran to undertake agressive, even reckless action.
But these outcomes are not inevitable, nor are they beyond the capacity of the United States and its allies to defuse. Indeed, while its seldom a positive thing when a new nuclear power emerges, there is a reason to believe that we could readily manage a nuclear Iran.

This poor man must have seriously lost his mind if he actually believes his thesis that at nuclear Iran can be diffused. Iran is a country with a president who himself says he wants to see Israel "wiped off the map." You cannot put weapons capable of distroying entire cities in the hands of an obvious psychopath. Furthermore, what would stop the Iranian's from selling or simply giving them to terrorits? Here is what Posen says about that:
Would Iran give nuclear weapons to terrorists? We know that Tehran has given other kinds of weapons to terrorists and aligned itself with terrorist organizations, like Hezbollah in Lebanon. But to threaten much less carry out, a nuclear attack on a nuclear power is to become a nuclear target.

Once again Posen shows hes living in the past. What he is talking about here is MAD or Mutual Assured Distruction, which is a term from the Cold War. The situtation is totally different and if Iran gave a weapon to the terrorist they could make it easily untracable. Also, Im not saying that a nuclear weapon would find itself on American soil, but what if they use one in Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, or Israel, then what? Iran is one country feeding the insurgency in Iraq, and a recipe to split the atom isnt one I want to see on the menu anytime soon.
Posen does not understand the risk, and unfortunetly he's not alone. Too many people in this country dont grasp the fact that these types of weapons in the hands of tyrants will put us, our troops, and our allies in grave danger. I hope you all read the rest of his article, because it really shows the danger we would all be in if this type of appeasement was mainstream today. 9/11 showed us what can happen if we just wait and hope we can contain things, obviously Mr. Posen wasnt paying attention that morning.


1 comment:

Scott said...

Brad: I wrote a response to this entry on my blog. Check it out if you get a chance.