Thursday, September 14, 2006


The mainstream media is thrilled tonight. They are hoping and praying for a showdown between Republicans in the Senate over whether or not terror suspects should be given military tribunals when captured. I hate to burst their bubbles, but it aint gonna happen. The GOP is finally making serious headway when it comes to the fall elections. The Presidents approval ratings are also going up, so it would be political suicide for Republicans in the Senate to get in a fight over this issue. Dont let me make you think that this issue is not important, because it is. Its extremely important actually. Ya know what I wish? I just wish lawmakers would use common sense when it comes to the war on terror.

What are we talking about here? Well, we are talking about terrorists that are being picked up off the battlefield all over the Middle East. These people are planning, plotting, and carrying out attacks that are killing and wounding are troops. And now, people want to give them rights once they are captured. These are not soldiers of a particular Army, the kind for which the Geneva Convention was intended. These are murderers who routinely and purposly use terrorist tactics to kill innocent men, women, and children.

People on the left in this country want them treated humanly, regardless of the situation, even if the suspect has knowledge of an imminent attack on the United States that could kill thousands of people or more. I find that way of thinking disturbing and irresponsible. Why shouldnt we be able to use coercive interigation if these people know of attacks? If its going to keep my family safe, I couldnt careless how the scumbag is treated that wants to murder innocent Americans. The enemy sure doesnt care, they arent abiding by the Geneva Conventions. They bombing residential buildings and behead journalists and soldiers, but now we want to give them the same rights as convicted felons. I just dont get it.

This war will be won or lost on intelligence information. We have obviously had our share of problems with intel in the past, but if it takes a little torture to be able to protect this country, I say go right ahead. Im not saying torture any innocent person off the street, but if there is someone who is trying to kill US troops and is an enemy of this country, give him the works. This isnt a situation where being nice will gain us any ground. Its not like by doing what I advise, the enemy will get meaner, they already torture and murder their enemies. Military tribunals of terrorists will not help us win the war on terror, and I know that the Republicans in the Senate realize the completely. Again, dont expect to see the GOP split on this one. Sorry CNN.


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