This whole thing really really bothers me. Let me first say that if these Marines did what they are being accused of doing, that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of military law. There is no justification for murdering 24 innocent men, women, and children for any reason, even during war.
With that said, the way that the media is handling what potentially happened in Haditha back in November, is a real shame. Not since the day this story broke has the media been willing to give the Marines involved a fair shake. They were convicted since the second TIME magazing ran the story back in March.
As you can see, TIME and NEWSWEEK arent done running with this story, and they dont care what publically talking about this before its concluded might do to the war effort and the other troops on the ground still serving in Iraq. Here is what I mean, this is from the newest edition of TIME:

The Killings of 24 Iraqis one morning last November may mark a terrible turning point in America's already shaky presence in Iraq.
Like the Abu Ghraib prison scandal before it, what happened at Haditha threatens to become one of the war's signature debacles, an alleged atrocity committed by a small group of service members that comes to symbolize the enterprise's larger costs.
Notice how in the second paragraph it says, "what happened at Haditha," see in their minds, they already think without a doubt that the Marines are guilty, they dont care about justice. What if it comes to be known that one of the children in the house was carrying an RPG, like they are known to do on occasion? Michelle Malkin has pictures here of kids being dressed up like terrorists! NEWSWEEK, also had to weigh in on Haditha, but their article is much better written than the one in TIME. Maybe NEWSWEEK learned from the whole Koran debacle that they printed last year where they made up a bunch of crap and people ended up getting killed.

I know that this whole situtation looks very bad, and the Americans involved could quite well be guilty of everything they are accused of. But why cant the media just let the system run its course and withhold judgement until the judicial process can run its course. How can any nation win a war when the media is so dead against it? I think its almost impossible. I feel sorry for the men and women who have to fight this war everyday, because the real enemy isnt on the battlefield, its on the front page.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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