I just thought Id let you know how I feel. Thanks bye.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
I was asked to write a column in the Avon Lake Press about the president and why he is doing a good job. It should be in Wednesday's addition, so check it out and let me know what you think.
The Presidents approval rating remains in the low 40's according to a new CNN poll. Almost all the recent polls have his numbers on the rise. Thats good news by the way.
DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT ask former president Bill Clinton any tough questions about terrorism. He cannot handle it. He might lose his temper and freak out on you while spewing out untrue facts. Hes a bit hot under the collar that one is, so if you plan to ask anything that isnt a softball you might want to bring a taser. Thank you.
-Brad Michael Negulescu
-Brad Michael Negulescu
Friday, September 22, 2006
Sherrod Brown and Mike DeWine will debate today on the Triv Show. The show starts at 3:30 and is on WTAM 1100. This should be great and I hope everyone listens. This could be huge for DeWine who should be able to wipe the floor with Brown. Lets all hope he comes through. Enjoy.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Cleveland.com is doing something very neat. They are allowing candidates to blog for a few days at at a time, to really explain themselves to the voters on a more personal level. Congressional candidate Craig Foltin is blogging right now, and you can read it here. I hope you all check it out because its a good way to learn about the people we should vote for. Bye.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Today at the United Nations, Hugo Chavez called President Bush 'the devil'. Here is what I want to know, why do we let this man come to our country anyway? I dont care if he was at the UN or not, he should not be in the United States of America. He is the enemy. Chavez has some sort of chip on his shoulder because he has oil in his country. Im not sure who he is trying to kid, but he does not scare anyone. If he makes one false move, he will be obliderated within a matter of minutes. His military is pathetic and wouldnt be able to stand up to us for a week.
I hope that every American politician, regardless of party, comes out and denounces these ridiculous comments. We should not have to put up with this kind of crap, and if we stand united against our enemies, like Chavez, we wont. Cindy Sheehan and Harry Belafonte should be proud of their best friend. Im almost positive they are gitty tonight at what Chavez said, which just proves how nutty those types of people are. I hope that Hugo Chavez is never allowed back within the United States, except to kiss George W. Bush's feet. I know thats not likely, but it sure would be a great picture.
I hope that every American politician, regardless of party, comes out and denounces these ridiculous comments. We should not have to put up with this kind of crap, and if we stand united against our enemies, like Chavez, we wont. Cindy Sheehan and Harry Belafonte should be proud of their best friend. Im almost positive they are gitty tonight at what Chavez said, which just proves how nutty those types of people are. I hope that Hugo Chavez is never allowed back within the United States, except to kiss George W. Bush's feet. I know thats not likely, but it sure would be a great picture.
More Polls!
Ok some new polls are out today which always gets my blood pumping since I consider myself a poll whore. With that said, lets get into the numbers shall we?
Quinnipiac poll
Strickland (D) 53%
Blackwell (R) 35.7%
Undecided 8%
University of Cincinnati Poll
Strickland (D) 50%
Blackwell (R) 38%
Undecided 7%
U.S Senator
Quinnipiac Poll
Brown (D) 45%
DeWine (R) 44%
Undecided 11%
University of Cinci Poll
Brown (D) 51%
DeWine (R) 47%
Undecided 2%
The polls are all over the map, and with a different one coming out everyday, interpret them at your own disgression. My feelings, Blackwell continues to fall while DeWine shows some momentum. I still think that Blackwell will lose and DeWine will win. Thats That.
Quinnipiac poll
Strickland (D) 53%
Blackwell (R) 35.7%
Undecided 8%
University of Cincinnati Poll
Strickland (D) 50%
Blackwell (R) 38%
Undecided 7%
U.S Senator
Quinnipiac Poll
Brown (D) 45%
DeWine (R) 44%
Undecided 11%
University of Cinci Poll
Brown (D) 51%
DeWine (R) 47%
Undecided 2%
The polls are all over the map, and with a different one coming out everyday, interpret them at your own disgression. My feelings, Blackwell continues to fall while DeWine shows some momentum. I still think that Blackwell will lose and DeWine will win. Thats That.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
A new USA Today/Gallup poll is out today with very good news for Republicans. Its about time right? In this poll, President Bush's approval rating is up to 44%, with 51% disapproval. That is up alot over the past few weeks. I guess his speeches on the war are paying off, plus the anniversary of 9/11 will always help him.
Another important number in the poll is the generic congressional ballot. According to Gallup, the generic vote is now even between Republicans and Democrats. This is a crucial development as far as 2006 is concerned. I hope the president can continue to get his numbers up, because if so, I feel very confident the GOP will do just fine in November.
Another important number in the poll is the generic congressional ballot. According to Gallup, the generic vote is now even between Republicans and Democrats. This is a crucial development as far as 2006 is concerned. I hope the president can continue to get his numbers up, because if so, I feel very confident the GOP will do just fine in November.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Never in my life have I seen a person lose as much as Maurice Clarett has over the past four years. The kid had the world at his disposal, with millions of dollars guarenteed to him as long as he just played football. Today, the guy is a disaters. For at least the next three and a half years, Clarett will be locked up because of his numerous run-ins with the law. Maybe, just maybe this stint in the clink will straighten him out, because if not, if he continues to lead this life, he will eventually end up dead, which im surprised he hasnt already. This story is a shame, but its a perfect example of what can happen when people get fame and fortune in a matter of weeks. Clarett aint the first and he wont be the last.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Im no huge fan of Hillary Clinton, but something she said recently was very impressive. I dont know exactly where she said this and I dont really care, all I know is that its about time somebody from the Democratic Party bashed the hell out of the movie that depicts the assassination of President Bush. Here are her comments:
Thats awesome. She does herself some serious justice when talking like that. I just hope it doesnt happen to often!
"I think its despicable," Clinton said of "Death of a President," a fictional film that features a staged assassination of the president in 2007. "I think its absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."
Thats awesome. She does herself some serious justice when talking like that. I just hope it doesnt happen to often!
Thursday, September 14, 2006

The mainstream media is thrilled tonight. They are hoping and praying for a showdown between Republicans in the Senate over whether or not terror suspects should be given military tribunals when captured. I hate to burst their bubbles, but it aint gonna happen. The GOP is finally making serious headway when it comes to the fall elections. The Presidents approval ratings are also going up, so it would be political suicide for Republicans in the Senate to get in a fight over this issue. Dont let me make you think that this issue is not important, because it is. Its extremely important actually. Ya know what I wish? I just wish lawmakers would use common sense when it comes to the war on terror.
What are we talking about here? Well, we are talking about terrorists that are being picked up off the battlefield all over the Middle East. These people are planning, plotting, and carrying out attacks that are killing and wounding are troops. And now, people want to give them rights once they are captured. These are not soldiers of a particular Army, the kind for which the Geneva Convention was intended. These are murderers who routinely and purposly use terrorist tactics to kill innocent men, women, and children.
People on the left in this country want them treated humanly, regardless of the situation, even if the suspect has knowledge of an imminent attack on the United States that could kill thousands of people or more. I find that way of thinking disturbing and irresponsible. Why shouldnt we be able to use coercive interigation if these people know of attacks? If its going to keep my family safe, I couldnt careless how the scumbag is treated that wants to murder innocent Americans. The enemy sure doesnt care, they arent abiding by the Geneva Conventions. They bombing residential buildings and behead journalists and soldiers, but now we want to give them the same rights as convicted felons. I just dont get it.
This war will be won or lost on intelligence information. We have obviously had our share of problems with intel in the past, but if it takes a little torture to be able to protect this country, I say go right ahead. Im not saying torture any innocent person off the street, but if there is someone who is trying to kill US troops and is an enemy of this country, give him the works. This isnt a situation where being nice will gain us any ground. Its not like by doing what I advise, the enemy will get meaner, they already torture and murder their enemies. Military tribunals of terrorists will not help us win the war on terror, and I know that the Republicans in the Senate realize the completely. Again, dont expect to see the GOP split on this one. Sorry CNN.
What are we talking about here? Well, we are talking about terrorists that are being picked up off the battlefield all over the Middle East. These people are planning, plotting, and carrying out attacks that are killing and wounding are troops. And now, people want to give them rights once they are captured. These are not soldiers of a particular Army, the kind for which the Geneva Convention was intended. These are murderers who routinely and purposly use terrorist tactics to kill innocent men, women, and children.
People on the left in this country want them treated humanly, regardless of the situation, even if the suspect has knowledge of an imminent attack on the United States that could kill thousands of people or more. I find that way of thinking disturbing and irresponsible. Why shouldnt we be able to use coercive interigation if these people know of attacks? If its going to keep my family safe, I couldnt careless how the scumbag is treated that wants to murder innocent Americans. The enemy sure doesnt care, they arent abiding by the Geneva Conventions. They bombing residential buildings and behead journalists and soldiers, but now we want to give them the same rights as convicted felons. I just dont get it.
This war will be won or lost on intelligence information. We have obviously had our share of problems with intel in the past, but if it takes a little torture to be able to protect this country, I say go right ahead. Im not saying torture any innocent person off the street, but if there is someone who is trying to kill US troops and is an enemy of this country, give him the works. This isnt a situation where being nice will gain us any ground. Its not like by doing what I advise, the enemy will get meaner, they already torture and murder their enemies. Military tribunals of terrorists will not help us win the war on terror, and I know that the Republicans in the Senate realize the completely. Again, dont expect to see the GOP split on this one. Sorry CNN.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ya know what is just precious, when the pot calls the kettle black. Allow me to digress. Remember a few years back when the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks said she was ashamed of the President while giving a concert in Britain which costed her and her band mates their careers? And then remember how they came back this year after being in hiding to release an album that had only one single, which once again was supposed to be a shot at the President and conservatives? I think its safe to say that their career choices up till now have not been exactly lucrative, since they cant even put together a tour in the United States. Once again, the Chicks just cannot learn to shut their mouths. It unbelievable really how dumb these three are. Just amazing.
They evidentally have a documentary coming out soon. Yay! Now who in the hell would want to watch a movie about the Dixie Chicks? If you raised your hand, you need to get a life. And Im serious about that. In this documentary, there apparently is a part where the DC's are shown a clip of President Bush discussing all their hoop-la and their reaction is puuuuure gold.
How nice. I gotta tell you, if I was the other two girls in the band, I would seriously be about ready to strangle that idiot. She has single-handedly ruined their careers. I just dont understand how somebody could be so stupid. If she thinks Bush is dumb, maybe she should look at her own pathetic situation. I mean if you want an analogy, the DC's are a musical equivilant to Maurice Clarett. They were on top of the world three years ago, now they cant even play a concert in most US cities and many radio stations wont even play their music. Now I ask you, whose the real dumb f---?
They evidentally have a documentary coming out soon. Yay! Now who in the hell would want to watch a movie about the Dixie Chicks? If you raised your hand, you need to get a life. And Im serious about that. In this documentary, there apparently is a part where the DC's are shown a clip of President Bush discussing all their hoop-la and their reaction is puuuuure gold.
In one memorable scene, Maines watches news footage of the president being interviewed about the furor that followed the singer's on-stage comment that she was "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas," which resulted in the group being dropped from most radio stations, as well as protests and plummeting sales. "The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind," Bush told Tom Brokaw at the time, adding, "They shouldnt have their feelings hurt because some people dont want to buy their records when they speak out. You know, freedom is a two-way street."
After watching the footage, Maines repeats the president's comment about how the group shouldnt have their "feelings hurt," incredulous, and then says, "What a dumb f---." She then looks into the camera, as if addressing Bush, and reiterates, "You're a dumb f---."
How nice. I gotta tell you, if I was the other two girls in the band, I would seriously be about ready to strangle that idiot. She has single-handedly ruined their careers. I just dont understand how somebody could be so stupid. If she thinks Bush is dumb, maybe she should look at her own pathetic situation. I mean if you want an analogy, the DC's are a musical equivilant to Maurice Clarett. They were on top of the world three years ago, now they cant even play a concert in most US cities and many radio stations wont even play their music. Now I ask you, whose the real dumb f---?
Oh how I love new poll numbers. These come to us courtesy of Zogby, whom by the way I have my doubts about. But regardless, its a little bit of good news for the GOP.
Ohio Governor's Race
Strickland (D) 48%
Blackwell (R) 42%
Ohio Senate Race
Brown (D) 45%
DeWine (R) 41%
I still think that DeWine will win, but lets just hope that the numbers show it by election day.
Ohio Governor's Race
Strickland (D) 48%
Blackwell (R) 42%
Ohio Senate Race
Brown (D) 45%
DeWine (R) 41%
I still think that DeWine will win, but lets just hope that the numbers show it by election day.
Monday, September 11, 2006

President Bush will address the nation tonight at 9:00. I hope his speech is as good tonight as it was 5 years ago. He said on 9/11/01, "A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
Today we remember all those who died five years ago. You will never be forgotten.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Little Bit of Perspective
Can you believe its been five years since 9/11? I cant. I dont know about you, but I remember that morning like it was this morning. The anniversary's are always kind of tough on me. I know that might sound stupid but its true. I was 18 in 2001. I had just left for college, to sow my wild oats if you will. It was my third week of school when everything happened, and it really affected me. Maybe it was because I was so young. I guess I was old enough to realize the severity of the situation, but still not mature enough control my emotions. I can honestly say that that day forever changed the way that I think. Prior to 9/11, I wasnt very politically involved. I was always up to date on current events, but mostly because my dad would watch the news every single night, and I just sat there, usually against my will. But as I watched those events unfold, I felt so completely helpless. I was totally paralyzed by fear and sorrow. I could not sleep that night, it was the first time I was ever afraid to be an American.
Those feelings have stuck with me to this day. Following 9/11, I found a new interest in politics and how our government operated. I guess you could say its become an obsession for me over the past five years, but I consider that a good thing. My knowledge in politics has helped me become a better person, and has driven me to not only major in political science, but also to hopefully work for the government in some shape or form. Its an irony that I dont take for granted. Out of those horrific events in 2001, came an opportunity for me, and Ive seized it. There wouldnt be a bradsjournal.com without 9/11.
I just wish more people were like me. We all remember the events and the exact place we were when we heard the news, but many forget how they felt that day, and thats a tragedy in it of itself. I guess time has healed those wounds for some, but not for me. The images of innocent people being forced to jump 100 stories to their deaths have been forever etched into my mind, which does not allow me to become complacit. Some people call what I just said scare-tactics. Let me ask you, doesnt it scare you to think you might be forced to jump out of a high rise building to your death because someone hates the way you live your life? Does it scare you that a family member could on any given day meet that same fate? Terrorism is called Terrorism because its supposed to scare you. Its not coincidence that the root of the word itself is terror. Look it up in the dictionary if you dont know what it means. Terrorists use fear as their primary weapon. Its supposed to scare all people into submission, but that plan backfired on them the minute that first plan hit that first tower five years ago tomorrow.
Almost every generation of Americans has had their lives altered by some major geo-political event; from the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, to the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, to the assassination of another president in 1963, and finally to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Those before us have been able take tragedy and turn it into truimph. Now its our turn. The struggle that started five years ago continues, and victory is attainable. But we must go back to that morning, and remember the emotions felt, because only with that will and resolve will we be able to come out of these troubled times with the defeat of our enemies. Tomorrow, remember how your body responded to what your eyes were showing you that morning, and that should give you a little perpective.
Those feelings have stuck with me to this day. Following 9/11, I found a new interest in politics and how our government operated. I guess you could say its become an obsession for me over the past five years, but I consider that a good thing. My knowledge in politics has helped me become a better person, and has driven me to not only major in political science, but also to hopefully work for the government in some shape or form. Its an irony that I dont take for granted. Out of those horrific events in 2001, came an opportunity for me, and Ive seized it. There wouldnt be a bradsjournal.com without 9/11.
I just wish more people were like me. We all remember the events and the exact place we were when we heard the news, but many forget how they felt that day, and thats a tragedy in it of itself. I guess time has healed those wounds for some, but not for me. The images of innocent people being forced to jump 100 stories to their deaths have been forever etched into my mind, which does not allow me to become complacit. Some people call what I just said scare-tactics. Let me ask you, doesnt it scare you to think you might be forced to jump out of a high rise building to your death because someone hates the way you live your life? Does it scare you that a family member could on any given day meet that same fate? Terrorism is called Terrorism because its supposed to scare you. Its not coincidence that the root of the word itself is terror. Look it up in the dictionary if you dont know what it means. Terrorists use fear as their primary weapon. Its supposed to scare all people into submission, but that plan backfired on them the minute that first plan hit that first tower five years ago tomorrow.
Almost every generation of Americans has had their lives altered by some major geo-political event; from the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, to the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, to the assassination of another president in 1963, and finally to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Those before us have been able take tragedy and turn it into truimph. Now its our turn. The struggle that started five years ago continues, and victory is attainable. But we must go back to that morning, and remember the emotions felt, because only with that will and resolve will we be able to come out of these troubled times with the defeat of our enemies. Tomorrow, remember how your body responded to what your eyes were showing you that morning, and that should give you a little perpective.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
A New Look
Well, I hope you all enjoy the new look to Bradsjournal.com. The truth is that I accidentally deleted my entire template, so I had to start from scratch. And rather than trying to make it look exactly the same as it did, I decided to change things up a bit. I am still working on it and hope to have all the kinks out soon. Please let me know what you think, and any changes you might think I should make. The content will still be the same, and I will still be annoying liberals everywhere. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
*New bradsjournal.com Poll*
Ok I have posted a new poll and its just right of these words. Its a very simple and important question, will the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives following the November 7th election? As of now, I dont think so. Yes, they will pick up seats, but I think that once the debates play out in many of the hotly contested races this fall, the GOP will be able to maintain its majority. But I want to hear what you think. So please vote and leave comments if you want. Thanks in advance.
Ok I have posted a new poll and its just right of these words. Its a very simple and important question, will the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives following the November 7th election? As of now, I dont think so. Yes, they will pick up seats, but I think that once the debates play out in many of the hotly contested races this fall, the GOP will be able to maintain its majority. But I want to hear what you think. So please vote and leave comments if you want. Thanks in advance.
The Democrats and Iraq
I recently came across some quotes made by some prominent Democrats prior to the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. If you hear them talk today, the constantly complain about how the President lied about WMD's and how we were misled into this war and blah blah blah. Well lets take trip back in time shall we to a time when the Democrats also knew the threat Saddam Hussein posed to our country. The media will never ask these people to explain their comments, but I would sure like them to. Here we go:
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY): "I voted for the Iraqi resolution. I consider the prospect of a nuclear-armed Saddam Hussein who can threaten not only his neighbors, but the stability of the region and the world, a very serious threat to the United States. 1/22/03
Senator John Francis Kerry (D-Mass): "According to the CIA's report, all the US intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." 10/9/02
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal): "Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons." 10/10/02
Rep. Jane Harman (D-Cal): "What will happen not just with al-qaeda but with Hezbollah and Hamas and all the other terrorist groups around the world if Iraq is permitted to continue to amass weapons of mass destruction and to develop nuclear capabilities." 2/16/03
Its funny how they got it back then, but now that the war has been difficult, they have changed their minds for political gain, regardless of the effect it might have on the effort of the troops on the ground still trying to win. These people are hypocrits of the worst kind, and could very well be in power come November. Now there is a scare tactic for ya.
I recently came across some quotes made by some prominent Democrats prior to the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. If you hear them talk today, the constantly complain about how the President lied about WMD's and how we were misled into this war and blah blah blah. Well lets take trip back in time shall we to a time when the Democrats also knew the threat Saddam Hussein posed to our country. The media will never ask these people to explain their comments, but I would sure like them to. Here we go:
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY): "I voted for the Iraqi resolution. I consider the prospect of a nuclear-armed Saddam Hussein who can threaten not only his neighbors, but the stability of the region and the world, a very serious threat to the United States. 1/22/03
Senator John Francis Kerry (D-Mass): "According to the CIA's report, all the US intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons." 10/9/02
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal): "Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons." 10/10/02
Rep. Jane Harman (D-Cal): "What will happen not just with al-qaeda but with Hezbollah and Hamas and all the other terrorist groups around the world if Iraq is permitted to continue to amass weapons of mass destruction and to develop nuclear capabilities." 2/16/03
Its funny how they got it back then, but now that the war has been difficult, they have changed their minds for political gain, regardless of the effect it might have on the effort of the troops on the ground still trying to win. These people are hypocrits of the worst kind, and could very well be in power come November. Now there is a scare tactic for ya.
Monday, September 04, 2006
In Memoriam
STEVE IRWIN 1962-2006
Im sure by now most of you have heard that the 'Crocodile Hunter' Stever Irwin was killed today by a sting ray. The ray apparently stabbed Irwin in the heart while he was diving in Australia. I dont know why, but its sad whenever someone like him dies a freakish and untimely death. I especially feel bad for his wife and two young kids. But, Irwin lived his life dangerously. Im sure no one thought a sting ray would cause his eventual demise, he was bound to get seriously injured by either a poisionous snake or crocodile at some point and time. We see this time and time again when humans try to tame mother nature. Remember a few years back with the guy from Siegfried and Roy was mauled by a friggin tiger. Its incredibly dangerous to do that type of work, but it pays off financially for these people. Regardless, Steve Irwin died doing what he loved, which I hope comforts his family. Live by the sword and die by the sword. Rest in Peace Steve, you will be missed.
Im sure by now most of you have heard that the 'Crocodile Hunter' Stever Irwin was killed today by a sting ray. The ray apparently stabbed Irwin in the heart while he was diving in Australia. I dont know why, but its sad whenever someone like him dies a freakish and untimely death. I especially feel bad for his wife and two young kids. But, Irwin lived his life dangerously. Im sure no one thought a sting ray would cause his eventual demise, he was bound to get seriously injured by either a poisionous snake or crocodile at some point and time. We see this time and time again when humans try to tame mother nature. Remember a few years back with the guy from Siegfried and Roy was mauled by a friggin tiger. Its incredibly dangerous to do that type of work, but it pays off financially for these people. Regardless, Steve Irwin died doing what he loved, which I hope comforts his family. Live by the sword and die by the sword. Rest in Peace Steve, you will be missed.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
What Would the Democrats Do?
Today on Meet The Press, Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum took his opponent, Democrat Bob Casey, to schoooooool. It was great to finally watch a Republican not only hold his own on a show like this, but also not apologize for being a Republican. We keed hearing about how GOP incumbants are running away from the President this year because of his unpopularity and blah blah blah, but Santorum supports Bush almost 100% of the time, and he isnt afraid to admit it. Santorum was able to illustrate just how dumb many Democratic candidates are this year. Obviously, many of them are opportunists who think they can capitalize on public opinion and get elected while not having to really have a plan for any issues that are important to every day Americans. I think it has worked up until know, but the debates this fall will be extremely telling.
Labor Day is tomorrow, and it signifies the official beginning of campaign season. You will start to see numerous campaign adds on your television sets, and you will also start to get alot of literature mailing from candidates. This is when things start getting real exciting for dorks like me. I love it. But I ask you to pay attention to the debates especially. Dont let the Democratic Party win the Congress without explaining what they want to do for our nation. Make them be specific, because otherwise they wont. Bob Casey this morning would not offer any solutions to problems, he simply spewed the same talking points that Howard Dean says on a daily basis. I urge you to watch this mornings Meet The Press and see if for yourself. Santorum got grilled, as Republicans usually do, be he gave great answers to almost every question, and proved why he deserves to be reelected. The show runs about an hour in length, but is worth it. Click here to watch it.
I expect, and hope for that matter, that the GOP will gain substantial ground by election day. Once the Democrats are finally forced to answer the tough questions, I have total faith they will sink themselves. I still think that liberals are the Republicans best weapon in national elections, because they have absolutely no clue as to how to run this country. They wont keep this country safe, they have no idea what to do about Iraq, they will raise taxes, and they will make it impossible for President Bush to get anything done in his last two years in office, regardless of what it is. Yes, they hate him that much. I say again, do yourself a favor and watch the debates this fall, because if they go anything like the one between Rick Santorum and Bob Casey, the GOP should be just fine on November 7th.
Today on Meet The Press, Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum took his opponent, Democrat Bob Casey, to schoooooool. It was great to finally watch a Republican not only hold his own on a show like this, but also not apologize for being a Republican. We keed hearing about how GOP incumbants are running away from the President this year because of his unpopularity and blah blah blah, but Santorum supports Bush almost 100% of the time, and he isnt afraid to admit it. Santorum was able to illustrate just how dumb many Democratic candidates are this year. Obviously, many of them are opportunists who think they can capitalize on public opinion and get elected while not having to really have a plan for any issues that are important to every day Americans. I think it has worked up until know, but the debates this fall will be extremely telling.
Labor Day is tomorrow, and it signifies the official beginning of campaign season. You will start to see numerous campaign adds on your television sets, and you will also start to get alot of literature mailing from candidates. This is when things start getting real exciting for dorks like me. I love it. But I ask you to pay attention to the debates especially. Dont let the Democratic Party win the Congress without explaining what they want to do for our nation. Make them be specific, because otherwise they wont. Bob Casey this morning would not offer any solutions to problems, he simply spewed the same talking points that Howard Dean says on a daily basis. I urge you to watch this mornings Meet The Press and see if for yourself. Santorum got grilled, as Republicans usually do, be he gave great answers to almost every question, and proved why he deserves to be reelected. The show runs about an hour in length, but is worth it. Click here to watch it.
I expect, and hope for that matter, that the GOP will gain substantial ground by election day. Once the Democrats are finally forced to answer the tough questions, I have total faith they will sink themselves. I still think that liberals are the Republicans best weapon in national elections, because they have absolutely no clue as to how to run this country. They wont keep this country safe, they have no idea what to do about Iraq, they will raise taxes, and they will make it impossible for President Bush to get anything done in his last two years in office, regardless of what it is. Yes, they hate him that much. I say again, do yourself a favor and watch the debates this fall, because if they go anything like the one between Rick Santorum and Bob Casey, the GOP should be just fine on November 7th.
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