The U.S. Capitol Police on Monday submitted their case against Rep. Cynthia Mckinney to the U.S. Attorney's office, which will consider whether the Georgia congresswoman will face charges for tangling with a law enforcement officer last week.
"We are working with Capitol Hill police to fully understand and appreciate the incident," principal assistant U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips told The Associated Press in a telephone telephone interview.

By the way, through all of this she has yet to say that she was sorry for everything that has happened, which one might expect from a mature individual. However, she has recently apologized for illegally using taxpayer money to fund her flights back and forth to Atlanta. Quite a character this one. Hopefully she will be arrested tomorrow. [source breitbart]
While President Bush was throwing out the first pitch today at the Cincinnati Reds home opener, his new Cheif of Staff is rumored to preparing some substantial changes to his administration.
Presidential press secretary Scott McClellan and Treasury Secretary John Snow could be next in a shake-up in the Bush adminstration, according to White House and GOP sources.
"You're going to have more change than you expect," on GOP insider said.

If you have any doubt that the far left in America is completely unhinged, then here is your definite proof. Actress Susan Surandon wants election monitors for US election like are used for under-developed third world countries. Im sure she would feel the same was if Kerry would have won in 2004, right?
"I believe our next election should be monitored by international entites, just like it happened in Haiti and Iraq," Sarandon told Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, according to our translator. "The last one was an embarrassment. Everybody knew there was fraud, but nothing was done about it. In some states there were more votes than people able to vote."

Sarandon, who recently made headlines when she expressed her disappointment with Democratic Sen. Hilary Clinton - who is widely considered to be a possible presidential candidate - and isnt terribly optimistic about other Dems. "I honestly hope that the Democratic Party finds a candidate for the presidency, but I recognize that the scenario isnt inspiring."
Thats because people like her are running the Democratic Party. Blame yourself dummy. [source msnbc]
Allelujah, baseball season is here. Summer has unofficially begun, even though it is 40 degrees outside right now. Anyways, last night the Cleveland Indians got crushed by the champion Chicago White Sox 10-3. The Tribe didnt look so hot. After their great spring they just did not show up last night. Jim Thome, former Indian, absolutely crushed a home run last night that was measured at 430 ft. We miss you Jimmy.
To add insult to injury, our ace, C.C. Sabathia injured himself in the beginning of the game and had to leave. Here is the bad news:

Cleveland ace C.C. Sabathia will likely be placed on the 15-day disabled list with a strained abdominal muscle -- not the kind of strong start he and the Indians were hoping for in 2006.
The [Indians] said a formal announcement on Sabathia will be made before Tuesday's afternoon game against the White Sox.
The Tribe need to start out good this season. They cannot expect to gain like last year in the last 2 months of the season. The American League is going to be very tough this year and losing C.C., even this early, is seriously going to hurt the Indians chances of being competative. Damnit. [source espn]
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