Monday, February 13, 2006

Saddams Trial is Becoming a Joke

This whole Saddam Hussein trial thing is beginning to make me a little nervous. The trial itself is a complete disgrace and if things dont change soon I think the tyrant might get off scott free. Today's version of this continuing judicial soap opera proved to be one of the most entertaining with Saddam screaming "down with Bush" and then calling the judges and the prosecution "homosexuals." The trial began on October 19th of last year and has only held sportaic proceedings, today was the first session in 11 days. What I dont understand is why Saddam is not held in contempt or repremanded when he misbehaves, which seems to be constantly. A circus like this would never be allowed in the United States, so why should we expect anything different from the Iraqis? This is arguably the most important trial of our lifetimes, just like the Nuremburg Tribunals were to our grandparents. US troops died when we invaded that country to get Saddam out of power, but now he is once again in charge but this time it is of his own trial. We cannot allow this idiot to go unpunished for what he did to his people during his reign of terror and I personally dont care what the judges in the case have to do to make sure he sees justice. The guy is guilty as hell and as far as Im concerned they should just take him out back and torture him just like he did to people for 20 sum-odd-years. The bottom line is the Iraqis have to get their act together and make sure they get this right, because if the Iraqi people cant even convict Saddam Hussein of these obvious crimes (talk about a no brainer) then how can we ever expect them to responsibly govern themselves at all?


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