Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Today at the United Nations, Hugo Chavez called President Bush 'the devil'. Here is what I want to know, why do we let this man come to our country anyway? I dont care if he was at the UN or not, he should not be in the United States of America. He is the enemy. Chavez has some sort of chip on his shoulder because he has oil in his country. Im not sure who he is trying to kid, but he does not scare anyone. If he makes one false move, he will be obliderated within a matter of minutes. His military is pathetic and wouldnt be able to stand up to us for a week.

I hope that every American politician, regardless of party, comes out and denounces these ridiculous comments. We should not have to put up with this kind of crap, and if we stand united against our enemies, like Chavez, we wont. Cindy Sheehan and Harry Belafonte should be proud of their best friend. Im almost positive they are gitty tonight at what Chavez said, which just proves how nutty those types of people are. I hope that Hugo Chavez is never allowed back within the United States, except to kiss George W. Bush's feet. I know thats not likely, but it sure would be a great picture.


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