Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hackett Helping the GOP?

Former Senate candidate Paul Hackett is lambasting Sherrod Brown's national security record now that Hackett is out of the race for Senate. He is obviously unhappy with the way Brown forced him out of the race, and now he is retaliating by slamming the Congressman. A recent article in the Toledo Blade expresses some of the charges:

Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Sherrod Brown voted to cut intellegence funding more than a dozen times before the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a record that Paul Hackett's campaign advisers called proff that Mr. Brown could not win in November

Nice stuff...but it gets better:

"For Sherrod Brown, the issue of terrorism presents a big problem," a Hackett consultant wrote in an undated memo. A paragraph later, the consultant called Mr. Brown's intellegence votes "evidence that Brown would be pummeled in a general election match-up, as we already know how Republican use the issue of terrorism against Democrats."

Gotta love it...but check this:

The Hackett researchers also noted that Mr. Brown voted against the entire intellegence appropriations bill in 1998 and voted twice to declassify Congress's intellegence spending levels, which are secret. He opposed creating the Department of Homeland Security, along with establishing and reauthorizing the Patriot Act.

Mr. Brown also voted against amendments to a 2004 intellegence overhaul that aimed to increase the governments power to detain and deport suspected terrorists.

This is great stuff, and the best part is that a Democrat is using his own record to slaughter Sherrod Brown. The guy is a liberal who's obviously incredibly weak on just about any national security issue we have in America Today. After what just happened in Toledo yesterday where they arrested 3 suspected terrorists, we cannot allow Sherrod Brown's way of thinking to determine how we fight the war on terror. Im hoping that Ohio voters will realize this because if Brown get elected, were all in deeeeeeep trouble.


1 comment:

Scott said...

You're right, we shouldn't let someone like Sherrod Brown into Washington D.C., because the current administration certainly knows how to keep us safe...

Well, I wish I could sit here and write some more, but I'm busy putting in job applications to 6 United States seaports that are, as I understand it, under "new management."