This is obviously a huge day for anyone invested in the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Here are some pictures from this victorious day.

This is the Iraq PM and others visually proud and happy that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by an airstrike.

Here are some Iraqi Police and military forces dancing in the streets after hearing the news.

Here is a look at the bastard while he was still alive.

This is what was left of the house that Zarqawi and his buddies were blown up in. 500lb bombs can do some seeeerious damage.

These are pictures of the actual airstrike from one of the F-16's that carried out the successful attack.

Here is Zarqawi today. Dead as a doornail. :)
More to come later.
1 comment:
Have you found any other photos of the bombing scene? I heard there was one of Zarqawi with the woman and child who were also killed. Supposedly, it showed that the child had one arm blown off and the body was ripped open from between the legs up to about the stomach area. Also it’s skull was crushed and turned in a creepy way. The woman was shown completely naked. Her upper body was facing up and she was twisted at the waist so that her lower body was facing down and her legs were spread. Her breast area was charred. Her right arm was bent upward in a very unnatural way. The picture showed a pool of blood that appeared to have dripped out of her vagina. And what looked like human excriment was smeared from her butt and partially down one of her legs. (I’m a nurse and when a person dies all their muscles relax and they tend to take a little shit.) I think the government is suppressing this picture because they don’t want another flap like after the cartoons of Mohammed were published. But I think it would certainly show the insurgents that America means business and we will stop at nothing to win this war and keep those muslim extremists off of our shores. I hope you can find this picture and post it. Thanks.
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