By now, everyone knows about the whole New york Times, LA Times, and Wall Street Journal bru-ha-ha over the publishing of a secret anti-terror measure even after the government had asked them not to do it. But finally, a single newspaper who ran the story is explaining itself with dignity. The Wall Street Journal is considered a much more conservative paper when compared to the likes of the New York Slimes, so many people were confused when they saw this story show up on their newspages. Also, many in the liberal media have bitched about the fact that those upset about the declassification of the SWIFT program have only blamed the New York Times and not the Wall Street Journal because of political bias.
Well, thats just not true. The WSJ does bare some responsibility for running the story. However, the New York Times deserves the brunt, because it was their reporting that leaked all the classified information and it was their editor who was called by numerous people inside the White House and members of congress including vocal war critic and resident looney Jack Murtha. The New York Times, on their own, decided to bypass everyone and go with the story because in their own distorted minds, they know whats best for this country. Since they went ahead with this mistake, a backlash has ensued that might have finally been the tipping point in the irresponsiblitiy of the mainstream media over the past five years.
As I said before, the Wall Street Journal is the first paper to express any sort of regret for publishing the story, and I for one take them at their word. You can read their explanation here, and I suggest you do because it gives a very good summary of all the events that lead up to the publishing of the story. By the way, the House of Representatives today passed a resolution 227-183 condeming the newsmedia for endangering the lives of Americans by their rogue reporting, and I hear the Senate is going to do something similar in the very near future. Its about time we take a stand America.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Supreme Court Rules Against Bush
This morning, the Supreme Court said that the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, and remember these people are terrorists, cannot be tried in military tribunals, which basically means that they must be tried like they were American citizens. Read the story here. However, in the court decision, it says that the president did overstep his bounds as commander-in-chief, but they also said that if congress were to pass legislation saying that the people in GITMO should be tried like military combatants, then that would be just fine. As soon as that was known, Republican senators were already getting together to introduce some legislation to do just that.
Of course, the media was abuzz with this news. Remember, liberals absolutely hate what we are doing in Cuba, so to them, this was a huge victory while being an enormous defeat for the Bush administration. What I said in the first paragraph rebukes that obscene notion. But its ok, let them think they have won this one so that when congress acts accordingly, it will be even sweeter to see them go completely looney, even more looney than they already are.
Now, on to the logistics of this decision. Firstly, once again allow me to reiterate the fact that I just dont get all the fuss over Guantanamo. Why do regular people care so much about the fact that we lock up terrorists that we find on the battlefield. We must do things like this to protect ourselves against future attacks both in this country and against our troops. Many liberals talk about how much the detention camp has hurt our credibility around the world...WHO FREAKIN CARES! This isnt their country or their war to run. We were hit, not them, so they should just shut up about it and let us do our job. What we are doing in the war on terror does not effect France of Germany. We dont tell them how to run their business so they should keep their stinkin noses out of ours. Furthermore, if we cannot detain terrorists captured in battle then what good are our troops? Should they be risking their lives to fight an enemy that gets more sympathy than they do? If this decision is upheld, then maybe our troops should just kill every person they capture. That would solve the problem, would it not? You decide.
I hope that the congress will do what it has to do in this case so we can continue to win our war. One good thing that came out of this whole thing is that this will undoubtedly rally the conservative base behind the president. This latest BS, plus the New York Slimes debacle, is helping the GOP more than we could have ever wished. I am becoming more confident every time something like this happens that we will be just fine in the November elections. I think that most of the American people are smart enough to see how those on the left are seriously trying to ruin this country. Hopefully, im not giving people too much credit, but I dont think I am. We must win this war, Ive said it a million times, but everyday it is getting harder and harder, and that is scary, veeeeeeeery scary. Remember, we havent been hit in almost five years, ask yourselves why.
This morning, the Supreme Court said that the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, and remember these people are terrorists, cannot be tried in military tribunals, which basically means that they must be tried like they were American citizens. Read the story here. However, in the court decision, it says that the president did overstep his bounds as commander-in-chief, but they also said that if congress were to pass legislation saying that the people in GITMO should be tried like military combatants, then that would be just fine. As soon as that was known, Republican senators were already getting together to introduce some legislation to do just that.
Of course, the media was abuzz with this news. Remember, liberals absolutely hate what we are doing in Cuba, so to them, this was a huge victory while being an enormous defeat for the Bush administration. What I said in the first paragraph rebukes that obscene notion. But its ok, let them think they have won this one so that when congress acts accordingly, it will be even sweeter to see them go completely looney, even more looney than they already are.
Now, on to the logistics of this decision. Firstly, once again allow me to reiterate the fact that I just dont get all the fuss over Guantanamo. Why do regular people care so much about the fact that we lock up terrorists that we find on the battlefield. We must do things like this to protect ourselves against future attacks both in this country and against our troops. Many liberals talk about how much the detention camp has hurt our credibility around the world...WHO FREAKIN CARES! This isnt their country or their war to run. We were hit, not them, so they should just shut up about it and let us do our job. What we are doing in the war on terror does not effect France of Germany. We dont tell them how to run their business so they should keep their stinkin noses out of ours. Furthermore, if we cannot detain terrorists captured in battle then what good are our troops? Should they be risking their lives to fight an enemy that gets more sympathy than they do? If this decision is upheld, then maybe our troops should just kill every person they capture. That would solve the problem, would it not? You decide.
I hope that the congress will do what it has to do in this case so we can continue to win our war. One good thing that came out of this whole thing is that this will undoubtedly rally the conservative base behind the president. This latest BS, plus the New York Slimes debacle, is helping the GOP more than we could have ever wished. I am becoming more confident every time something like this happens that we will be just fine in the November elections. I think that most of the American people are smart enough to see how those on the left are seriously trying to ruin this country. Hopefully, im not giving people too much credit, but I dont think I am. We must win this war, Ive said it a million times, but everyday it is getting harder and harder, and that is scary, veeeeeeeery scary. Remember, we havent been hit in almost five years, ask yourselves why.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
NBA Draft Tonight
The Cavs are very close to being an extremely talented basketball team. They are stacked in some areas of the game, but also leave much to be desired in others, important others. For one, the Cavs must, and its a very big must, address the fact that they have nobody on the team able to consistantly hit the three point shot. Yes, Donyell Marshall hit a few big shots from beyond the arc last year, but not nearly enough, plus he is not even a started and hes about 6'-10". Basically waht Im getting at is that the Cavs need to draft a point guard tonight who can call the play but can also score from outside. We need a shooter. Eric Snow just isnt a scorer, which serously hurts the team in my eyes.
I dont know enough about individual players to give you a name on who the Cavs should choose with their 25th overall pick, but above is the outline they should use when picking. Unfortunetaly, I do not think the Cavaliers will be able to draft someone who can make us a championship caliber team in the near future. They need to go out an sign a big named veteran to back up LeBron and score at least 20 points per game. If you notice, almost all great teams have at least two talented, all-star players who can carry the team. Look at Jordan and Pippen, Shaq and Kobe, now Shaq and D-Wade, who I think is amazing. Or a team could go the route of the Detroit Pistons and completely stack your entire starting lineup with all-star players, but thats like guessing where lighting will strike. I have heard rumors that Kevin Garnett is a free agent, and he would be perfect for the Cavs. But could we afford him is another matter considering the millions the Cavs are planning on offering LeBron on July 1st.
All in all, the draft should be pretty interesting tonight. Another side note is Olmsted Falls native West Virginia star Mike Gansey, who plans on getting drafted late tonight. I have a bit of history with Gansey, as his O-Falls bulldogs knocked my Avon Lake Shoremen out of the bball playoffs back in 2001. Mike and graduated in the same year, and even though I hated how good he was back then, I truly hope someone picks him up tonight. He has always been an underdog, but has always shined when given the chance. Maybe the Cavs will take a gamble with the home town kid, ya never know. Stay tuned as I will hopefully recap the picks tomorrow here. Go Cavs, and dont blow it.
The Cavs are very close to being an extremely talented basketball team. They are stacked in some areas of the game, but also leave much to be desired in others, important others. For one, the Cavs must, and its a very big must, address the fact that they have nobody on the team able to consistantly hit the three point shot. Yes, Donyell Marshall hit a few big shots from beyond the arc last year, but not nearly enough, plus he is not even a started and hes about 6'-10". Basically waht Im getting at is that the Cavs need to draft a point guard tonight who can call the play but can also score from outside. We need a shooter. Eric Snow just isnt a scorer, which serously hurts the team in my eyes.
I dont know enough about individual players to give you a name on who the Cavs should choose with their 25th overall pick, but above is the outline they should use when picking. Unfortunetaly, I do not think the Cavaliers will be able to draft someone who can make us a championship caliber team in the near future. They need to go out an sign a big named veteran to back up LeBron and score at least 20 points per game. If you notice, almost all great teams have at least two talented, all-star players who can carry the team. Look at Jordan and Pippen, Shaq and Kobe, now Shaq and D-Wade, who I think is amazing. Or a team could go the route of the Detroit Pistons and completely stack your entire starting lineup with all-star players, but thats like guessing where lighting will strike. I have heard rumors that Kevin Garnett is a free agent, and he would be perfect for the Cavs. But could we afford him is another matter considering the millions the Cavs are planning on offering LeBron on July 1st.
All in all, the draft should be pretty interesting tonight. Another side note is Olmsted Falls native West Virginia star Mike Gansey, who plans on getting drafted late tonight. I have a bit of history with Gansey, as his O-Falls bulldogs knocked my Avon Lake Shoremen out of the bball playoffs back in 2001. Mike and graduated in the same year, and even though I hated how good he was back then, I truly hope someone picks him up tonight. He has always been an underdog, but has always shined when given the chance. Maybe the Cavs will take a gamble with the home town kid, ya never know. Stay tuned as I will hopefully recap the picks tomorrow here. Go Cavs, and dont blow it.
Amendment to ban Flag Burning Fails...
Well this one was a kick in the nuts. 66 Senators, including a number of Democrats, voted to do the right thing and allow the congress to ban the desecration of the Stars and Stripes. Once again, the usually suspects, mostly liberals, voted down this amendment. Im not sure exactly why though, I mean wouldnt stopping flag burning also help curb global warming? Two Republicans and even Joe Lieberman voted no on this one, which came as a shock to me. But in Joe's case, I guess when your at risk of losing a primary back home, you have to play the game of politics to survive. The two GOP senators ought to be ashamed of themselves for voting against this bill. Here is the list of those who dont want to protect the flag of our country, which symoblizes everything this nation has stood for over the last 230 years.
The fact that 66 senators voted for this thing proves to me that once again the liberal media in this country was wrong, and that this wasnt done just for politica posturing. All I heard from the pundits on TV was how much the senate is wasting its time with things like flag burning and gay marriage when they should be concentrating on the real important things going on in our country today. Gimme a freakin break. Those are probably two of the most heatedly debated issues by the American public, because almost everyone has an opinion on them. Not to mention that more than 70% of the American people think burning the flag should be illegal, but I guess that doesnt mean anything to most Democrats.
This flag burning vote proves how much the Democrats are out of touch with middle American. Lets see now, the Democratic Party favors flag burning, gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, no more oil drilling in the United States nor the opening of any new refineries, no domestic wiretapping or spying on terror suspects financial records to keep people safe....and these people think they can win elections? The United States of America is a moderately conservative nation, and until the Democratic Party can realize that, the will never be successful, even with all they help they get from media and Hollywood. I cant say Im complaining, they single-handedly do more to help the GOP than anyone could hope for. Now I know why they are the party of jack-asses...or wait thats a donkey, excuse me.
Well this one was a kick in the nuts. 66 Senators, including a number of Democrats, voted to do the right thing and allow the congress to ban the desecration of the Stars and Stripes. Once again, the usually suspects, mostly liberals, voted down this amendment. Im not sure exactly why though, I mean wouldnt stopping flag burning also help curb global warming? Two Republicans and even Joe Lieberman voted no on this one, which came as a shock to me. But in Joe's case, I guess when your at risk of losing a primary back home, you have to play the game of politics to survive. The two GOP senators ought to be ashamed of themselves for voting against this bill. Here is the list of those who dont want to protect the flag of our country, which symoblizes everything this nation has stood for over the last 230 years.
The fact that 66 senators voted for this thing proves to me that once again the liberal media in this country was wrong, and that this wasnt done just for politica posturing. All I heard from the pundits on TV was how much the senate is wasting its time with things like flag burning and gay marriage when they should be concentrating on the real important things going on in our country today. Gimme a freakin break. Those are probably two of the most heatedly debated issues by the American public, because almost everyone has an opinion on them. Not to mention that more than 70% of the American people think burning the flag should be illegal, but I guess that doesnt mean anything to most Democrats.
This flag burning vote proves how much the Democrats are out of touch with middle American. Lets see now, the Democratic Party favors flag burning, gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, no more oil drilling in the United States nor the opening of any new refineries, no domestic wiretapping or spying on terror suspects financial records to keep people safe....and these people think they can win elections? The United States of America is a moderately conservative nation, and until the Democratic Party can realize that, the will never be successful, even with all they help they get from media and Hollywood. I cant say Im complaining, they single-handedly do more to help the GOP than anyone could hope for. Now I know why they are the party of jack-asses...or wait thats a donkey, excuse me.
Monday, June 26, 2006
A Little Civics Lesson
For those of you who dont think anything should be done about the media in this country who continues to publish top secret programs aimed at protecting the national security of the United States, please respond accordingly to this law.
The above is proof that the leaders of this nation new how to win wars in the past, while also proving how scared current politicians are today in confronting a dangerous media. This goes all the way to the top. People always accuse me of being a Bush apologist and all that BS, well let me be the first to say that I believe he is a wimp when it comes to confronting the media, which single-handedly has caused the problems in his presidency. Now maybe he, like the rest of us, will finally strike back at these people once and for all. Wake up America.
For those of you who dont think anything should be done about the media in this country who continues to publish top secret programs aimed at protecting the national security of the United States, please respond accordingly to this law.
Section 2 subsection ( b) of the Espionage Act of 1917
whoever, in time of war, with intent that the same shall be communicated to the enemy, shall collect, record, publish or communicate, or attempt to elicit any information with respect to the movement, numbers, description, condition, or disposition of any of the armed forces, ships, aircraft, or war materials of the United States, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct of any naval of military operations, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the fortification of any place, or any other information relating to the public defence, which might be useful to the enemy, shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for not more than thirty years.
The above is proof that the leaders of this nation new how to win wars in the past, while also proving how scared current politicians are today in confronting a dangerous media. This goes all the way to the top. People always accuse me of being a Bush apologist and all that BS, well let me be the first to say that I believe he is a wimp when it comes to confronting the media, which single-handedly has caused the problems in his presidency. Now maybe he, like the rest of us, will finally strike back at these people once and for all. Wake up America.
Treason Doth Never Prosper
New York congressman Peter King is calling on the Bush administration to investigate and even prosecute those involved in the leaking of yet another important anti-terror measure. This isnt the first time its happened, and if nobody acts, it wont be the last. I agree 100% with congressman King that Congress must get involved in this, because it involves the security of every single American citizen. So far however, we have once again only heard tough talk from the President, who today called the printing of the article in the New York Times a "disgrace." President Bush is absolutely right, it is a disgrace, but it will be another disgrace if our government fails to protect itself against this out of control media.
I fully understand that we have freedom of the press in this country, and that is very important. The founding fathers were right to put that into the Bill of Rights, because in most cases, the media does hold people in power accountable, which is necessary. But even with the freedom of the press, there are still lines that must be drawn when it comes to what they can and cannot say, especially during a time of war. One must realize that the people who wrote and published this story did it for mostly political reasons. Anyone with half a brain can see that the NYT continuosly attempts to bash the president and his policies in their newspaper on a daily basis. And it has costed them much in the way of subscriptions over the past five years or so. But, those writers in NYC must be willing to put aside their political hatrid and realize what they are doing is extremely dangerous. The government repeatedly asked the NYT to not print this story, along with the one about the NSA wiretapping program, but in both cases they ignored those calls.
The government, who up till now, has given the press basically a free pass time and time again, has got to stand up to this growing bully. Legislation should be passed that says during a time of war, if the government asks a news organization not to print a story on information that is deemed top secret, they must do so or face criminal prosecution. Furthermore, those who originally leaked the info should be tried for treason, which carries a penalty a little on the stiff side if you know what I mean. If we continue to allow this to happen, we can never be safe, and thats the God's honest truth.
I sure hope that the Attorney General will persue this case, because what has been done is in violation of the law. I also hope that if, God forbid, the United States does see a terror attack on our soil in the near future, that people in this country lay the blame where it belongs, on the doorstep of the New York Times, LA Times and others, because are government is finally doing its job by tracking the enemy by any means necessary, while media outlets consistantly give the enemy our tactics because of a tyrannical political agenda. When are the American people finally going to rise up and say enough is enough. I sure hope this is it, because if it isnt, prepare to see the blood of innocent Americans spewed all over the streets of New York, Chicago, LA....
New York congressman Peter King is calling on the Bush administration to investigate and even prosecute those involved in the leaking of yet another important anti-terror measure. This isnt the first time its happened, and if nobody acts, it wont be the last. I agree 100% with congressman King that Congress must get involved in this, because it involves the security of every single American citizen. So far however, we have once again only heard tough talk from the President, who today called the printing of the article in the New York Times a "disgrace." President Bush is absolutely right, it is a disgrace, but it will be another disgrace if our government fails to protect itself against this out of control media.
I fully understand that we have freedom of the press in this country, and that is very important. The founding fathers were right to put that into the Bill of Rights, because in most cases, the media does hold people in power accountable, which is necessary. But even with the freedom of the press, there are still lines that must be drawn when it comes to what they can and cannot say, especially during a time of war. One must realize that the people who wrote and published this story did it for mostly political reasons. Anyone with half a brain can see that the NYT continuosly attempts to bash the president and his policies in their newspaper on a daily basis. And it has costed them much in the way of subscriptions over the past five years or so. But, those writers in NYC must be willing to put aside their political hatrid and realize what they are doing is extremely dangerous. The government repeatedly asked the NYT to not print this story, along with the one about the NSA wiretapping program, but in both cases they ignored those calls.
The government, who up till now, has given the press basically a free pass time and time again, has got to stand up to this growing bully. Legislation should be passed that says during a time of war, if the government asks a news organization not to print a story on information that is deemed top secret, they must do so or face criminal prosecution. Furthermore, those who originally leaked the info should be tried for treason, which carries a penalty a little on the stiff side if you know what I mean. If we continue to allow this to happen, we can never be safe, and thats the God's honest truth.
I sure hope that the Attorney General will persue this case, because what has been done is in violation of the law. I also hope that if, God forbid, the United States does see a terror attack on our soil in the near future, that people in this country lay the blame where it belongs, on the doorstep of the New York Times, LA Times and others, because are government is finally doing its job by tracking the enemy by any means necessary, while media outlets consistantly give the enemy our tactics because of a tyrannical political agenda. When are the American people finally going to rise up and say enough is enough. I sure hope this is it, because if it isnt, prepare to see the blood of innocent Americans spewed all over the streets of New York, Chicago, LA....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Propaganda Doesnt Take A Weekend
Leaders of the Democratic Pary didnt take the weekend off. They were all over the country, on talk shows and other more intimate gatherings showing their true colors about the most important issues facing our great country today. Congressman Jack Murtha, who has been psychotic in his opposition to the war in Iraq, decided to take the time to say that the United States is more dangerous to the security of the world than either Iran or North Korea. Aint that nice? This type of nonsense is to be expected from brainwashed Europeans, but not from an American congressman, let alone a man who is a former Marine. Murtha was one of the first people to come out an convict other marines who were accused of murdering innocent civilians in Haditha, Iraq last year, without knowing any of the details. The case is still pending, but Murtha decided to forget due process and make the case against the marines infront of the world. The military is always guilty til proven innocent, right Jack?
Besides Murtha's stupidity, Senator Russ Feingold was on 'Meet The Press' this morning. Im not sure why, but MTP has become basically a Democratic talk show in recent weeks. Last week they had Murtha on, by himself, to discuss Iraq, and this week they has Feingold on, again alone, to discuss many issues. I guess dissent isnt such a good thing to those people. This to me proves how cowardly many of these people are, especially Murtha, who wont give an interview to anyone unless he knows he will be thrown a bunch of softball questions. But Feingold, who wants to be president, was on this morning and said many interesting things, none of which being correct. He made excuses for why John Kerry's amendement to pull troops out of Iraq now only got 13 votes, saying that those who voted against it are out of touch with the American public. Riiiiiiiight. Maybe its because John Kerry is a baffoon. Or, maybe they didnt get the votes because they have no idea how to wage a successful war, which me must win. Maybe its because the American people mostly realize that we cant cut and run, like the Democratic Party wants us to do. But Feingold remains convinced that his small group of detractors are right, and everyone else is wrong, and thats fine.
Im very glad that these talk shows are letting the Democrats have the microphone week in and week out, because them running their mouths helps the GOP more so than if our guys were out there. The lack of wisdom, the hatred for those who disagree with them, and the fact they have no alternative solutions for anything will be crucial for voters going to the polls in November. With the media in their pockets, the Democrats should win huge this year, but they will once again implode by simply being who they are. Its always fun to watch these people, and I believe they will only get more crazy as we get closer to election day. So to all of you political junkies out there, I simply say, enjoy the show.
Leaders of the Democratic Pary didnt take the weekend off. They were all over the country, on talk shows and other more intimate gatherings showing their true colors about the most important issues facing our great country today. Congressman Jack Murtha, who has been psychotic in his opposition to the war in Iraq, decided to take the time to say that the United States is more dangerous to the security of the world than either Iran or North Korea. Aint that nice? This type of nonsense is to be expected from brainwashed Europeans, but not from an American congressman, let alone a man who is a former Marine. Murtha was one of the first people to come out an convict other marines who were accused of murdering innocent civilians in Haditha, Iraq last year, without knowing any of the details. The case is still pending, but Murtha decided to forget due process and make the case against the marines infront of the world. The military is always guilty til proven innocent, right Jack?
Besides Murtha's stupidity, Senator Russ Feingold was on 'Meet The Press' this morning. Im not sure why, but MTP has become basically a Democratic talk show in recent weeks. Last week they had Murtha on, by himself, to discuss Iraq, and this week they has Feingold on, again alone, to discuss many issues. I guess dissent isnt such a good thing to those people. This to me proves how cowardly many of these people are, especially Murtha, who wont give an interview to anyone unless he knows he will be thrown a bunch of softball questions. But Feingold, who wants to be president, was on this morning and said many interesting things, none of which being correct. He made excuses for why John Kerry's amendement to pull troops out of Iraq now only got 13 votes, saying that those who voted against it are out of touch with the American public. Riiiiiiiight. Maybe its because John Kerry is a baffoon. Or, maybe they didnt get the votes because they have no idea how to wage a successful war, which me must win. Maybe its because the American people mostly realize that we cant cut and run, like the Democratic Party wants us to do. But Feingold remains convinced that his small group of detractors are right, and everyone else is wrong, and thats fine.
Im very glad that these talk shows are letting the Democrats have the microphone week in and week out, because them running their mouths helps the GOP more so than if our guys were out there. The lack of wisdom, the hatred for those who disagree with them, and the fact they have no alternative solutions for anything will be crucial for voters going to the polls in November. With the media in their pockets, the Democrats should win huge this year, but they will once again implode by simply being who they are. Its always fun to watch these people, and I believe they will only get more crazy as we get closer to election day. So to all of you political junkies out there, I simply say, enjoy the show.
Friday, June 23, 2006
NY Times Continues to Weaken our Country
The arrest of seven scumbags in Miami who were plotting to blow up the Sears Tower among other targets could not have come on a better day considering what the New York Times decided to publish this morning. The New York paper wrote a story about how the government is tracking terrorist cells by watching their financial transactions. Of course, most liberals are once again irate because of another obvious invasion of privacy created by the evil Bush administration. But most level-headed Americans realize that actions like these are crucial if we want to keep ourselves safe from people like those apprehended in Miami last night.
I just dont understand why the media continuosly wants to weaken the governments ability to prevent terror attacks here in the states. I fully realize their utter contempt and hatred for President Bush, but why does that persuade them to put every single citizen at risk. I watched the White House press breifing this morning and the press corps was going nuts over this program. Tony Snow, who I love by the way, did a great job of defending the program saying how much it has benefitted the anti-terror effort since just after September 11th. But thats not good enough for those people on the left, who have no clue on how to keep this country safe, just ask Bill Clinton.
Now, on to the arrest of the Miami seven. This is nothing more than a huge victory for the president and all the anti-terror measures he has enacted over the past five and a half years. Obviously, all the secret spy programs the government is using work, hence the reason we have not been his over here since 9/11. Something that no one thought was possible. This is why the president needs to be applauded for keeping us safe, and doing his job, even when unpopular. I feel we are all truly blessed to have a leader who is willing to do anything he possibly can to prevent us from seeing more pictures of innocent Americans jumping from 110 story buildings. The media will never give President Bush credit for this, but he deserves it. So do all the men and women who work in the CIA and FBI, and all other governmental agencies involved in tracking and hunting down suspected terrorists. These are the groups that failed us leading up to 9/11, but they seem to have gotten their acts together, and for that we should all be thankful.
I hope there will be a backlash against the media for all of their treasonous whistleblowing. If the President of the United States asks a media organization to not print a story because it could jeopordize national security, they should always listen. I turn you all to Michelle Malkin's website, because she has a number of posters from WWII showing that they faced the same threat as we do now, but back then, people realized those threats. Today however, we have media who is more preoccupied with hurting politicians, rather than protecting the people. Its turned into a very dangerous business, and I would like congress to act on this issue. They should pass legislation holding media outlets responsible for their actions during war time, because giving out government secrets allowing the enemy to see them is treason. Plain and simple. We cant let the traitors at the New York Times and LA times, among others, give this type of information to the enemy. If we continue to remain silent, the media will eventually have the blood of thousands, potentially even millions of innocent Americans on their hands. Its up to us to prevent that from happening.
The arrest of seven scumbags in Miami who were plotting to blow up the Sears Tower among other targets could not have come on a better day considering what the New York Times decided to publish this morning. The New York paper wrote a story about how the government is tracking terrorist cells by watching their financial transactions. Of course, most liberals are once again irate because of another obvious invasion of privacy created by the evil Bush administration. But most level-headed Americans realize that actions like these are crucial if we want to keep ourselves safe from people like those apprehended in Miami last night.
I just dont understand why the media continuosly wants to weaken the governments ability to prevent terror attacks here in the states. I fully realize their utter contempt and hatred for President Bush, but why does that persuade them to put every single citizen at risk. I watched the White House press breifing this morning and the press corps was going nuts over this program. Tony Snow, who I love by the way, did a great job of defending the program saying how much it has benefitted the anti-terror effort since just after September 11th. But thats not good enough for those people on the left, who have no clue on how to keep this country safe, just ask Bill Clinton.
Now, on to the arrest of the Miami seven. This is nothing more than a huge victory for the president and all the anti-terror measures he has enacted over the past five and a half years. Obviously, all the secret spy programs the government is using work, hence the reason we have not been his over here since 9/11. Something that no one thought was possible. This is why the president needs to be applauded for keeping us safe, and doing his job, even when unpopular. I feel we are all truly blessed to have a leader who is willing to do anything he possibly can to prevent us from seeing more pictures of innocent Americans jumping from 110 story buildings. The media will never give President Bush credit for this, but he deserves it. So do all the men and women who work in the CIA and FBI, and all other governmental agencies involved in tracking and hunting down suspected terrorists. These are the groups that failed us leading up to 9/11, but they seem to have gotten their acts together, and for that we should all be thankful.
I hope there will be a backlash against the media for all of their treasonous whistleblowing. If the President of the United States asks a media organization to not print a story because it could jeopordize national security, they should always listen. I turn you all to Michelle Malkin's website, because she has a number of posters from WWII showing that they faced the same threat as we do now, but back then, people realized those threats. Today however, we have media who is more preoccupied with hurting politicians, rather than protecting the people. Its turned into a very dangerous business, and I would like congress to act on this issue. They should pass legislation holding media outlets responsible for their actions during war time, because giving out government secrets allowing the enemy to see them is treason. Plain and simple. We cant let the traitors at the New York Times and LA times, among others, give this type of information to the enemy. If we continue to remain silent, the media will eventually have the blood of thousands, potentially even millions of innocent Americans on their hands. Its up to us to prevent that from happening.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Never Count on Europe
I guess two world wars, the attempted extermination of an entire race, and the threat of nuclear annihilation hasnt learned our "friends" in Europe anything over the past century. They still have no idea how to handle a significant threat, and they still rely on the United States to bail them out of every major problem that might end up smacking them in their ugly, smelly faces. If you think Im full of beans here, merely go back and look at the press conference that President Bush was involved in yesterday in Austria. I swear that I have never heard so many stupid questions in all my life, and thats saying alot for someone like myself who follows closely the media here in the US. One particular ignoramice who somehow got access to the microphone yesterday asked the president if he thinks that US foreign policy is the biggest threat to global security, citing a poll taking in Europe that shows that most Europeans think the US is more of a threat than either Iran or North Korea.
Now, I have no idea if that poll is true, nor do I care. Just the fact that this idiot had the balls to ask the President of the United States such nonsense says alot of Europe as a whole. The president by the way eloquently told the reporter that his question was 'absurd.' I did a research paper this past semester on the foreign policy of the European Union, and my thesis was basically that there isnt one. They would like to get their act together over there to challenge the US on the worlds stage, but as of now they are completely weakened both in political will and in military capabilites. Even if the EU could muster up a military force, they would never deploy them. They just do not see a threat in terrorism. As a matter of fact, many of them, like Jack Chirac over in Paris, are terror sympthizers. Yet, many in this country say that we have alienated our allies in Europe by invading Iraq.
Well, I personally have no problem in alienating a man who was in bed with Saddam Hussein by aiding Hussein in the oil-for-food scandal. Liberals seem to think that Europe has all the answers. Remember the Kerry campaign in 2004? All he talked about was our allies and how we need them in the war on terror. He basically said that because Europe wasnt on board in the war it was the wrong thing to do. I beg to differ John. Just because they are not willing to help us fight global terror and Islamo-fascism, does not mean we should just stop. Europe didnt want to fight Nazi-fascism back in the 1930's, and we had to bail them out which costed us more than 400,000 American lives.
Luckily for the world, there are certain leaders in Europe who understand what we are up against. Men like Tony Blair, and the Prime Minister of Denmark, give me hope that some Europeans have what it takes to do the right thing, even if their political careers faulter because of it. I would like to see a poll done in the United States on how American feel about Europeans, because that is a story that is never reported. We always hear about how much they dont like us, like it really matters. Im willing to bet that most Americans think that Europeans are weak and inept, which is the absolute truth. Im also willing to bet that you will never see a poll like this done, go figure.
Finally, dont think for a second that the only reason the Europe doesnt like us is the war or the Bush administration. The fact is that they have been jealous of the United States for years. Cant say I blame them really, it must be intimidating living in a world where a single nation is so much more powerful than all the rest. They should simply embrace American supremacy instead of constantly undermining it or openly trying to create its downfall. The EU is nothing more than Europe trying to balance US hegemony, but its to no avail. You cant create a world superpower with only huge sums of money and a huge bureacracy. Our supremacy is 230 years in the making, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Sorry Europe.
I guess two world wars, the attempted extermination of an entire race, and the threat of nuclear annihilation hasnt learned our "friends" in Europe anything over the past century. They still have no idea how to handle a significant threat, and they still rely on the United States to bail them out of every major problem that might end up smacking them in their ugly, smelly faces. If you think Im full of beans here, merely go back and look at the press conference that President Bush was involved in yesterday in Austria. I swear that I have never heard so many stupid questions in all my life, and thats saying alot for someone like myself who follows closely the media here in the US. One particular ignoramice who somehow got access to the microphone yesterday asked the president if he thinks that US foreign policy is the biggest threat to global security, citing a poll taking in Europe that shows that most Europeans think the US is more of a threat than either Iran or North Korea.
Now, I have no idea if that poll is true, nor do I care. Just the fact that this idiot had the balls to ask the President of the United States such nonsense says alot of Europe as a whole. The president by the way eloquently told the reporter that his question was 'absurd.' I did a research paper this past semester on the foreign policy of the European Union, and my thesis was basically that there isnt one. They would like to get their act together over there to challenge the US on the worlds stage, but as of now they are completely weakened both in political will and in military capabilites. Even if the EU could muster up a military force, they would never deploy them. They just do not see a threat in terrorism. As a matter of fact, many of them, like Jack Chirac over in Paris, are terror sympthizers. Yet, many in this country say that we have alienated our allies in Europe by invading Iraq.
Well, I personally have no problem in alienating a man who was in bed with Saddam Hussein by aiding Hussein in the oil-for-food scandal. Liberals seem to think that Europe has all the answers. Remember the Kerry campaign in 2004? All he talked about was our allies and how we need them in the war on terror. He basically said that because Europe wasnt on board in the war it was the wrong thing to do. I beg to differ John. Just because they are not willing to help us fight global terror and Islamo-fascism, does not mean we should just stop. Europe didnt want to fight Nazi-fascism back in the 1930's, and we had to bail them out which costed us more than 400,000 American lives.
Luckily for the world, there are certain leaders in Europe who understand what we are up against. Men like Tony Blair, and the Prime Minister of Denmark, give me hope that some Europeans have what it takes to do the right thing, even if their political careers faulter because of it. I would like to see a poll done in the United States on how American feel about Europeans, because that is a story that is never reported. We always hear about how much they dont like us, like it really matters. Im willing to bet that most Americans think that Europeans are weak and inept, which is the absolute truth. Im also willing to bet that you will never see a poll like this done, go figure.
Finally, dont think for a second that the only reason the Europe doesnt like us is the war or the Bush administration. The fact is that they have been jealous of the United States for years. Cant say I blame them really, it must be intimidating living in a world where a single nation is so much more powerful than all the rest. They should simply embrace American supremacy instead of constantly undermining it or openly trying to create its downfall. The EU is nothing more than Europe trying to balance US hegemony, but its to no avail. You cant create a world superpower with only huge sums of money and a huge bureacracy. Our supremacy is 230 years in the making, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Sorry Europe.
WMD Found in Iraq?
A newly declassified report claims that the US has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since the war started in March of 2003. This could potentially be huge if its true. I have been looking around the internet to see who is covering the story and who is not. Oddly enough, Foxnews does have the story on their website, but neither CNN or PMSNBC even mention the report. Says alot doesnt it.
To be honest, I dont really know much about this story. I dont really know why, if its true, hasnt the president been touting this finding as proof to once and for all justify the invasion of Iraq. I just dont get that. Anyway, read it for yourselves, and hopefully we will all hear more about this story in the very near future.
A newly declassified report claims that the US has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since the war started in March of 2003. This could potentially be huge if its true. I have been looking around the internet to see who is covering the story and who is not. Oddly enough, Foxnews does have the story on their website, but neither CNN or PMSNBC even mention the report. Says alot doesnt it.
To be honest, I dont really know much about this story. I dont really know why, if its true, hasnt the president been touting this finding as proof to once and for all justify the invasion of Iraq. I just dont get that. Anyway, read it for yourselves, and hopefully we will all hear more about this story in the very near future.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Perspective of the 2 Tortured Soldiers
Regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq, your heart has to break when you hear of two US soldiers being captured, tortured, then executed at the hands of the enemy. I truly feel for their families. This unfortunate incident is now fueling calls to end the war and bring the troops home. Many Democrats in the Senate are now trying to get a vote on some proposed timetables for troop withdrawls, or as they now call it, "redeployment."
If anything, what happened to these soldiers should only embolden the belief that we must defeat these barbarians in Iraq. It must also show that we cannot allow ourselves to become weakened by the anti-war libs and media. Im telling all of you right now that we will not succeed in this war if we continue fighting it on the defensive. We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world for cryin out loud, but we sure as hell arent acting like it. The President and his war officials must now realize that we cannot continue to be nice to either the enemies or critics of this war, as its victory is essential for us all.
I understand that seeing people die is difficult. I hate it. But this is a war, just like WWII or the Civil War, and in those days you did whatever it took to achieve victory, and victory meant winning the war, not pulling troops out because of political pressure or any other arbitrary reason. Luckily in those days, there was no media questioning and undermining every single decision made, or reporting more on our military's few mistakes instead of their hundreds of successes. The critics of this war are complete and total hypocrits in most cases. This point is illustrated by the events of yesterday, where not one human rights group has condemed what happened to our soldiers. They only whine when its the US who allegedly did something wrong. Here is a paragraph by a man named Jeff Emanuel about this subject:
Thats exactly right, and Im tired of everyone trying to be nice. Personally, I dont really care if we torture suspected terrorits, I think they deserve it. Remember a few weeks ago when a couple of terrorists killed themselves at GITMO, I applauded their effort. I think that all terrorits should just go ahead and kill themselves. It will save the rest of us alot of trouble. I have no sympathy for people who behead and blowup innocent lives. Its competely absurd that the US has to answer to these idiots around the world who have no idea how to defeat Muslim extremists. To them I say, SCREW YOU! Screw Kofi Annan, Screw John Kerry and John Murtha, Screw the Human Rights Watch, the International Red Cross, and Amnesty International, Screw Cindy Sheehan and her clan of anti-American cohorts who want to see the demise of this great country, and lastly, Screw the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, and every other liberal news service that actively partcipates in helping the enemy during this war. Screw them all I say, and lets start fighting this war to win it, not to win the hearts and minds of people who dont deserve our sympathy. Lets win this war the way we have won wars of the past, by blowing stuff up and showing the enemy who is superior. To use an analogy, right now the United States is involved in a fist fight but is only using one pinky.
Allow me to reiterate, we must win the war before pulling the troops out. The consequences would be catastrophic. We are making progress over there, and we will continue to. Yes, there will still be American casualties, but this is a war. We lost more than 400,000 in World War II, and I dont think any person would say that their sacrifice wasnt worth it. We are once again involved in a world war, terrorism is just as dangerous as fascism, and we must start acting like it. Its time to take the gloves off like past generations did, with no regrets. Let the military do its job and win the war before they come home. V-I Day could be here before you know it, but first, I say again, lets Win the War.
Regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq, your heart has to break when you hear of two US soldiers being captured, tortured, then executed at the hands of the enemy. I truly feel for their families. This unfortunate incident is now fueling calls to end the war and bring the troops home. Many Democrats in the Senate are now trying to get a vote on some proposed timetables for troop withdrawls, or as they now call it, "redeployment."
If anything, what happened to these soldiers should only embolden the belief that we must defeat these barbarians in Iraq. It must also show that we cannot allow ourselves to become weakened by the anti-war libs and media. Im telling all of you right now that we will not succeed in this war if we continue fighting it on the defensive. We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world for cryin out loud, but we sure as hell arent acting like it. The President and his war officials must now realize that we cannot continue to be nice to either the enemies or critics of this war, as its victory is essential for us all.
I understand that seeing people die is difficult. I hate it. But this is a war, just like WWII or the Civil War, and in those days you did whatever it took to achieve victory, and victory meant winning the war, not pulling troops out because of political pressure or any other arbitrary reason. Luckily in those days, there was no media questioning and undermining every single decision made, or reporting more on our military's few mistakes instead of their hundreds of successes. The critics of this war are complete and total hypocrits in most cases. This point is illustrated by the events of yesterday, where not one human rights group has condemed what happened to our soldiers. They only whine when its the US who allegedly did something wrong. Here is a paragraph by a man named Jeff Emanuel about this subject:
Interestingly silent in this and other atrocities carried out by the insurgents in Iraq are the "human rights" groups who seem to spend every day accusing the United States of torture, war crimes, and various human rights violations. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called the Iraq War "Illegal," and John Pace, former UN chief of Human Rights for Iraq, has said that hyuman rights conditions are "as bad now as they were under Saddam," but was it America that filled mass graves with hundreds of thousands of murdered Iraqi Civilians? Last month, Human Rights Watch again accused the US of "brutalizing Muslim suspects in the name of the war on terror," but how many times of Americans strapped bombs to their own chests and purposely detonated themselves in a large crowd of civilians? Amnesty International's website highlights America's use of "torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" against terrorist captives, but how many prisoners -- Muslim or otherwise -- have Americans brutally beheaded?
Thats exactly right, and Im tired of everyone trying to be nice. Personally, I dont really care if we torture suspected terrorits, I think they deserve it. Remember a few weeks ago when a couple of terrorists killed themselves at GITMO, I applauded their effort. I think that all terrorits should just go ahead and kill themselves. It will save the rest of us alot of trouble. I have no sympathy for people who behead and blowup innocent lives. Its competely absurd that the US has to answer to these idiots around the world who have no idea how to defeat Muslim extremists. To them I say, SCREW YOU! Screw Kofi Annan, Screw John Kerry and John Murtha, Screw the Human Rights Watch, the International Red Cross, and Amnesty International, Screw Cindy Sheehan and her clan of anti-American cohorts who want to see the demise of this great country, and lastly, Screw the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, and every other liberal news service that actively partcipates in helping the enemy during this war. Screw them all I say, and lets start fighting this war to win it, not to win the hearts and minds of people who dont deserve our sympathy. Lets win this war the way we have won wars of the past, by blowing stuff up and showing the enemy who is superior. To use an analogy, right now the United States is involved in a fist fight but is only using one pinky.
Allow me to reiterate, we must win the war before pulling the troops out. The consequences would be catastrophic. We are making progress over there, and we will continue to. Yes, there will still be American casualties, but this is a war. We lost more than 400,000 in World War II, and I dont think any person would say that their sacrifice wasnt worth it. We are once again involved in a world war, terrorism is just as dangerous as fascism, and we must start acting like it. Its time to take the gloves off like past generations did, with no regrets. Let the military do its job and win the war before they come home. V-I Day could be here before you know it, but first, I say again, lets Win the War.
New poll
Ok the new poll I have posted in the sidebar is a simple one. I just want to know whether you would prefer the Electoral College systed for deciding presidential elections like we have now, or would you rather have just a straight popular vote?
Please vote and let me know your opinion. Thanks.
Ok the new poll I have posted in the sidebar is a simple one. I just want to know whether you would prefer the Electoral College systed for deciding presidential elections like we have now, or would you rather have just a straight popular vote?
Please vote and let me know your opinion. Thanks.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The Party of Retreat and Defeat
Peter Collier and David Horowitz speak only the truth about the cut and run Democrats.
Plllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaase Reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaad.
Great Piece.
Peter Collier and David Horowitz speak only the truth about the cut and run Democrats.
Plllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaase Reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaad.
Great Piece.
Poll Says Hillary gets NO vote for 2008
A new poll done by CNN of all people shows just how unlikeable Hillary Clinton really is.
Ok, this obviously does not look good for the Dems if all of their big names in the running for Prez in '08 get ratings like these. But nobody should be surprised by these numbers, considering the political history of the people on the list and also their character. This is why I believe Republicans will be ok in 2006 because our opponents are just pathetic. Even with the media on their side, feeding the American people Democratic talking points on a daily basis, they still have no plans or ideas. Thank God for the inept Democratic Party.
A new poll done by CNN of all people shows just how unlikeable Hillary Clinton really is.
Regarding potential Democratic candidates, 47 percent of respondents said they would "definitely not vote for "both Clinton, the junior senator from New York who is running for re-election this year, and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the party's candidate in 2004.
Forty-eight percent said the same of former Vice President Al Gore, who has repeatedly denied he intends to run again for president.
Among the Republicans, Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani fared better than the Democrats, and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fared worse.
Ok, this obviously does not look good for the Dems if all of their big names in the running for Prez in '08 get ratings like these. But nobody should be surprised by these numbers, considering the political history of the people on the list and also their character. This is why I believe Republicans will be ok in 2006 because our opponents are just pathetic. Even with the media on their side, feeding the American people Democratic talking points on a daily basis, they still have no plans or ideas. Thank God for the inept Democratic Party.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Ohio's Delusional Democrats
Here is a very good article written about the current political atmosphere in the Buckeye state. Shoutout to the SOB Alliance guys on finding this one.
Please read.
Here is a very good article written about the current political atmosphere in the Buckeye state. Shoutout to the SOB Alliance guys on finding this one.
Please read.
Murtha Spews Propoganda on Meet The Press
I watched congressman John Murtha yesterday on Meet The Press, and is was disgusting. Tim Russert barely questioned anything Murtha said during his numerous tirades over the half hour he was on the show. Murtha continued to denounce the war and said over and over again that we should 'redeploy' our troops to a periphery. Redeploy is rhetoric for cut and run, and he never said where exactly we should put our troops. Only saying that Kuwait and Qatar would be possible choices. Here is what the Wall Street Journal says of his plans:
Thats exactly right. In fact, Tim Russert did bring up a passage from Murtha's own book from 2004, which says this:
Well, Murtha obviously has decided to contradict himself now, and sacrifice the good of his country in the process. If you missed what he had to say yesterday, you can go here to watch it, or here to read the transcript of his pathetic appearance. Anyone else notice how Mr. Toughguy Marine John Murtha wont do any interviews on Fox News? I guess he is just too scared to get any actual questions.
I watched congressman John Murtha yesterday on Meet The Press, and is was disgusting. Tim Russert barely questioned anything Murtha said during his numerous tirades over the half hour he was on the show. Murtha continued to denounce the war and said over and over again that we should 'redeploy' our troops to a periphery. Redeploy is rhetoric for cut and run, and he never said where exactly we should put our troops. Only saying that Kuwait and Qatar would be possible choices. Here is what the Wall Street Journal says of his plans:
As for Mr. Murtha's proposal that U.S. forces should redeploy to some nearby part of the Middle East, this is merely disguise for what everyone would understand was a defeat in Iraq. Anyone who doubts it should merely listen to Mr. Murtha, who said again yesterday on NBC's Meet The Press that "We cant win a war like this." Its more accurate to say that our troops have a harder time winning a war with political leaders as inconstant as Mr. Murtha, who voted to commit U.S. troops but now lacks the will to finish the job.
Thats exactly right. In fact, Tim Russert did bring up a passage from Murtha's own book from 2004, which says this:
"A war initiated on faulty intellegence must not be followed by a premature withdrawal of our troops based on a political timetable. An untimely exit could rapidly devolve into a civil war, which would leave America's foreign policy in disarray as countries question not only America's judgement but also its perseverance."
Well, Murtha obviously has decided to contradict himself now, and sacrifice the good of his country in the process. If you missed what he had to say yesterday, you can go here to watch it, or here to read the transcript of his pathetic appearance. Anyone else notice how Mr. Toughguy Marine John Murtha wont do any interviews on Fox News? I guess he is just too scared to get any actual questions.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Team USA Ties Italy
I have to give the USA soccer team credit, they played one hell of a game against the Italians to keep their hopes of advancing in the World Cup alive. The officiating was absolutely atrocious. The US got two red cards in the game, and the Italians got one. By the end of the game, the US team only had 9 players on the pitch, as opposed to ten for our opponents.
But even with 9 guys, the US was able to hang tough and keep the game tied 1-1 even though they were visibly tired as the match came to a close. Now its on to face Ghana, who stunned everyone by beating the Czechs, who creamed the US last week 3-0. For team USA to move on, the have to beat Ghana, while the Italians defeat the Czechs. The is basically the only practical way for us to get out of our group.
I think we can do it. I didnt think for a minute that we would be able to tie the Italians after our performance against the Czech Republic. But they did, even with an inept and worthless referree. Both games of importance for us are Thursday, and I cannot wait. I hope all of you who can will watch it, because we should support team USA. By the way, I dont want to get ahead of myself, but if the scenario I mentioned above works out, the US would have to play Brazil in the second round. Eeeeeeeek. But lets take care of Ghana first. GO USA!
One more quick thing....

I have to give the USA soccer team credit, they played one hell of a game against the Italians to keep their hopes of advancing in the World Cup alive. The officiating was absolutely atrocious. The US got two red cards in the game, and the Italians got one. By the end of the game, the US team only had 9 players on the pitch, as opposed to ten for our opponents.
But even with 9 guys, the US was able to hang tough and keep the game tied 1-1 even though they were visibly tired as the match came to a close. Now its on to face Ghana, who stunned everyone by beating the Czechs, who creamed the US last week 3-0. For team USA to move on, the have to beat Ghana, while the Italians defeat the Czechs. The is basically the only practical way for us to get out of our group.
I think we can do it. I didnt think for a minute that we would be able to tie the Italians after our performance against the Czech Republic. But they did, even with an inept and worthless referree. Both games of importance for us are Thursday, and I cannot wait. I hope all of you who can will watch it, because we should support team USA. By the way, I dont want to get ahead of myself, but if the scenario I mentioned above works out, the US would have to play Brazil in the second round. Eeeeeeeek. But lets take care of Ghana first. GO USA!
One more quick thing....

Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tiger Woods Misses Cut at U.S. Open
Whoa! Watching golf tourney's just isnt the same when Tiger's not in the hunt. Obviously taking two months off for bereavement has hurt Tiger's game, and Winged Foot is one of the hardest golf courses there is.
Im a little depressed and disappointed about this one, but after what Woods has gone through yout really cant blame him. By the way, a guy named Steve Stricker is in the lead at -1.
Whoa! Watching golf tourney's just isnt the same when Tiger's not in the hunt. Obviously taking two months off for bereavement has hurt Tiger's game, and Winged Foot is one of the hardest golf courses there is.
Im a little depressed and disappointed about this one, but after what Woods has gone through yout really cant blame him. By the way, a guy named Steve Stricker is in the lead at -1.
Friday, June 16, 2006
House Votes to Stay the Course
So much for the Democrats thinking they know how to run a successful foreign policy. The House overwhelmingly rejected a call by some Dems to prematurly run away from the enemy in Iraq. The overall vote was 256-153, with 42 Democrats actually voting with the GOP. I cant tell you the last time that 42 Dems broke ranks to support the President. Amazing.
My good friend Sherrod Brown, was among those who voted for the cowardly 'cut and run' strategy. Reason number 345,141,324,132 not to vote for him. Click here to see how all the congress people voted, so you can see for yourself the names of those who are willing to sacrifice the safety of this nation. At least 256 lawmakers support the troops and know whats at stake in Iraq. Let that number be a message to war detractors in America and abroad that we will not retreat until total victory is achieved.
So much for the Democrats thinking they know how to run a successful foreign policy. The House overwhelmingly rejected a call by some Dems to prematurly run away from the enemy in Iraq. The overall vote was 256-153, with 42 Democrats actually voting with the GOP. I cant tell you the last time that 42 Dems broke ranks to support the President. Amazing.
My good friend Sherrod Brown, was among those who voted for the cowardly 'cut and run' strategy. Reason number 345,141,324,132 not to vote for him. Click here to see how all the congress people voted, so you can see for yourself the names of those who are willing to sacrifice the safety of this nation. At least 256 lawmakers support the troops and know whats at stake in Iraq. Let that number be a message to war detractors in America and abroad that we will not retreat until total victory is achieved.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Dixie Chicks Strike Again
As if the Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines didnt run her mouth off enough 3 years ago to completly ruin her career, she still hasnt learned to just shut up. While in London, which is where she said the remarks that got her in trouble in 2003, she gave an interview to a British newspaper saying these nice words:
Ya know, I just things its incredible how they continue to go overseas to bash their country. This time they arent just bashing their government, but now they are doing it to every good and patriotic American. These are three of the most cowardly people in the United States of America. At least most liberals have the balls to talk sh*t in the states and are not running to Europe to do it.
I truly hope and pray that this will end their career. Because bashing the country that made you what you are is inexcusable.
I also hope the Dixie Chicks stay in Europe, because us patriotic Americans, dont want them here.
As if the Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines didnt run her mouth off enough 3 years ago to completly ruin her career, she still hasnt learned to just shut up. While in London, which is where she said the remarks that got her in trouble in 2003, she gave an interview to a British newspaper saying these nice words:
"A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism."
"The entire country may disagree with me, but I dont understand the necessity of patriotism," Mains resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country... I dont see why people care about patriotism."
Ya know, I just things its incredible how they continue to go overseas to bash their country. This time they arent just bashing their government, but now they are doing it to every good and patriotic American. These are three of the most cowardly people in the United States of America. At least most liberals have the balls to talk sh*t in the states and are not running to Europe to do it.
I truly hope and pray that this will end their career. Because bashing the country that made you what you are is inexcusable.
I also hope the Dixie Chicks stay in Europe, because us patriotic Americans, dont want them here.
Senate Panel OK's Flag Burning Amendment
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed 11-7 an proposed amendment to the Constitution that would outlaw burning Old Glory. The Bill will now head to the Senate floor for debate and an eventual vote.
Because this is a Constitutional amendment, it must be passed by 2/3 of the entire Senate. If it passes, it would be the 28th time the Constitution will be amended. I have heard that if all 100 senators vote on this bill, they will come up one vote short of the 67 needed. Why anyone would vote against this is beyond me. To most Americans, burning the flag is not freedom of speech, its hate speech. Any a-hole who lives within the borders of this nation that burns the flag should immediately be deported as far as Im concerned. I dont care where you send them, even if they were born here. I, and most others, dont want anyone who would burn such an important symbol of this country living here.
I cant wait to see the list of Democrats who vote against this thing, because it should be the typical suspects of Kennedy, Kerry, Boxer, Biden, Feingold, and other American haters. The American people overwhelming hope this thing passes, because this law is loooooooooooooong overdue.
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed 11-7 an proposed amendment to the Constitution that would outlaw burning Old Glory. The Bill will now head to the Senate floor for debate and an eventual vote.
Because this is a Constitutional amendment, it must be passed by 2/3 of the entire Senate. If it passes, it would be the 28th time the Constitution will be amended. I have heard that if all 100 senators vote on this bill, they will come up one vote short of the 67 needed. Why anyone would vote against this is beyond me. To most Americans, burning the flag is not freedom of speech, its hate speech. Any a-hole who lives within the borders of this nation that burns the flag should immediately be deported as far as Im concerned. I dont care where you send them, even if they were born here. I, and most others, dont want anyone who would burn such an important symbol of this country living here.
I cant wait to see the list of Democrats who vote against this thing, because it should be the typical suspects of Kennedy, Kerry, Boxer, Biden, Feingold, and other American haters. The American people overwhelming hope this thing passes, because this law is loooooooooooooong overdue.
The Democrats Plan for America
So the Democratic Party has released their "New Direction for America", and it is typical and hilarious. These people just cant seem to get into this century. Here is what they are focusing on to bring them back to power in November:
-Make Health Care more available
-Lower gas prices and achieve energy independence
-Help working families
-Cut college costs
-Ensure dignified retirement
-Require fiscal responsibility
This is red meat for Republicans. If you notice, there is nothing there about the two biggest issues in American right now, the war in Iraq and immigration reform. I mean are these people kidding me? These are the same worthless issues that Democrats and liberals have been harping about for 40 years. Luckily, the Republican Party is willing to tackle tough issues, whether people agree with them or not, but the liberals only care about health care and a distribution of wealth. They have no plan for Iraq. They want us to pull the troops out when things were supposedly going badly, and now that things are going good by all accounts guess what they want to do...thats right, pull the troops out.
The 'New Direction' they put forward shouldnt surprise anyone. They have no idea how to fight and win a war on terror, infact most of them cease to even believe one exists. They cannot keep this country safe, because they are against almost every anti-terror measure the Bush administration puts forth. They also cannot stop illegal immigration nor do they necessarily want to. Most liberals want open borders, because in their eyes they see future Democratic voters. So the more poor immigrants that come here the better.
DO NOT let these people get away with all of this. Obstructionism is not a plan, and the GOP must remind the American people of just how enept the Democratic Party is. If not, this country will be turned over to people like Nancy Pelosi, who will ruin everything we have achieved in the past 5 years. That cannot happen.
So the Democratic Party has released their "New Direction for America", and it is typical and hilarious. These people just cant seem to get into this century. Here is what they are focusing on to bring them back to power in November:
-Make Health Care more available
-Lower gas prices and achieve energy independence
-Help working families
-Cut college costs
-Ensure dignified retirement
-Require fiscal responsibility
This is red meat for Republicans. If you notice, there is nothing there about the two biggest issues in American right now, the war in Iraq and immigration reform. I mean are these people kidding me? These are the same worthless issues that Democrats and liberals have been harping about for 40 years. Luckily, the Republican Party is willing to tackle tough issues, whether people agree with them or not, but the liberals only care about health care and a distribution of wealth. They have no plan for Iraq. They want us to pull the troops out when things were supposedly going badly, and now that things are going good by all accounts guess what they want to do...thats right, pull the troops out.
The 'New Direction' they put forward shouldnt surprise anyone. They have no idea how to fight and win a war on terror, infact most of them cease to even believe one exists. They cannot keep this country safe, because they are against almost every anti-terror measure the Bush administration puts forth. They also cannot stop illegal immigration nor do they necessarily want to. Most liberals want open borders, because in their eyes they see future Democratic voters. So the more poor immigrants that come here the better.
DO NOT let these people get away with all of this. Obstructionism is not a plan, and the GOP must remind the American people of just how enept the Democratic Party is. If not, this country will be turned over to people like Nancy Pelosi, who will ruin everything we have achieved in the past 5 years. That cannot happen.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
New SurveyUSA Poll
Ok, I saw this new poll the other day and I wasnt going to write about it. But, the more I have seen it around the internet the more its pissing me off, so now I must act. The results absolutely cannot be true. Here's they are:
It continues...
Now, about the Governor's race, that could very well be true. I know that Blackwell has an uphill battle because of the scandel and whatever else, but at the same time I dont really believe he is down 17% right now. If he is, Im still confident he will gain alot of support as the campaign gets hotter toward the fall.
About the Senate poll, its straight-up malarchy. There's not an ice cubes chance in hell that an incumbant Senator is down in the polls by nine percent against a guy as liberal as Sherrod Brown in a state like Ohio. Its just not practical. I do believe this race could be close in November, but Im positive that DeWine will win. Another piece of this puzzle that doesnt make sense is that the poll says that only 2 percent of those surveyed are undecided. Trust me when I tell you that there are alot more people undecided than just 2% when the election is still 5 months away.
This one is skewed...dont believe it.
Ok, I saw this new poll the other day and I wasnt going to write about it. But, the more I have seen it around the internet the more its pissing me off, so now I must act. The results absolutely cannot be true. Here's they are:
Voters say they prefer Strickland over Blackwell, 53 percent to 37 percent, according to a Survey USA poll of 507 likely voters conducted this week for Cleveland's WKYC-TV Channel 3 and affiliated stations in Cincinnati and Youngstown. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points.
It continues...
The survey also showed that in the race for the U.S. Senate, voters favor seven-term Democratic Congressman Sherrod Brown over incumbant senator and Republican Mike DeWine, 48-39 percent. Eleven percent of those surveyed said they favored anybody but them, while 2 percent said they were undecided.
Now, about the Governor's race, that could very well be true. I know that Blackwell has an uphill battle because of the scandel and whatever else, but at the same time I dont really believe he is down 17% right now. If he is, Im still confident he will gain alot of support as the campaign gets hotter toward the fall.
About the Senate poll, its straight-up malarchy. There's not an ice cubes chance in hell that an incumbant Senator is down in the polls by nine percent against a guy as liberal as Sherrod Brown in a state like Ohio. Its just not practical. I do believe this race could be close in November, but Im positive that DeWine will win. Another piece of this puzzle that doesnt make sense is that the poll says that only 2 percent of those surveyed are undecided. Trust me when I tell you that there are alot more people undecided than just 2% when the election is still 5 months away.
This one is skewed...dont believe it.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Rove Wont Be Charged
I called this one months ago. All of these allegations against Karl Rove were a bunch of BS and Im actually surprised it took this long for them to be dropped. Rove was the result of a politically motivated investigation, but now has been rightly cleared. I also believe that Scooter Libby will be cleared of everything he is accused of, because he is also just another scapegoat being charged in a crime that is nonexistant.
This is a very positive thing for all Republicans, because without Rove I really dont know what we would have done going into the elections this fall. He is the mind behind the GOP and we desperately need him to help us. This day just keeps getting better for the Bush Administration. Lets just hope and pray he gets out of Iraq alive.
I called this one months ago. All of these allegations against Karl Rove were a bunch of BS and Im actually surprised it took this long for them to be dropped. Rove was the result of a politically motivated investigation, but now has been rightly cleared. I also believe that Scooter Libby will be cleared of everything he is accused of, because he is also just another scapegoat being charged in a crime that is nonexistant.
This is a very positive thing for all Republicans, because without Rove I really dont know what we would have done going into the elections this fall. He is the mind behind the GOP and we desperately need him to help us. This day just keeps getting better for the Bush Administration. Lets just hope and pray he gets out of Iraq alive.
Patrick Kennedy to Plead Guilty
More bad news for Democrats:
I commend Kennedy for doing the right thing. He went to rehab and now pleads guilty, good for him, bad for Democrats.
I wish him well.
More bad news for Democrats:
Rep. Patrick Kennedy has reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty to a charge of driving under the influence of perscription drugs in connection for his middle-of-the-night car crash last month near the U.S. Capitol.
Two additional charges of reckless driving and failure to exhibit a driving permit will be dismissed under the plea agreement reached with prosecutors.
"As congressman Kennedy has said all along, he will take full responsibility for his actions and that is what he is doing today, "Kennedy's cheif of staff, Sean Richardson, said Tuesday.
I commend Kennedy for doing the right thing. He went to rehab and now pleads guilty, good for him, bad for Democrats.
I wish him well.
President Bush in Iraq
Reuters is reporting that Iraqi state television says President Bush has arrived in Iraq, it gave no other details.
If this is true, it is absolutely awesome. I think its really cool when he goes over there without any notice. The last time he did was on Thanksgiving of 2003, to go eat some turkey with the troops. Ill hopefully have more details later.
Reuters is reporting that Iraqi state television says President Bush has arrived in Iraq, it gave no other details.
If this is true, it is absolutely awesome. I think its really cool when he goes over there without any notice. The last time he did was on Thanksgiving of 2003, to go eat some turkey with the troops. Ill hopefully have more details later.
Monday, June 12, 2006
New CNN Poll Out About Iraq
Ahhh CNN, just when I think they have some good news they still know how to spin it. They released a new poll today about the war in Iraq. The poll shows an improvement in public opinion for the war.
To no surprise, CNN headlined this story with "Poll: Most Still Think Iraq War A Mistake." Just thought Id let ya know.
See poll results -- PDF
Ahhh CNN, just when I think they have some good news they still know how to spin it. They released a new poll today about the war in Iraq. The poll shows an improvement in public opinion for the war.
The poll found 43 percent of respondents said the war is going either very or moderately well, up from 38 percent in a March poll.
Fifty-four percent said they still believe the war is going either very badly or moderately badly, down from 60 percent in March.
And 55 percent said they believe the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq of 2003 was an error -- a figure unchanged from an April survey.
To no surprise, CNN headlined this story with "Poll: Most Still Think Iraq War A Mistake." Just thought Id let ya know.
See poll results -- PDF
USA Loses 3-0
The US soccer team got absolutely spanked in their first round matchup in the World Cup against the Czech Republic. We had a few opportunities to score a few goals, but they pretty much blew each chance. No one on the American side stepped up, and the score speaks for itself.

Everyone said that the US had an up hill battle to begin with because of our tough grouping, but now it almost seems impossible that we will advance. Its very disappointing for a team many called the best the USA had ever put on a soccer field, but I guess its to be expected from a country where soccer is about the 6th most popular sport. I hope we can do better in the next couple games, but I am not optimistic.
The US soccer team got absolutely spanked in their first round matchup in the World Cup against the Czech Republic. We had a few opportunities to score a few goals, but they pretty much blew each chance. No one on the American side stepped up, and the score speaks for itself.

Everyone said that the US had an up hill battle to begin with because of our tough grouping, but now it almost seems impossible that we will advance. Its very disappointing for a team many called the best the USA had ever put on a soccer field, but I guess its to be expected from a country where soccer is about the 6th most popular sport. I hope we can do better in the next couple games, but I am not optimistic.
Today in the Liberal Media
Ok I want to show you exactly how the mainstream media is reporting the important stories of today. Its quite humerous.
Lets begin with President Bush's war summit at Camp David. The only thing the libs seem to care about is whether or not the people involved in the summit will discuss troops withdrawls. I have heard that phrase about a dozen times already this morning and its only 10:30am. Troop levels have become an obsession of the MSM over the past few years, and they just cant comprehend the logic of keeping the troops in the warzone until the job is done. I say win the war, then bring the troops home. Here's the proof.
Next is the story about the three terrorits who committed suicide at Guantanamo Bay over the weekend. I applaude their decision to end their pathtic lives, in fact I wish that every one of them would kill themselves. It would make our job much easier. From most accounts, the prisoners there are doing quite well and are treated great, so they can save every American money by hanging themselves. The media does not agree with my assessment. They hate what we do in Guantanamo, and they somehow blame the US for these suicides. Most have said that they did this out of protest and not desperation, but that isnt enough for most liberals in the media. They will do almost anything to get GITMO shutdown, which will seriously hurt the war effort and put us and our troops at risk. Here's the proof.
Im going to do this sort of thing quite often, to prove the liberal bias in the news. If you deny its there, your an idiot. Seriously. Thanks and stay tuned.
Ok I want to show you exactly how the mainstream media is reporting the important stories of today. Its quite humerous.
Lets begin with President Bush's war summit at Camp David. The only thing the libs seem to care about is whether or not the people involved in the summit will discuss troops withdrawls. I have heard that phrase about a dozen times already this morning and its only 10:30am. Troop levels have become an obsession of the MSM over the past few years, and they just cant comprehend the logic of keeping the troops in the warzone until the job is done. I say win the war, then bring the troops home. Here's the proof.
Next is the story about the three terrorits who committed suicide at Guantanamo Bay over the weekend. I applaude their decision to end their pathtic lives, in fact I wish that every one of them would kill themselves. It would make our job much easier. From most accounts, the prisoners there are doing quite well and are treated great, so they can save every American money by hanging themselves. The media does not agree with my assessment. They hate what we do in Guantanamo, and they somehow blame the US for these suicides. Most have said that they did this out of protest and not desperation, but that isnt enough for most liberals in the media. They will do almost anything to get GITMO shutdown, which will seriously hurt the war effort and put us and our troops at risk. Here's the proof.
Im going to do this sort of thing quite often, to prove the liberal bias in the news. If you deny its there, your an idiot. Seriously. Thanks and stay tuned.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Sherrod Brown is Proud of Being a Liberal
This article in the Toledo Blade shows why Sherrod Brown will lose in November. The guy is just too far left to win a statewide vote in Ohio. Its that simple.
That last statement is exactly right. Brown is as liberal as they come, and barring some major political catastrophe, I just dont see him even getting close to beating DeWine.
And thank God for that.
P.S. I guess the new word is "populist" now, not liberal. I didnt get that memo.
This article in the Toledo Blade shows why Sherrod Brown will lose in November. The guy is just too far left to win a statewide vote in Ohio. Its that simple.
Mr. Brown carries a more populist - Republicans derisively say "liberal"- banner in his Ohio battle with GOP incumbant Mike DeWine. He wants troops out of Iraq this year. He denounces America's free trade pacts. He criticizes Mr. DeWine's votes to repeal the estate tax and make some of President Bush's tax cuts permanent.
When Republicans rip his votes against certain military of intelligence spending, or his opposition to a federal constitutional same-sex marriage ban, Mr. Brown dismisses them with a "yeah, so?" shrug.
Its not a prevalent strategy, in Republican-leaning states or otherwise. Mr. Brown conceded as much recently, as he searched for the names of leading populists (liberals) in Congress today. "I'm not sure," Mr. Brown said, before settling on Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa). "They dont all jump to mind, do they?"
Analysts and partisans say Mr. Brown's campaign themes stem from conviction and necessity: his 14-year congressional voting record would make it hard to escape them.
Mr. Dewine has largely ignored his opponent so far, but other Republicans pummel Mr. Brown almost daily with allegations of running left of the state's voters. "Ill give him credit for staying true to who he is," said John McClelland, a state GOP spokesman, "but its not going to win him an election in Ohio."
That last statement is exactly right. Brown is as liberal as they come, and barring some major political catastrophe, I just dont see him even getting close to beating DeWine.
And thank God for that.
P.S. I guess the new word is "populist" now, not liberal. I didnt get that memo.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
New Bradsjournal Poll
First off, let me give you the results of the last poll. The question was,'is the media in the United States of American fair?' Well, evidentally its not, because 75% of you who voted said that it is not. That is a very large margin as far as Im concerned. But I agree with that majority, most of the media in this country does have a serious bias.
Ok now on to this weeks poll. The question for this week is should Secretary of State Ken blackwell resign his post while he is running for Governor? Many media outlets have been making a big deal out of this, and I am very curious to see what you think. This issue could plague Blackwell for the rest of the campaign, and he will probably get slammed for it if he wins, when people say he fixed the election or whatever. Democrats are famous for complaining about losing, and this just adds fuel to their pathetic fire.
So should Blackwell resign?
Please vote.
First off, let me give you the results of the last poll. The question was,'is the media in the United States of American fair?' Well, evidentally its not, because 75% of you who voted said that it is not. That is a very large margin as far as Im concerned. But I agree with that majority, most of the media in this country does have a serious bias.
Ok now on to this weeks poll. The question for this week is should Secretary of State Ken blackwell resign his post while he is running for Governor? Many media outlets have been making a big deal out of this, and I am very curious to see what you think. This issue could plague Blackwell for the rest of the campaign, and he will probably get slammed for it if he wins, when people say he fixed the election or whatever. Democrats are famous for complaining about losing, and this just adds fuel to their pathetic fire.
So should Blackwell resign?
Please vote.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Should Blackwell Resign?
Ken Blackwell is getting hit by not only Democrats, but also much of the press in Ohio for not stepping down as Secretary of State during his bid to be Governor. I personally think he should step down, because if something would happen to go wrong in November with the vote, all hell will break loose and it wont benefit anyone.
Channel 19 News here in Cleveland has been all over this story, and have really been demonizing Blackwell lately. They gave Ted Strickland a pass for not showing up to an event in Columbus last week, where Blackwell did show, telling the audience it wasnt that big of deal. Im not exactly sure why the bias is there, but it is absolutely evident.
I hope that Blackwell will do the right thing and step down, but I doubt he will. But again, he should for the sake of us all because it is a conflict of interests.
Please leave me comments and let me know what you think about this issue, because I find this one veeeeeeery interesting.
Ken Blackwell is getting hit by not only Democrats, but also much of the press in Ohio for not stepping down as Secretary of State during his bid to be Governor. I personally think he should step down, because if something would happen to go wrong in November with the vote, all hell will break loose and it wont benefit anyone.
Channel 19 News here in Cleveland has been all over this story, and have really been demonizing Blackwell lately. They gave Ted Strickland a pass for not showing up to an event in Columbus last week, where Blackwell did show, telling the audience it wasnt that big of deal. Im not exactly sure why the bias is there, but it is absolutely evident.
I hope that Blackwell will do the right thing and step down, but I doubt he will. But again, he should for the sake of us all because it is a conflict of interests.
Please leave me comments and let me know what you think about this issue, because I find this one veeeeeeery interesting.
Ohio Network Pulls Ad
Here is the story:
Ohhh ok, so basically they are accusing her of doing the same thing that Harry Reid actually did do by taking free boxing tickets and then lobbying for the organization that gave them to him. What a bunch of freakin hypocrits these people are. But Im just glad this station took the action it did, cause we dont want that crap running on Ohio's airwaves.
Here is the story:
A TV station and a cable network are refusing to run an ad sponsored by a liberal activist group that targets Republican U.S. Rep. Deborah Pryce because of question about material the group provided to back up the ad's claims.
The group is spending $300,000 on ads targeting Pryce and other lawmakers. The ads say they accepted thousands of dollars in donations from defense contractor and then "opposed penalites like halliburton who overcharged the military in Iraq."
Ohhh ok, so basically they are accusing her of doing the same thing that Harry Reid actually did do by taking free boxing tickets and then lobbying for the organization that gave them to him. What a bunch of freakin hypocrits these people are. But Im just glad this station took the action it did, cause we dont want that crap running on Ohio's airwaves.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Zarqawi Dead
This is obviously a huge day for anyone invested in the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Here are some pictures from this victorious day.

This is the Iraq PM and others visually proud and happy that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by an airstrike.

Here are some Iraqi Police and military forces dancing in the streets after hearing the news.

Here is a look at the bastard while he was still alive.

This is what was left of the house that Zarqawi and his buddies were blown up in. 500lb bombs can do some seeeerious damage.

These are pictures of the actual airstrike from one of the F-16's that carried out the successful attack.

Here is Zarqawi today. Dead as a doornail. :)
More to come later.
This is obviously a huge day for anyone invested in the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Here are some pictures from this victorious day.

This is the Iraq PM and others visually proud and happy that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by an airstrike.

Here are some Iraqi Police and military forces dancing in the streets after hearing the news.

Here is a look at the bastard while he was still alive.

This is what was left of the house that Zarqawi and his buddies were blown up in. 500lb bombs can do some seeeerious damage.

These are pictures of the actual airstrike from one of the F-16's that carried out the successful attack.

Here is Zarqawi today. Dead as a doornail. :)
More to come later.
*Update on Zarqawi*
Ok I have been listening to the news coverage on Zarqawi's death, and I want to pass along exactly what took place to kill the SOB. Evidentally we had special forces in the area following on of Zarqawi's most trusted aides. After we saw this aide go into a safe house in a town just north of Baghdad, the forces pretty much knew that Zarqawi was going to be there, so the special forces relayed the into to central command who ordered two F-16's to go and take them out.
The planes dropped a single 500lb bomb on the house, then decided to drop another one to make sure the target was eliminate. Once the house was completely destroyed, Iraqi forces and police were the first to arrive at the scene, and took out the bodies of six people. Zarqawi was taken by US forces and positively identified by physical characteristics and also a finger print analysis. The military will be doing a DNA test on him, with the results expected withing the next 24 hours. Security forces found lots of Intel in the house where Zarqawi was killed, and 17 subsequent raids and military operations have been conducted around Baghdad because of it, and the General who spoke of this news said we have found a 'treasure trove' of important information.
Thats that...more to come soon.
Ok I have been listening to the news coverage on Zarqawi's death, and I want to pass along exactly what took place to kill the SOB. Evidentally we had special forces in the area following on of Zarqawi's most trusted aides. After we saw this aide go into a safe house in a town just north of Baghdad, the forces pretty much knew that Zarqawi was going to be there, so the special forces relayed the into to central command who ordered two F-16's to go and take them out.
The planes dropped a single 500lb bomb on the house, then decided to drop another one to make sure the target was eliminate. Once the house was completely destroyed, Iraqi forces and police were the first to arrive at the scene, and took out the bodies of six people. Zarqawi was taken by US forces and positively identified by physical characteristics and also a finger print analysis. The military will be doing a DNA test on him, with the results expected withing the next 24 hours. Security forces found lots of Intel in the house where Zarqawi was killed, and 17 subsequent raids and military operations have been conducted around Baghdad because of it, and the General who spoke of this news said we have found a 'treasure trove' of important information.
Thats that...more to come soon.
**Zarqawi Killed in Iraq**
Al-Qaeda's #1 scumbag in Iraq has been killed in a US airstrike early this morning, finally. This is enormous news, with ramifications that will be seen forever. The media is all over this story so I will direct you to them until more details are known. This could be the major turning point we've needed...developing.
More Info:
Arab Media's Reaction.
Bush Reacts.
Blair's Reaction.
AL-Qaeda's Reaction.
Fox News
Al-Qaeda's #1 scumbag in Iraq has been killed in a US airstrike early this morning, finally. This is enormous news, with ramifications that will be seen forever. The media is all over this story so I will direct you to them until more details are known. This could be the major turning point we've needed...developing.
More Info:
Arab Media's Reaction.
Bush Reacts.
Blair's Reaction.
AL-Qaeda's Reaction.
Fox News
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Akron Beacon Journal Sold
The Akron Beacon Journal announced today that it was bought for about $165 million by a company from Canada. I dont read the paper much being from Cleveland, but I hope that the company keeps the paper as it is, and does not cut hundreds of jobs.
We shall see.
The Akron Beacon Journal announced today that it was bought for about $165 million by a company from Canada. I dont read the paper much being from Cleveland, but I hope that the company keeps the paper as it is, and does not cut hundreds of jobs.
We shall see.
Pity-Party at the United Nations
I saw this on Michelle Malkins blog and I just had to laugh. Not the kind of laugh when something is funny, more of the type of laugh when you do when you hear something absolutely pathetic. The U.N. is very upset that most Americans have found out the truth, ya know, they they are a basically inept institution with corrupt leaders. OOps, our bad. Here it is in their own words:
Hahaha. I mean they have got to be kidding me. Now I am no expert on this type of thing, but I feel that this problem of the U.N. not feeling adequate amongst Americans is easily solvable, they just need to DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE INTERNATIONALLY AND STOP BITCHIN ABOUT EVERYTHING THE UNITED STATES DOES AND SAYS.
See..its simple!
I saw this on Michelle Malkins blog and I just had to laugh. Not the kind of laugh when something is funny, more of the type of laugh when you do when you hear something absolutely pathetic. The U.N. is very upset that most Americans have found out the truth, ya know, they they are a basically inept institution with corrupt leaders. OOps, our bad. Here it is in their own words:
Secretary General Kofi Annan's deputy assailed the United States on Tuesday for withholding support from the United Nations, encouraging its harshest detrators and undermining an institution that he said Washington needed more that it would admit.
"The prevailing practice of seeking to use the U.N. almost by stealth as a diplomatic tool while failing to stand up for it against its domestic critics is simply not sustainable," said the deputy, Mark Malloch Brown. "You will lose the U.N one way or another."
In a highly unusual instance of a United Nations official singling out an individual country for criticism, Mr. Malloch Brown said that although the United States was constructively engaged with the United Nations in many areas, the American public was shielded from knowledge of that by Washington's tolerance of what he called "too much unchecked U.N.-bashing and stereotyping.
"Much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News," he said.
Hahaha. I mean they have got to be kidding me. Now I am no expert on this type of thing, but I feel that this problem of the U.N. not feeling adequate amongst Americans is easily solvable, they just need to DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE INTERNATIONALLY AND STOP BITCHIN ABOUT EVERYTHING THE UNITED STATES DOES AND SAYS.
See..its simple!
Bilbray Wins in Cali
In the only election that actually put somebody in congress yesterday, Republican Brian Bilbray defeated his Democratic counterpart 49% to 45%. The media was making a huge deal about this race because this is a very Republican District. It is the district that Duke Cunningham had to resign in because of his taking bribes, now hes in jail.
This race just proves to me that the GOP does have momentum going into the fall, and you cannot trust the media when it comes to polling because they had this race at a dead heat. Not to mention that Bilbray had a third party candidate taking votes from him also. But luckily he still won, because if he would have last the mainstream media would have had a freakin field day with this.
I am becoming more optomistic.
For more on this race go here and here and here.
In the only election that actually put somebody in congress yesterday, Republican Brian Bilbray defeated his Democratic counterpart 49% to 45%. The media was making a huge deal about this race because this is a very Republican District. It is the district that Duke Cunningham had to resign in because of his taking bribes, now hes in jail.
This race just proves to me that the GOP does have momentum going into the fall, and you cannot trust the media when it comes to polling because they had this race at a dead heat. Not to mention that Bilbray had a third party candidate taking votes from him also. But luckily he still won, because if he would have last the mainstream media would have had a freakin field day with this.
I am becoming more optomistic.
For more on this race go here and here and here.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
62 Years Ago Today
Today we remember the amazing amount of courage that the Greatest Generation showed when they invaded Normandy on June 6th, 1944. Thousands died within a matter of hours, but their sacrifice was worth it as D-Day ended up being the turning point in World War II.

This type of attack would never be possible today, as even a single military death is reason enough for many in this country to prove the cause is not worth fighting for. But my grandparents generation new different, and they were willing to do whatever it took to win the war. I know that mentality seems alien in 2006, but that was the way it was. Mankind will always be in debt to those brave men who faught and died that day, as the world would be a very different place today if they had failed.
God Bless all WWII vets.
Today we remember the amazing amount of courage that the Greatest Generation showed when they invaded Normandy on June 6th, 1944. Thousands died within a matter of hours, but their sacrifice was worth it as D-Day ended up being the turning point in World War II.

This type of attack would never be possible today, as even a single military death is reason enough for many in this country to prove the cause is not worth fighting for. But my grandparents generation new different, and they were willing to do whatever it took to win the war. I know that mentality seems alien in 2006, but that was the way it was. Mankind will always be in debt to those brave men who faught and died that day, as the world would be a very different place today if they had failed.
God Bless all WWII vets.
Shake-up in the Foltin Campaign
Ok, it is never a good sign for any campaign to have a problem like this in June. Obviously, having to part with a campaign manager is very troubling, as he is in charge of everything. I hope that Foltin can get things together, because this is bad time for a change like this. I have a source in the campaign that said Foltin has already hired a new campaign manager, but I was unable to get the man's name. Hopefully, the campaign can continue on without much of a problem, because Foltin has a great shot to pick up a seat for the GOP in November.
Lorain Mayor Craig Foltin is without a campaign manager in his bid to get elected to Congress.
Ira Treuhaft, who was Foltin's campaign manager for about two months, is leaving Ohio and going home to New York City. Treuhaft, 27, said he and Foltin agreed that it would be best if Treuhaft no longer continued as campaign manager.
"I have to go home to the New York area to pursue other opportunities at this point, "Treuhaft said. "Im confident the campaign is in great shape."
Foltin, a Republican, is seeking election to the 13th congressional district seat now held by Rep. Sherrod Brown, who is not seeking re-election. Foltin said Treuhaft parted on good terms.
"He's a good guy," Foltin said. The mayor said he expects to hire a new campaign manager by the end of the week.
Ok, it is never a good sign for any campaign to have a problem like this in June. Obviously, having to part with a campaign manager is very troubling, as he is in charge of everything. I hope that Foltin can get things together, because this is bad time for a change like this. I have a source in the campaign that said Foltin has already hired a new campaign manager, but I was unable to get the man's name. Hopefully, the campaign can continue on without much of a problem, because Foltin has a great shot to pick up a seat for the GOP in November.
Monday, June 05, 2006
2008 Poll Numbers
Quinnipiac released a new poll today showing the chances of many contenders and pretenders vying for the 2008 presidential nomination from both political party's. I must say that I am very happy to see that Rudolph Giuliani came in first out of all the candidates listed.
Obviously it is waaaaaaaay to early to really name a favorite, and Giuliani doesnt even know if he's going to run or not, or so he says. But you should definately take a look at the results anyways, they do shed some good light on who is looking good a little over 2 years out, and also who is looking not so good. *cough* Bill Frist *cough*
Quinnipiac released a new poll today showing the chances of many contenders and pretenders vying for the 2008 presidential nomination from both political party's. I must say that I am very happy to see that Rudolph Giuliani came in first out of all the candidates listed.
Obviously it is waaaaaaaay to early to really name a favorite, and Giuliani doesnt even know if he's going to run or not, or so he says. But you should definately take a look at the results anyways, they do shed some good light on who is looking good a little over 2 years out, and also who is looking not so good. *cough* Bill Frist *cough*
Immigration and our Senate Race
An article today in the Toledo Blade talks about how the two men running for Senate in Ohio seem to agree on what we should do to combat the huge problem of illegal immigration.
Read the whole thing.
An article today in the Toledo Blade talks about how the two men running for Senate in Ohio seem to agree on what we should do to combat the huge problem of illegal immigration.
Mr. Brown and Mr. DeWine both say they support tightening border security, creating a "guest worker" program, and cracking down on companies that employ illegal immigrants. Mr. DeWine voted for a Senate bill that included all those provisions last month; shortly before its passage, Mr. Brown said "I like the general direction" if the bill.Im not sure if I believe Sherrod Brown. I do not think he would vote for any immigration bill that doesnt grant unconditional amnesty. I could be wrong, but Im usually not.
Read the whole thing.
This whole thing really really bothers me. Let me first say that if these Marines did what they are being accused of doing, that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of military law. There is no justification for murdering 24 innocent men, women, and children for any reason, even during war.
With that said, the way that the media is handling what potentially happened in Haditha back in November, is a real shame. Not since the day this story broke has the media been willing to give the Marines involved a fair shake. They were convicted since the second TIME magazing ran the story back in March.
As you can see, TIME and NEWSWEEK arent done running with this story, and they dont care what publically talking about this before its concluded might do to the war effort and the other troops on the ground still serving in Iraq. Here is what I mean, this is from the newest edition of TIME:

Notice how in the second paragraph it says, "what happened at Haditha," see in their minds, they already think without a doubt that the Marines are guilty, they dont care about justice. What if it comes to be known that one of the children in the house was carrying an RPG, like they are known to do on occasion? Michelle Malkin has pictures here of kids being dressed up like terrorists! NEWSWEEK, also had to weigh in on Haditha, but their article is much better written than the one in TIME. Maybe NEWSWEEK learned from the whole Koran debacle that they printed last year where they made up a bunch of crap and people ended up getting killed.

I know that this whole situtation looks very bad, and the Americans involved could quite well be guilty of everything they are accused of. But why cant the media just let the system run its course and withhold judgement until the judicial process can run its course. How can any nation win a war when the media is so dead against it? I think its almost impossible. I feel sorry for the men and women who have to fight this war everyday, because the real enemy isnt on the battlefield, its on the front page.
This whole thing really really bothers me. Let me first say that if these Marines did what they are being accused of doing, that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of military law. There is no justification for murdering 24 innocent men, women, and children for any reason, even during war.
With that said, the way that the media is handling what potentially happened in Haditha back in November, is a real shame. Not since the day this story broke has the media been willing to give the Marines involved a fair shake. They were convicted since the second TIME magazing ran the story back in March.
As you can see, TIME and NEWSWEEK arent done running with this story, and they dont care what publically talking about this before its concluded might do to the war effort and the other troops on the ground still serving in Iraq. Here is what I mean, this is from the newest edition of TIME:

The Killings of 24 Iraqis one morning last November may mark a terrible turning point in America's already shaky presence in Iraq.
Like the Abu Ghraib prison scandal before it, what happened at Haditha threatens to become one of the war's signature debacles, an alleged atrocity committed by a small group of service members that comes to symbolize the enterprise's larger costs.
Notice how in the second paragraph it says, "what happened at Haditha," see in their minds, they already think without a doubt that the Marines are guilty, they dont care about justice. What if it comes to be known that one of the children in the house was carrying an RPG, like they are known to do on occasion? Michelle Malkin has pictures here of kids being dressed up like terrorists! NEWSWEEK, also had to weigh in on Haditha, but their article is much better written than the one in TIME. Maybe NEWSWEEK learned from the whole Koran debacle that they printed last year where they made up a bunch of crap and people ended up getting killed.

I know that this whole situtation looks very bad, and the Americans involved could quite well be guilty of everything they are accused of. But why cant the media just let the system run its course and withhold judgement until the judicial process can run its course. How can any nation win a war when the media is so dead against it? I think its almost impossible. I feel sorry for the men and women who have to fight this war everyday, because the real enemy isnt on the battlefield, its on the front page.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
*New * Poll
I have decided to add something new to, and its a weekly poll. This week, I simply ask whether or not you personally feel that the media is fair and unbias.
I think that most of the media has a liberal slant, and those organizations are getting worse and worse at hiding their true feelings and intentions.
But maybe Im an just a moron, so let me know how you feel and vote. Thanks
I have decided to add something new to, and its a weekly poll. This week, I simply ask whether or not you personally feel that the media is fair and unbias.
I think that most of the media has a liberal slant, and those organizations are getting worse and worse at hiding their true feelings and intentions.
But maybe Im an just a moron, so let me know how you feel and vote. Thanks
How to Deal with Iran
Im not fan of the New York Times these days. They pretty much bash the president and everything he does on a daily bases, and thats unfortunate. But the NYT wrote a very interesting article about how Condi Rice and President Bush interacted leading up to their big decision to change course on how to deal with the Iranian's.
Please Read.
Im not fan of the New York Times these days. They pretty much bash the president and everything he does on a daily bases, and thats unfortunate. But the NYT wrote a very interesting article about how Condi Rice and President Bush interacted leading up to their big decision to change course on how to deal with the Iranian's.
Please Read.
Friday, June 02, 2006
"Disown the Troops"
I found this website while looking on a message board. The site is and it is pretty self-explanitory. I dont know who the guy is who started it, but he does not deserve to live in this country, and what he is doing is a disgrace.
He has some pics of wounded soldiers with captions like, "Another prayer answered, another dead scumbag," and, "only a fool would die or be injured for this country."
Check it out for yourselves, and let marinate into your brain the truth of the enemy that we have within this country. This idiot is NOT an American.
I found this website while looking on a message board. The site is and it is pretty self-explanitory. I dont know who the guy is who started it, but he does not deserve to live in this country, and what he is doing is a disgrace.
He has some pics of wounded soldiers with captions like, "Another prayer answered, another dead scumbag," and, "only a fool would die or be injured for this country."
Check it out for yourselves, and let marinate into your brain the truth of the enemy that we have within this country. This idiot is NOT an American.
The new unemployment number shows that just 4.6% of the nations workforce is without a job after the government said that 75,000 new jobs were created in May. Of course, many in the media are saying that the job figure is much lower than anticipated and might be a sign that the job market is beginning to dry up. Wishful thinking.
This economy is like a well-oiled machine right now, and any unemployment number under 5% is bascially considered full employment by most economists. Things look very good, now if we could only get oil prices down, it would be perfect.
The new unemployment number shows that just 4.6% of the nations workforce is without a job after the government said that 75,000 new jobs were created in May. Of course, many in the media are saying that the job figure is much lower than anticipated and might be a sign that the job market is beginning to dry up. Wishful thinking.
This economy is like a well-oiled machine right now, and any unemployment number under 5% is bascially considered full employment by most economists. Things look very good, now if we could only get oil prices down, it would be perfect.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Black Leaders Expected to Endorse Strickland
Black leaders around Ohio are expected to endorse Ted Strickland for Governor.
This is just so pathetic its actually funny. Black leaders always talk about advancing people of color in this country, and now when they have a chance to do so, they blink for political purposes. Ken Blackwell is a good man and a good candidate, oh and he is also black. But people like Stephanie Tubbs Jones dont care about a person's charactor, or even their skin color evidentally, as she is obviously blinded by ideology.
I suspect that Blackwell will do ok when it comes to getting the black vote, much better than if a white guy was running on the GOP side. But the fact that many black people, both prominent or otherwise will not support him just because he is a Republican, is just sad.
Black leaders around Ohio are expected to endorse Ted Strickland for Governor.
Recent meetings with black leaders from across Ohio have paid off for Congressman Ted Strickland, the Democratic nominee for Ohio governor.
Cleveland Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin and Warrensville Heights Mayor Marcia Fudge are all expected to announce their endorsements of Strickland in events throughout the state today.
This is just so pathetic its actually funny. Black leaders always talk about advancing people of color in this country, and now when they have a chance to do so, they blink for political purposes. Ken Blackwell is a good man and a good candidate, oh and he is also black. But people like Stephanie Tubbs Jones dont care about a person's charactor, or even their skin color evidentally, as she is obviously blinded by ideology.
I suspect that Blackwell will do ok when it comes to getting the black vote, much better than if a white guy was running on the GOP side. But the fact that many black people, both prominent or otherwise will not support him just because he is a Republican, is just sad.
86% say Congress is NOT above the Law
A new poll conducted by ABC News shows that 86% of Americans believe that the FBI should be allowed to search the office of a member of congress if they have a warrant. Only 10% disagree.
This poll proves how out of touch congress is with the majority of the American people. They need to wise up and realize that they are not above the law. Period.
A new poll conducted by ABC News shows that 86% of Americans believe that the FBI should be allowed to search the office of a member of congress if they have a warrant. Only 10% disagree.
This poll proves how out of touch congress is with the majority of the American people. They need to wise up and realize that they are not above the law. Period.
Harry Reid Flip-Flops on Boxing Ticket Scandal
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid got to sit ringside at a boxing match for free, while then lobbying congress for for the sport, which violates ethics laws. At first, Reid said that what he did was totally A-Ok, but he seems to be changing his tune.
Obviously, Reid knows he screwed up here, and I hope and wish that the Ethics Committee investigates this further. But im not going to hold my breath.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid got to sit ringside at a boxing match for free, while then lobbying congress for for the sport, which violates ethics laws. At first, Reid said that what he did was totally A-Ok, but he seems to be changing his tune.
The Nevada Senator still believes it was "entirely permissible" for him to accept ringside seats for three professional boxing matches in 2004 and 2005 from the Nevada Athletic Association but decided nonetheless decided to avoid doing so in the future, his office said.
"In light of questions that have been raised about the practice, Senator Reid will not accept these kinds of credentials in the future in order to avoid even the faintest appearance of impropriety," spookesman Jim Manley said.
Obviously, Reid knows he screwed up here, and I hope and wish that the Ethics Committee investigates this further. But im not going to hold my breath.
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