National news has been distracting me from reporting whats been going on in the Buckeye state lately, so lets get up to date, shall we?
The Toledo Blade did a great story the other day on congressman Sherrod Brown's travel habits. It turns out the Brown is among the top of the list when it comes to congress people using private money to fund private trips. You would think he would be able to pay for his own trips considering he makes more than $150,000 a year.
The Democrat from Avon, Ohio, a candidate for U.S. Senate this year, has taken six January trips to Florida with a total value of more than $15,000 since 1999. All were thanks to grants from Harvard University and a health-care-focused nonprofit group called the Commonwealth Fun, which sponsors the annual bi-partisan conference.
Congressional records show Mr. Brown, his family, and his staff accepted 57 privately funded trips, valued at nearly $180,000, in more than a decade in the House - including flights to Finland, Hong Kong, Hawaii, Israel, Moscow, and Taiwan.

The watchdog group PoliticalMoneyLine ranks Mr. Brown 69th of 640 current or former congressmen in the number of privately funded trips accepted. Mr. Brown's likely November opponent, incumbant Republican Sen. Mike Dewine, ranked 445th.Now I know why Sherrod Brown has done absolutely nothing for the district I live in, he was too busy being out of the country while someone else was paying the bill. Makes sense right? [source toledo blade]
Now the Governor's race. I dont think this is much of a shock to most but currently, Ken Blackwell is the frontrunner for the Republican nod while Ted Strickland has a commanding lead for the Dems. [source surveyusa]
If the Republican Primary were held today:
Blackwell - 46%
Petro - 32%
Undecided - 22%
Strickland - 60%
Flannery - 15%
Undecided - 25%
Looks like a Blackwell vs. Strickland matchup in the fall. Cant wait.
The U.S. Senate today is saying they have reached a 'breakthrough' in the immigration stalemate.
Senate Republicans and Democrats closed in on a last-minute compromise Thursday on legislation opening the way to legal status and eventual citizenship for many of the 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.
Isnt that the complete opposite of what most American's want?
As outlined, it would provide for enhanced border security, regulate the future flow of immigrants into the United States and offer legalized status to the millions of men women and children in the country unlawfully.
That's the definition of amnesty!

While final details were not available, in general, the compromise would require illegal immigrants who have been in the United States between two years and five years to return to their home country briefly, then re-enter as temporary worker. They could then begin a process of seeking citizenship.
That might be the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Like 11 million people are about to just pick up and go back home for while then move back here. I mean they cant be serious. I hope the House dumps this legislation like the crap it really truly is. The Senate has been extremely disappointing on this whole issue. I just dont know what they are afraid of. [source cnn]
Rudy Giuliani, who I hope is our next president, testified today against Zacarias Moussaoui. Nobody knows 9/11 like Rudy, and his testimony proved that point.
"I saw several people, I cant remember how many, jumping," Giuliani said as he described his actions that day. "There were two people right near each other. It appeared to me they were holding hands."
"Of the many memories, that's the one that comes to me every day."[source reuters]

Here is a very interesting story. Evidentally NBC news is doing a story on the growing anti-muslim feelings in the United States. As part of the story, they wanted to send an Arab guy to a NASCAR event, thinking that going there would result in some explicit racial harassment. Well since the story came out, NASCAR is obviously pissed. And rightly so.
NASCAR said it was "outrageous" that "Dateline NBC" targeted one of its race tracks last weekend for a possible segment on anti-Muslim sentimate in the United States.
NASCAR said NBC confirmed it was sending Muslim-looking men to a race, along with a camera crew to film fans' reactions. The NBC crew was "apparently on site in Martinsville, VA., walked around and no one bothered them," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Wednesday.
"It is outrageous that a news organization of NBC's stature would stoop to the level of going out to create news instead of reporting news," Poston said.
"Any legitimate journalist in America should be embarrassed by this stunt. The obvious intent by NBC was to evoke reaction, and we are confident our fans won't take the bait," he said.
As a NASCAR fan myself, I just think this whole thing is stupid. These "Dateline" people just wanted to make mainstream and patriotic people look like bigots, thats it. I read somewhere online where a person said that if they want to see hatred why dont they take a conservative and follow them around at Harvard? Veeeeeeeeery good point. [source yahoo]
Other Stories:
Finally: Cynthia Mckinney apoligizes for hitting a cop [source]
Surprised? Oil prices rise to $68 per barrel [source]
Meredith Vierra will replace Katie Couric on 'Today' [source]
Pope Benedict plans to visit Israel in 2007 [source]
Tiger Woods tees off at the Master looking for 5th green jacket [source]
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