Saturday, April 29, 2006
Rush Limbaugh Arrested
In perhaps the biggest example of political profiling Ive ever seen, Rush Limbaugh has been harrassed by a liberal Democrat prosecuter in Florida for years. But it is finally over now that Limbaugh was arrested, pleaded not guilty, and all charges were dropped.
They knew they had nothing on him, it was a witch hunt, even Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napalotano said that all of this was politically motivated. At least its over now, and Rush can get on with his life.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Rosie O'Donnell new co-host of "The View"
With Meredith Vieira going to the Today Show, Rosie Will now be co-host with the ladies of The View, as if Star Jones wasnt bad enough.
I cant wait to hear her rip on Bush every single day.
This should be very interesting.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
ROTC Attacked
Here is a perfect example of what liberals truly are. They hate the military, even though those people fight to let them do shit like this. It really is disgraceful.

These are pics from the UNC-Chapel Hill's ROTC armory. Michelle Malkin has more on the story.

Gotta love that "liberal tolerance" eh?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Tony Snow will be New White House Press Secretary
Fox News is confirming that Tony Snow will be announced tomorrow as the new White House Press Secretary. Snow, a cancer survivor, had to be given a clean bill of health before taking the job.
The talk radio host was given a clean bill of health by his oncologizt Tuesday, following a CAT scan and other test that were undertaken last Thursday. Sources said Snow was President Bush's first choice, but he needed the all-clear from his doctors before he takes the job. Snow is recovering from colon cancer. [source foxnews]
Im very glad Snow got the job. He is a smart, well liked, and soft spoken. I think he will do a fine job standing up to the bafoons in the White House Press Corps. Good Luck Tony.
Fox News is confirming that Tony Snow will be announced tomorrow as the new White House Press Secretary. Snow, a cancer survivor, had to be given a clean bill of health before taking the job.
The talk radio host was given a clean bill of health by his oncologizt Tuesday, following a CAT scan and other test that were undertaken last Thursday. Sources said Snow was President Bush's first choice, but he needed the all-clear from his doctors before he takes the job. Snow is recovering from colon cancer. [source foxnews]

Harry Reid Not Liked Back Home
Democratic Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid is losing support in his homestate of Nevada because of his increasingly liberal politics.
Reid's national stature among activist Democrats, concentrated on the blue-state coasts, carries risks for him at home, analysts say. His consistent opposition to President Bush and his need to mollify the liberals in his party is costing him in Nevada, where polls show he has lost support since becoming minority leader.
Although Reid, who won re-election in 2004 and still has four years in his term, said in an interview that he pays no attention to polls, his actions in Nevada during the two-week Easter recess suggested that he is keenly aware of his vulnerabilities. He spoke to groups that carry at least a patina of conservatism - chambers of commerce, police and firefighters, religious groups, military men and women, district attorneys. [source las vegas sun]

The reason the man's poll numbers are down is because he is a hypocrite and the things he stands of hurt the country. He is the one who cheered himself for "killing the Patriot Act." Reid is just more evidence why the Democratic Party is so weak today, and lets hope it stays that way.
Monday, April 24, 2006
McKinney At it Again
You have to watch this video of Rep. Cynthia McKinney. During an interview she calls her staffer who set up the meeting a fool then tries to bully the interviewer by saying her statement was "off the record." Just typical.

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Ok here's the deal. Ive become soooooo fed up with gas prices that I have a proposal for all Americans...If gas is above $2.75 per gallon in November...DONT VOTE! That is the only way we can get politicians in Washington to listen to us...THE PEOPLE. We know they are not interested or willing to do anything about we must act. They have the luxory of having private cars to drive them places, and never having to pay for gasoline. Furthermore, many of them are rich, so paying $65 to fill your tank every few does not mean much to them. Well let me tell does to me and millions of other Americans feeling the oil-pinch. Im going to try and spread the word around the blogosphere and hopefully this will get traction. I hope my readers will also tell people about this, because Im telling you it will work if enough people know about it. This is the only way to get the attention of people who can stop this problem. Ill let you know how it goes. Do your part and stay tuned.
Ok here's the deal. Ive become soooooo fed up with gas prices that I have a proposal for all Americans...If gas is above $2.75 per gallon in November...DONT VOTE! That is the only way we can get politicians in Washington to listen to us...THE PEOPLE. We know they are not interested or willing to do anything about we must act. They have the luxory of having private cars to drive them places, and never having to pay for gasoline. Furthermore, many of them are rich, so paying $65 to fill your tank every few does not mean much to them. Well let me tell does to me and millions of other Americans feeling the oil-pinch. Im going to try and spread the word around the blogosphere and hopefully this will get traction. I hope my readers will also tell people about this, because Im telling you it will work if enough people know about it. This is the only way to get the attention of people who can stop this problem. Ill let you know how it goes. Do your part and stay tuned.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Can you belive it? From what the media portrays you would never think anything good was coming out of there. Well the truth is there are tons of good things happening in Iraq, the just dont get reported, and we all know why. Here is a letter I found on the blog of Sam Fullwood III who is a columnist for the Plain Dealer. The letter is from Josh Mandel, who is a city councilman from Lyndhurst and a US marine serving in Iraq. Please read this letter to his parents:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Word has reached us about some soldiers who are in trouble for allegedly abusing war prisoners. I dont know the details of the situation, but from what we've heard, its pretty ugly and all over the news. I wanted to tell you a story about a night in the desert a few weeks ago that you wont see in the news, but is more representative of whats going on over here.
Due to operational security constraints, I cant go into great detail in this story, but I think you'll get the picture.
In the course of my unit's operations, its very common that suspected bad guys are captured and detained for interrogation. Im sure the media is making interrogations out to be bad or wrong, but they are not. Interrogations are a necessary tool to extract intelligence that helps us destroy the enemy and protect Americans from terrorism.
Sometimes we have a hardened and roofed facility in which detainees are held and interrogated, but if we are on the move, often times they are placed in whatever temporary detainee area we can create.
One night last month, we were stopped in the desert outside of Fallujah. We had three detainees under our control that were captured in the act of doing bad things against Marines. Because we were in the open without any facilities around, the detainees were temporarily being held on a patch of desert closed off by concertina wire. Besides the wire and guards watching them, they were out under the stars just like all of our Marines.
Around 3:00 a.m., the wind started blowing hard and a sandstorm hit our position. As Marines covered themselves with their sleeping bags, the sky opened up and the flying sand was joined by a downpour of rain. Most of the Marines hopped into vehicles to get some cover.
In the back of a truch, which was the closest vehicle to the detainees, four Marines were trying to stay dry and get some sleep. The lieutenant who was in charage of providing security for the detainees approached this truch and opened up the back hatch. he ordered the Marines out of the truck and told them they couldnt stay in there. The Marines asked why and he explained to them that he had to put the detainees in the back of the truck to protect them from the rain and sand.
Word of this spread very quickly and everyone was livid. We couldnt believe that our Marines were being kicked into the sandstorm/rainstorm so these three detainees, who were caught trying to kill Marines, could stay dry. The next day I was still angry and everyone was still talking about what had happened that night. Later in the day, after having time to cool down and think about the situation, I switched from being angry to being proud.
Who else, other than Americans, would kick their own men into a storm so their enemy could sleep in peace? Who else, other than Americans, feel so strongly about laws and rights that they would go to such extremes to protect captured terrorists during a war on terrorism?
When these guys are under our contrl, they eat better than they do when not in captivity, receive medical attention that they would never otherwise receive, and are treated like Marines only know how to act -- professionally
I assume whatever happened with the alleged prisoner abuse is leading headlines back home, but I wanted to share this story with you, because its not one you'll ever see in the news. What Ive described in this letter is indicative of how my unit operates, and I would venture to guess that its representative of the other 99 percent of detainee handling throughout Iraq.
My spirits remain high, my body's holding up, and all's well on my end. I hope the same is the cause with everyone back home. I love you and miss you lots.
Your son,
Enough said...
Can you belive it? From what the media portrays you would never think anything good was coming out of there. Well the truth is there are tons of good things happening in Iraq, the just dont get reported, and we all know why. Here is a letter I found on the blog of Sam Fullwood III who is a columnist for the Plain Dealer. The letter is from Josh Mandel, who is a city councilman from Lyndhurst and a US marine serving in Iraq. Please read this letter to his parents:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Word has reached us about some soldiers who are in trouble for allegedly abusing war prisoners. I dont know the details of the situation, but from what we've heard, its pretty ugly and all over the news. I wanted to tell you a story about a night in the desert a few weeks ago that you wont see in the news, but is more representative of whats going on over here.
Due to operational security constraints, I cant go into great detail in this story, but I think you'll get the picture.
In the course of my unit's operations, its very common that suspected bad guys are captured and detained for interrogation. Im sure the media is making interrogations out to be bad or wrong, but they are not. Interrogations are a necessary tool to extract intelligence that helps us destroy the enemy and protect Americans from terrorism.
Sometimes we have a hardened and roofed facility in which detainees are held and interrogated, but if we are on the move, often times they are placed in whatever temporary detainee area we can create.
One night last month, we were stopped in the desert outside of Fallujah. We had three detainees under our control that were captured in the act of doing bad things against Marines. Because we were in the open without any facilities around, the detainees were temporarily being held on a patch of desert closed off by concertina wire. Besides the wire and guards watching them, they were out under the stars just like all of our Marines.
Around 3:00 a.m., the wind started blowing hard and a sandstorm hit our position. As Marines covered themselves with their sleeping bags, the sky opened up and the flying sand was joined by a downpour of rain. Most of the Marines hopped into vehicles to get some cover.
In the back of a truch, which was the closest vehicle to the detainees, four Marines were trying to stay dry and get some sleep. The lieutenant who was in charage of providing security for the detainees approached this truch and opened up the back hatch. he ordered the Marines out of the truck and told them they couldnt stay in there. The Marines asked why and he explained to them that he had to put the detainees in the back of the truck to protect them from the rain and sand.
Word of this spread very quickly and everyone was livid. We couldnt believe that our Marines were being kicked into the sandstorm/rainstorm so these three detainees, who were caught trying to kill Marines, could stay dry. The next day I was still angry and everyone was still talking about what had happened that night. Later in the day, after having time to cool down and think about the situation, I switched from being angry to being proud.
Who else, other than Americans, would kick their own men into a storm so their enemy could sleep in peace? Who else, other than Americans, feel so strongly about laws and rights that they would go to such extremes to protect captured terrorists during a war on terrorism?
When these guys are under our contrl, they eat better than they do when not in captivity, receive medical attention that they would never otherwise receive, and are treated like Marines only know how to act -- professionally
I assume whatever happened with the alleged prisoner abuse is leading headlines back home, but I wanted to share this story with you, because its not one you'll ever see in the news. What Ive described in this letter is indicative of how my unit operates, and I would venture to guess that its representative of the other 99 percent of detainee handling throughout Iraq.
My spirits remain high, my body's holding up, and all's well on my end. I hope the same is the cause with everyone back home. I love you and miss you lots.
Your son,
Enough said...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Democrats are Hypocrits
Before I get to the Dems I want to comment on the new "shake up" going on inside the White House. The press is making far to big a deal out of all this. Press Secretary Scott McClellan is stepping down from his post after almost three years. Trust me, putting up with the White House Press Corps. for that long would drive any person from the job. I dont know exactly why McClellan is stepping down, but getting someone new to this job will probably be a good thing. I did think he did a good job though. A number of replacements have already been suggested, including Foxnews anchor and radio host Tony Snow.
McClellan announced his resignation yesterday by saying this:
McClellan's departure was not the only move announced by the White House yesterday, Karl Rove will also be put into a new rold. Karl will no longer be involved in the day to day policy decision of the White House, he instead will begin focusing on the November mid-term elections. He will however retain his post as Deputy Chief of Staff to the president. I think having Rove coordinate the election this year is exactly what the Republican Party needs. We need a voice like we have had in that past few elections, and Karl Rove is the political genious needed.

I would agree that Rove has not done particularly well guiding the presidents domestic policy. I do not believe that is what his strong point is. He is a strategist, and he is the very best. With him helping the GOP in November, I can breath a small sigh of relief, but more work is needed to ensure we dont see a catastrophe on election day. [source new york times]
Now on to the hypocritical Democrats. I must say that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is not the smartest politician in the world, and Republicans must thank our lucky stars that he is in charge. In the run up to the Iraq war, and even three years into the campaign, the Democrats complain about how President Bush ignored the world and went into Iraq without a strong international coalition. Firstly, that premise is false considering the coalition in Iraq was at one point made up of more than 30 countries. So evidentally the term "world community" is only a small subset of countries that the Democrats see fit to be allies. Anyways, now with the barrel of the gun pointed toward Iran, you would expect the Democrats to praise the president for letting the Europeans and other take the forefront in attepting to negotiate some sort of peace deal with the insane Iranians to avoid another war. Well once again the Democrats will surprise you by spewing utter nonsence simply trying to gain political ponts. Here is your evidence:

Ok I really dont know what the hell this guy is talking about. I guess, he now wants the US to act in unilateral negotiations with the Iranians, without the help of our supposed allies in Europe. I would imagine if asked, Reid would say we need to be tough with Iran, but Im also sure that would be dead-set against using the military to end their nuclear ambitions. If anyone out there can make sense of all this and tell me what it is exactly the Dems want to do with Iran please....pleaaaaaaaase let me know. This is just reason number 2313412 that these people cannot win elections. They have no idea what they are doing and they have no plan to resolve any of this nations problems. Harry Reid is a hypocrit. [source ap]
Other Stories:
Chinese President heckled at White House [source]
Stock Market hits 5 year high [source]
Meanwhile oil prices reach $72 [source]
Local: Avon Lake police keep watch over [source]
Local: Lorain county engineer Ken Carney gets jail time for DUI [source]
Yay! Cavs finish season with 50 wins [source]
Before I get to the Dems I want to comment on the new "shake up" going on inside the White House. The press is making far to big a deal out of all this. Press Secretary Scott McClellan is stepping down from his post after almost three years. Trust me, putting up with the White House Press Corps. for that long would drive any person from the job. I dont know exactly why McClellan is stepping down, but getting someone new to this job will probably be a good thing. I did think he did a good job though. A number of replacements have already been suggested, including Foxnews anchor and radio host Tony Snow.

Mr. President, it has been an extraordinary honor and privilege to have served you for more than seven years now, the last two and nine months as your press secretary.
The White House is going through a period of transition. Change can be helpful. And this is a good time and good position to help bring about change.
Im ready to move on. Ive been in this position a long time. And my wife and I are excited about beginning the next chapter in our life together.
You have accomplished a lot over the last several years with this team. And I have been honored and grateful to be a small part of a terrific and talented team of really good people.
Our relationship began back in Texas, and I look forward to continuing it, particularly when we are both back in Texas.
McClellan's departure was not the only move announced by the White House yesterday, Karl Rove will also be put into a new rold. Karl will no longer be involved in the day to day policy decision of the White House, he instead will begin focusing on the November mid-term elections. He will however retain his post as Deputy Chief of Staff to the president. I think having Rove coordinate the election this year is exactly what the Republican Party needs. We need a voice like we have had in that past few elections, and Karl Rove is the political genious needed.

"Karl Rove is a great guy in terms of developing issues for a campaign, but hes not done well on advocating policy in the governance setting," said James A. Thurber, the director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies as the School of Public Affairs at the American University. "The job is diminished, but he probably doesnt mind that. Hes a racehorse in a campaign."
I would agree that Rove has not done particularly well guiding the presidents domestic policy. I do not believe that is what his strong point is. He is a strategist, and he is the very best. With him helping the GOP in November, I can breath a small sigh of relief, but more work is needed to ensure we dont see a catastrophe on election day. [source new york times]
Now on to the hypocritical Democrats. I must say that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is not the smartest politician in the world, and Republicans must thank our lucky stars that he is in charge. In the run up to the Iraq war, and even three years into the campaign, the Democrats complain about how President Bush ignored the world and went into Iraq without a strong international coalition. Firstly, that premise is false considering the coalition in Iraq was at one point made up of more than 30 countries. So evidentally the term "world community" is only a small subset of countries that the Democrats see fit to be allies. Anyways, now with the barrel of the gun pointed toward Iran, you would expect the Democrats to praise the president for letting the Europeans and other take the forefront in attepting to negotiate some sort of peace deal with the insane Iranians to avoid another war. Well once again the Democrats will surprise you by spewing utter nonsence simply trying to gain political ponts. Here is your evidence:

The Bush Administration is relying to heavily on other countries in the international effort to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, according to Sen. Harry Reid.
Reid, D-Nev., said the administration should be taking the lead, but instead is relying on Germany, France, and Great Britain to convince Iran to end its uranium enrichment program.
"It is hard to comprehend," Reid said Tuesday in Reno. "We should be involved at trying to arrive at a diplomatic solution...Not just these three countries."
Ok I really dont know what the hell this guy is talking about. I guess, he now wants the US to act in unilateral negotiations with the Iranians, without the help of our supposed allies in Europe. I would imagine if asked, Reid would say we need to be tough with Iran, but Im also sure that would be dead-set against using the military to end their nuclear ambitions. If anyone out there can make sense of all this and tell me what it is exactly the Dems want to do with Iran please....pleaaaaaaaase let me know. This is just reason number 2313412 that these people cannot win elections. They have no idea what they are doing and they have no plan to resolve any of this nations problems. Harry Reid is a hypocrit. [source ap]
Other Stories:
Chinese President heckled at White House [source]
Stock Market hits 5 year high [source]
Meanwhile oil prices reach $72 [source]
Local: Avon Lake police keep watch over [source]
Local: Lorain county engineer Ken Carney gets jail time for DUI [source]
Yay! Cavs finish season with 50 wins [source]
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
At first I was skeptical about seeing the new movie about the flight that went down in Pennsylvania on 9/11. Re-enactments had already been made on TV by the Discovery Channel and I think A&E, plus like all Americans I already know the story. But from what I am hearing, I think im going to check out the new film version. Maybe seeing it on the big screen will really put what happened that day to those people into a new perpective. Dennis Prager on wrote a piece today that articulately describes why all Amerians should see the new film.

On a lighter note...well kinda...Chinese President Hu Jintau will be in the United States this week to meet with President Bush and, of course, Bill Gates. I believe this is a very important trip for both countries. No one in America really knows if China is a friend or foe to the US. I mean they are a huge partner in free trade, but usually a disaterous one when it comes to foreign policy issues. On the Agenda during the summit will obviously be Iran. China is a huge supporter of the Iranian's and I heard they just signed a $100 billion contract to buy oil from the Mullahs. Here is a quick summary of the visit:
Im not sure if Im optomistic about progress being made on the Iran issue during this visit. I hope that President Bush can convince Mr. Hu that the Iranians are wack-jobs, but im not sure thats possible. China has a lot of political weight, especially with their vote in the UN security council, so having them on our side on this issue could be an enourmous plus. Will it happen though? Im thinkin not. [source ap]
And finally today, a story that is just ridiculous, and kinda funny too. A Indian -- from India -- grad student at Purdue University was arrested for threatening to kill President Bush, Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld. Evidentally this idiot posted the threats on an internet discussion board. His scumbag lawyer is saying that this guys threats should be covered by the first amendment of the Constitution saying his client would never have actually carried out the attack. Im guessing this lawyer is a liberal, because that just sounds like something a liberal would say.
One of the best things about Bush being president is the fact that it really brings out the loonies living among us in our society. I hope this moron goes to jail for along time, then when he gets out they should send his butt airmail back to India. "Kill all Republicans," just hilarious! [source post-trib]
Other Stories:
Oil hits $72 [source]
Bush: All options on the table with Iran [source]
Would you go to an Iraqi theme park? [source]
Arizona Governor vetoes criminal immigration bill [source]
Israel warns of new "Axis of Terror" [source]
Oh My God: Tom Cruise says he will eat his baby's placenta [source]
At first I was skeptical about seeing the new movie about the flight that went down in Pennsylvania on 9/11. Re-enactments had already been made on TV by the Discovery Channel and I think A&E, plus like all Americans I already know the story. But from what I am hearing, I think im going to check out the new film version. Maybe seeing it on the big screen will really put what happened that day to those people into a new perpective. Dennis Prager on wrote a piece today that articulately describes why all Amerians should see the new film.
Universal invited me to see a preview, and unless they change it (or dont drop a few gratuitous, politically inspired words that appeared right after the film ends), I believe it is just about every Americans duty to see this film. There is no gratuitious violence -- if anything, Universal went out of its was to prevent us from seeing the reality of the throat-slashing of passengers and crew -- but there is unremitting tension and sadness, since we all know what will happen to these unsuspecting people, and we know this is real, not fiction.

There is also American heroism. People completely unprepared for an airplane flight to become their last hour alive rise to the occasion and save fellow Americans from death and from the humiliation of having their nationa's capital building destroyed.Thats a very good analysis. I understand that it costs a freakin fortune to go see a movie these days, but I think this one is worth it considering its significance to our nation. We should all honor the heroes aboard flight 93, as they saved this country from an unmeasureable physical and psychological catastrophe that would have made what had already taken place on 9/11 about 10 times worse. God Bless them.
The only people likely to object to this film are those who dont want Americans to become aware of just how conscienceless, cruel and depraved our enemy is, or thos who think that our enemies can always be negotiated with and therefore object to depicting Americans actually fighting back.
On a lighter note...well kinda...Chinese President Hu Jintau will be in the United States this week to meet with President Bush and, of course, Bill Gates. I believe this is a very important trip for both countries. No one in America really knows if China is a friend or foe to the US. I mean they are a huge partner in free trade, but usually a disaterous one when it comes to foreign policy issues. On the Agenda during the summit will obviously be Iran. China is a huge supporter of the Iranian's and I heard they just signed a $100 billion contract to buy oil from the Mullahs. Here is a quick summary of the visit:
Hu has set an ambitious mission for his four-day U.S. tour, due to begin here Tuesday. It comes at a time of unease among American Businesses, political leaders and the public about how China is using its new power.
His summit Thursday with President Bush will cover a broad agenda -- from China's criticized currency and other trade policies, to its aggressive quest for oil and the developing nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.

And finally today, a story that is just ridiculous, and kinda funny too. A Indian -- from India -- grad student at Purdue University was arrested for threatening to kill President Bush, Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld. Evidentally this idiot posted the threats on an internet discussion board. His scumbag lawyer is saying that this guys threats should be covered by the first amendment of the Constitution saying his client would never have actually carried out the attack. Im guessing this lawyer is a liberal, because that just sounds like something a liberal would say.
In various messages posted, Buddhi urged the Web site's readers to bomb the United States and for them to rape American and Britisih women and mutilate them, according to court documents. Other messages called for the killing of all Republicans.
One of the best things about Bush being president is the fact that it really brings out the loonies living among us in our society. I hope this moron goes to jail for along time, then when he gets out they should send his butt airmail back to India. "Kill all Republicans," just hilarious! [source post-trib]
Other Stories:
Oil hits $72 [source]
Bush: All options on the table with Iran [source]
Would you go to an Iraqi theme park? [source]
Arizona Governor vetoes criminal immigration bill [source]
Israel warns of new "Axis of Terror" [source]
Oh My God: Tom Cruise says he will eat his baby's placenta [source]
Monday, April 17, 2006
There is a movement in Ohio to significantly restrict abortions conducted in the Buckeye state. States like South Dakota and Mississippi have gotten legislation together to almost completely ban abortions withink their borders. Is ohio next?
This obviously is a very tough issue for politicians in Ohio and across the country for that matter, as abortion always is. I personally do not see Ohio passing any sweeping reform on the currently abortion law, which is the same as it was in 1973 when Roe v. Wade made abortion legal nationwide.

However, with some state legislatures taking matters into their own hands, could a referendum on "Roe" be in the near future? I certainly think so.
I am very proud that Ohio has very tough laws on abortion, thats the way it should be. What would happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned?
I believe abortion will be a very important issue in the 2006 elections, as well it should be. I think that everyone should as candidates how they feel about statewide bans on the subject, since some states have already begun to do so. I personally believe that abortion should be a states issue, and I would even favor a state-wide vote on it. I believe that such a controversial topic should reflect the mood of the people. Prepare for a very interesting debate folks. [source usatoday]
Former rock star Neil Young is preparing to release an album where every single track on the thing bashes President Bush and the war in Iraq. I must say Im shocked.
How nice. Maybe he and the Dixie Chick should tour together. Does anyone really care what Neil Young thinks about the war in Iraq and President Bush. I mean this could not just be a ploy for him to actually sell a record again could it? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. I really hope this record comes our right around election time, because it seems that whenever a celebrity who thinks they can solve the worlds problems makes a record or movie like this it always backfires. Lets hope that Neil Young will be a secret weapon for the GOP in 2006 just like Michael Moore was in 2004. Request a copy at today![source the independent]
Allelujah the Cavs are in the playoffs! God, Please dont let them blow it. Tickets have gone on sale for the playoff games that are set to begin next week in Cleveland baby. If you would like to request some tickets to go cheer on the Cavaliers, go to their here.
Lets pray for a quick sweep of the Wizards so we can go to Detroit and smoke the Pistons. Ok, maybe Im getting a little ahead of myself, but Im just salivating at the prospect of a Cleveland team winning a championship. Can the Cavs do it this year? Probably not, but if they play their best basketball throughout the playoffs, anything can happen. Stay Tuned.
Other Stories:
Hanoi Jane says she has 'too much baggage' to protest the Iraq war [source]
Josh Bolten says to expect some changes in the White House [source]
Exxon Chairman gets $400 million retirement package [source]
Meanwhile oil prices settle above $70 a barrel [source]
Newt Gingrich warns Republicans of potential danger in '06 [source]
Scary Movie 4 was number one at the box office this weekend [source]
There is a movement in Ohio to significantly restrict abortions conducted in the Buckeye state. States like South Dakota and Mississippi have gotten legislation together to almost completely ban abortions withink their borders. Is ohio next?
"Now is the time to get mocing on this in Ohio," says Tom Brinkman, a state legislator who has introduced a bill to ban almost all abortions. Meanwhile, Kellie Copeland of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio is braced. "Our supporters feel the fight is coming back to the states," she says.
This obviously is a very tough issue for politicians in Ohio and across the country for that matter, as abortion always is. I personally do not see Ohio passing any sweeping reform on the currently abortion law, which is the same as it was in 1973 when Roe v. Wade made abortion legal nationwide.

However, with some state legislatures taking matters into their own hands, could a referendum on "Roe" be in the near future? I certainly think so.
Ohio already has done nearly all it can to restrict abortions. The state requires women seeking abortions to be told about alternatives and then to wait at least 24 hours. Hospitals and doctors can refuse to perform them. Minors must get a parent's consent. A controversial late-term procedure that opponents call "partial-birth abortion" is also barred.
I am very proud that Ohio has very tough laws on abortion, thats the way it should be. What would happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned?
In fact, 63 of 99 members of the Ohio House are committed, if Roe is overturned, to support a state ban on abortions except those needed to save the life of the woman. (Seven members add exceptions in cases of rape and incest.) Their pledges are posted on the website of Ohio Right to Life, which conducted a candidates' survey during the 2004 campaign.

Former rock star Neil Young is preparing to release an album where every single track on the thing bashes President Bush and the war in Iraq. I must say Im shocked.
It started as a rumor - gossip shared by fans internet chat sites. Could it be true, they asked? COuld Neil Young, a cultural lodestone for a generation of country rock fans, really be turning his attention to President George Bush and the war in Iraq? Now Young himself has confirmed it. Not only has he recorded an entire album about the conflict, but in one of the songs he spells out who he thinks is to blame for the ongoing chaos and violence and what the consequences for that person should be. That track is called "Impeach the President".

Allelujah the Cavs are in the playoffs! God, Please dont let them blow it. Tickets have gone on sale for the playoff games that are set to begin next week in Cleveland baby. If you would like to request some tickets to go cheer on the Cavaliers, go to their here.

Other Stories:
Hanoi Jane says she has 'too much baggage' to protest the Iraq war [source]
Josh Bolten says to expect some changes in the White House [source]
Exxon Chairman gets $400 million retirement package [source]
Meanwhile oil prices settle above $70 a barrel [source]
Newt Gingrich warns Republicans of potential danger in '06 [source]
Scary Movie 4 was number one at the box office this weekend [source]
My Sunday Column
Winning Iraq for Good
I know today is monday and I usually write on Sunday, but yesterday was Easter and I was busy doing the family thing and stuffing my face. I'm still full by the way. Now on to more serious matters. I feel that victory in Iraq is getting closer and closer every day. The United States military has done all it needs to in that country, now its up to the Iraqi's themselves. They must get their government up and running, and they must do it soon. They had 3 very successful elections last year where the people of Iraq braved threats from insurgents to go to the polls in huge numbers to elect people to run their new country. Now, those same people are frustrated that those they elected months ago cannot put their petty bickering aside long enough to form a legitamate legislature with legitamate leaders.
Americans are also growing increasingly impatient, and a defeatist news media is not helping matters. People in this country still do not believe that getting rid of Saddam Hussein was beneficial to the world. They see George W. Bush as more of an enemy than Saddam Hussein, which is part of why the global war on terrorism is to difficult to fight. Those people dont care the outcome of the Iraq war, they feel that America will be the loser regardless, and some even hope for us to fail. But I can assure you we are not losing, nor will we fail in the end. Just because a war doesnt end in weeks and just because brave young men are killed does not mean the war was lost or that it was wrong. It means that regardless of your feelings toward the war, we must see it through to the end in honor of the fallen. We are not fighting an unbeatable enemy in Iraq, we are fighting a group of cowards who hide behind car bombs and IED in hopes of creating dissent in Washington praying it will trickle down into television sets and newspapers only to crack the will of even the most hawkish Americans. We cannot let that happen. We must realize that we have ousted a brutal dictator, freed millions of people, built schools and hospitals, and given Iraqi citizens the chances we all cherish and take for granted every single day.
I honestly believe that if the Iraqi's can create a solid government soon, US troops will begin to withdraw from Iraq within the next year, and will continue to do so until every last one of them is home where they belong. We have given the Iraqi's every piece of the puzzle they need now to do it for themselves, we just need to pray they are able to put it together. If they cant, I cannot tell you what will happen, I dont even want to think about it. But if they can, and I still believe they will, the war in Iraq will prove itself to be a success and the decision to invade the country to be the right one. We are not there yet, but if a stable Iraqi government can be formed soon, the war will be over for good.
I know today is monday and I usually write on Sunday, but yesterday was Easter and I was busy doing the family thing and stuffing my face. I'm still full by the way. Now on to more serious matters. I feel that victory in Iraq is getting closer and closer every day. The United States military has done all it needs to in that country, now its up to the Iraqi's themselves. They must get their government up and running, and they must do it soon. They had 3 very successful elections last year where the people of Iraq braved threats from insurgents to go to the polls in huge numbers to elect people to run their new country. Now, those same people are frustrated that those they elected months ago cannot put their petty bickering aside long enough to form a legitamate legislature with legitamate leaders.
Americans are also growing increasingly impatient, and a defeatist news media is not helping matters. People in this country still do not believe that getting rid of Saddam Hussein was beneficial to the world. They see George W. Bush as more of an enemy than Saddam Hussein, which is part of why the global war on terrorism is to difficult to fight. Those people dont care the outcome of the Iraq war, they feel that America will be the loser regardless, and some even hope for us to fail. But I can assure you we are not losing, nor will we fail in the end. Just because a war doesnt end in weeks and just because brave young men are killed does not mean the war was lost or that it was wrong. It means that regardless of your feelings toward the war, we must see it through to the end in honor of the fallen. We are not fighting an unbeatable enemy in Iraq, we are fighting a group of cowards who hide behind car bombs and IED in hopes of creating dissent in Washington praying it will trickle down into television sets and newspapers only to crack the will of even the most hawkish Americans. We cannot let that happen. We must realize that we have ousted a brutal dictator, freed millions of people, built schools and hospitals, and given Iraqi citizens the chances we all cherish and take for granted every single day.
I honestly believe that if the Iraqi's can create a solid government soon, US troops will begin to withdraw from Iraq within the next year, and will continue to do so until every last one of them is home where they belong. We have given the Iraqi's every piece of the puzzle they need now to do it for themselves, we just need to pray they are able to put it together. If they cant, I cannot tell you what will happen, I dont even want to think about it. But if they can, and I still believe they will, the war in Iraq will prove itself to be a success and the decision to invade the country to be the right one. We are not there yet, but if a stable Iraqi government can be formed soon, the war will be over for good.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Gas prices are officially out of control...again. With crude oil hovering around $70 per barrel, gas at your local station will be heading beyond 3 bucks a gallon in the very near future. Its currently $2.76 a gallon at my local station. No issue in America, besides illegal immigration, gets me more pissed than paying this much to fill up my tank. Prices are close to what they were post-Hurricane Katrina, we all knew the reasoning for the price hikes then, but why now? Some say that speculation about Iran's nuclear ambitions play a role, but the US does not even import any oil from Iran. Interesting? There is no real reason for these prices, there is no shortage or supply shocks being reported anywhere. The fact that the major oil companies had record profits last quarter is no coincidence.

I am not sure what his proposal actually means, but I know is that I actually agree with Dick Turbin! Ill agree with anyone as long as they are willing to do something to stop this robbery being conducted by the big oil companies. It is just a shame that it is Americans doing this to Americans, rather than other countries jacking up the price of oil. All those oil execs should be arrested for gouging the American public in a time of war. Prepare for prices to oil rise throughout the summer driving season. $4.00/gallon by August? I wouldnt doubt it. [source upi]
Speaking of out of control, Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that Israel is "heading toward annihilation." This comes only days after he held a press conference to gloat about the fact Iran has successfully inriched uranium to create a nuclear bomb. This is obviously alarming.
This man is a lunatic. Some people, and especially the mainstream media, are giving the Bush Administration a hard time for publically saying a military option against Iran is on the bargaining table. Wouldnt it be irresponsible of Bush not to be at least planning some sort of military strike against a guy who wants to 'annihilate' Israel? The U.N. is once again pretending to care about a serious threat to world stabliltiy, but we all know how that always turns out. And the Democrats in this country are also proving again why they are weak on national security. Recently Sen. Barbara Boxer said that she thinks we should sanction the Iranians. Sanctions are the most famous piece of worthless diplomacy in the history of the world. All the Dems ever want to do is sanction people, but in a post 9/11 world, sanctions dont work. I think president Ahmadinejad is biting off more than he can chew by taunting the United States of America, because if he wants a fight, I can guarentee you he wont be around to see its conclusion. [source breitbart]
Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld is under fire from retired generals who want him to resign his post.
Six retired generals, including three who commanded troops in Iraq under Rumsfeld's leadership, have publicly stated their criticism of Rumsfeld's leadership and called for his resignation.
President Bush continues to be extremely supportive of Rumfeld, saying again recently how good of a job he is doing as the Secretary of Defense.

Its safe to say that Bush's optimism doesnt exactly reflect the mood of many people in this country, including many Republicans. I personally wouldnt mind seeing Rumsfeld go. I do believe there are people that would do a better job in his position, for example I think John McCain would be an amazing Secretary of Defense. However, I must say I think that Rumsfeld is a good person and he has served his country admirably. It does not appear that we should expect a change in the Pentagon anytime soon, but with the way things are today politically, God only knows. [source cnn]
Other Stories:
Bush made $735,180 in '05, paid $187,768 in taxes [source]
Dick Cheney gets $1.9 million tax return [source]
North Korea now threatens to strengthen nukes [source]
Pope Benedict holds 'Good Friday' ceremonies [source]
Poll: Illegal immigrants are considered a burden [source]
Gas prices are officially out of control...again. With crude oil hovering around $70 per barrel, gas at your local station will be heading beyond 3 bucks a gallon in the very near future. Its currently $2.76 a gallon at my local station. No issue in America, besides illegal immigration, gets me more pissed than paying this much to fill up my tank. Prices are close to what they were post-Hurricane Katrina, we all knew the reasoning for the price hikes then, but why now? Some say that speculation about Iran's nuclear ambitions play a role, but the US does not even import any oil from Iran. Interesting? There is no real reason for these prices, there is no shortage or supply shocks being reported anywhere. The fact that the major oil companies had record profits last quarter is no coincidence.

American consumers are demanding congressional action to slow down skyrocketing gasoline prices, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Friday.
"Oil companies are living in the fast land and consumers are being left on the side of the road," he said in a release in which he cited cases of extraordinary profits. He urged action on his proposal that he says would east the problem.
Durbin's Windfall Profits Tax bill would impose an excise tax on integrated oil and gas companies equal to 5o percent of their profits over a baseline price of $40 per barrel of oil.
I am not sure what his proposal actually means, but I know is that I actually agree with Dick Turbin! Ill agree with anyone as long as they are willing to do something to stop this robbery being conducted by the big oil companies. It is just a shame that it is Americans doing this to Americans, rather than other countries jacking up the price of oil. All those oil execs should be arrested for gouging the American public in a time of war. Prepare for prices to oil rise throughout the summer driving season. $4.00/gallon by August? I wouldnt doubt it. [source upi]
Speaking of out of control, Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that Israel is "heading toward annihilation." This comes only days after he held a press conference to gloat about the fact Iran has successfully inriched uranium to create a nuclear bomb. This is obviously alarming.
"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation," Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."

Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld is under fire from retired generals who want him to resign his post.
Six retired generals, including three who commanded troops in Iraq under Rumsfeld's leadership, have publicly stated their criticism of Rumsfeld's leadership and called for his resignation.
President Bush continues to be extremely supportive of Rumfeld, saying again recently how good of a job he is doing as the Secretary of Defense.

"Earlier today I spoke with Don Rumsfeld about ongoing military operations in the Global War on Terror," Bush said in a written statement released by the White House. "I reiterated my strong support for his leadership during this historic and challenging time for our Nation."
Its safe to say that Bush's optimism doesnt exactly reflect the mood of many people in this country, including many Republicans. I personally wouldnt mind seeing Rumsfeld go. I do believe there are people that would do a better job in his position, for example I think John McCain would be an amazing Secretary of Defense. However, I must say I think that Rumsfeld is a good person and he has served his country admirably. It does not appear that we should expect a change in the Pentagon anytime soon, but with the way things are today politically, God only knows. [source cnn]
Other Stories:
Bush made $735,180 in '05, paid $187,768 in taxes [source]
Dick Cheney gets $1.9 million tax return [source]
North Korea now threatens to strengthen nukes [source]
Pope Benedict holds 'Good Friday' ceremonies [source]
Poll: Illegal immigrants are considered a burden [source]
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I havent updated in a couple of days, and alot has happened. But rather than write alot about it I decided to show you a small photo essay of everything that has gone on. Immigration protest have taken place all over the country in the last few days. Here are some pics showing the situation.
Doesnt he look pleasant? Would that be considered desecrating the flag?

Beautiful. Anyone who wants to do the right thing is now a Nazi racist. Im so glad these kinds of people are in this country, and are going to be allowed to stay.
Oh noooooo your not. Why couldnt they have checked green cards at the door?
That says 'Amnesty Now!' for you Spanish majors. Lucky for them they are going to get it.
The above flyer is perfect. It shows you the real reason Democrats dont want strict immigration laws. A majority of Dems dont give a damn about the rights of these people or care about how they live, they just see votes. 11 million illegal immigrants to them means 11 million potential voters. I guess that is the kind of desperation that happens when you havent won an election in 12 years. Pitiful.
That really helps the cause. Do they think that seeing crap like that will make Americans embrace them being here? Dummies.
Today is a huge victory for illegal immigrants all over America, as Congressional Republicans now say they do not want to make illegals felons. Denny Hastart and Bill Frist, who now has no chance of being president because of his horrible leadership on this issue, issued a statement about illegal immigration:
Sen. Kennedy also had some things to say:
This whole issue is getting to be too much for me. The more I see these protests and our spineless elected representatives backdown to the pressure of people who dont even belong here, the more I hate illegal immigrants. This is just becoming a complete disgrace. Wake up America, and see whats happening to your country. [sources ap, michelle malkin]
I havent updated in a couple of days, and alot has happened. But rather than write alot about it I decided to show you a small photo essay of everything that has gone on. Immigration protest have taken place all over the country in the last few days. Here are some pics showing the situation.

Today is a huge victory for illegal immigrants all over America, as Congressional Republicans now say they do not want to make illegals felons. Denny Hastart and Bill Frist, who now has no chance of being president because of his horrible leadership on this issue, issued a statement about illegal immigration:
"It remains our intent to to produce a strong border security bill that will not make unlawful presence in the United States a felony," the two men said.
Sen. Kennedy also had some things to say:
"Actions speak louder than words, and theres no running away from the fact that the Republican House passed a bill, and Senator Frist offered one that criminalizes immigrants."
This whole issue is getting to be too much for me. The more I see these protests and our spineless elected representatives backdown to the pressure of people who dont even belong here, the more I hate illegal immigrants. This is just becoming a complete disgrace. Wake up America, and see whats happening to your country. [sources ap, michelle malkin]
Sunday, April 09, 2006
My Sunday Column
There is no doubt in my mind that if the Democrats are able to gain control of the House of Representatives in November, they will draft articles of impeachment against President Bush. It will be tough for Democrats to win either house of Congress in the Fall. Just the sheer number of seats they need to gain, plus other obsticles like gerrymandering will make their efforts difficult, but not impossible. Luckily, Republicans have 7 months to try and turn things around, and the President also has time to boost his sagging approvals. I believe President Bush's future as our Commander-in-Chief relies on the 06' elections.
We already see Democrats taking steps toward impeachment. Senator Russ Feingold recently tried to censure the president because of his domestic spying program, a measure not takin since the 1800's. In an interview, Feingold tried to defend his proposal by saying the motion to censure is not the same as impeachment, but then saying what the president did is an impeachable offense. Obviously, with the GOP controlling both houses of Congress, impeaching the president today is an impossibility, that is why no major movement to do so is underway. However there are numerous small grass-roots efforts across the country trying to persuade congressmen and women to draw up articles to impeach, and in fact some in congress have already.
As your recall, Bill Clinton was impeached bye the House back in 1998, for lying to a grand jury about his role in the Monica Lewinsky affair (no pun intended). However, the Senate failed to carry enough votes to get Clinton out of office, mostly because of a lack of Republican votes. Today's situation is much different. George W. Bush is hated by many people on the far left today, and even among some moderate Democrats. Clinton was not a hated president. People knew he messed up, but most did not want to see him thrown out of office. Bill Clinton's presidency was nothin like George Bush's, Clinton had few tough decisions to make during his tenure, and the overall peaceful and prosperous times allowed him to do nothing and alienate few.
George W. Bush's presidency has been the exact opposite of Clintons. Bush has had to deal with a horrific terror attack, a catastropic natural disaster, a worldwide war on terrorism, and many other very serious issues. Any leader forced to deal with problems of that magnitude is likely to make enemies with his policies, and Bush's enemies are out for blood. As I said earlier, the far left hates him beyond measure and want him out of office by any means necessary.
Im not sayin that President Bush's impeachment is inevitable, but you can bet if Democrats are successful in 2006 they will try their best oust him. I hope that Democratic candidates are asked about this issue throughout this years campaign, because I believe we all deserve to know their opinion on such an important issue. I also hope that the people around and advising the president understand the severity a replay of 1994 by the Democrats this time will have on the policy of this country. As of right now, they dont seem worried about it, but all I know is that I sure am.
There is no doubt in my mind that if the Democrats are able to gain control of the House of Representatives in November, they will draft articles of impeachment against President Bush. It will be tough for Democrats to win either house of Congress in the Fall. Just the sheer number of seats they need to gain, plus other obsticles like gerrymandering will make their efforts difficult, but not impossible. Luckily, Republicans have 7 months to try and turn things around, and the President also has time to boost his sagging approvals. I believe President Bush's future as our Commander-in-Chief relies on the 06' elections.
We already see Democrats taking steps toward impeachment. Senator Russ Feingold recently tried to censure the president because of his domestic spying program, a measure not takin since the 1800's. In an interview, Feingold tried to defend his proposal by saying the motion to censure is not the same as impeachment, but then saying what the president did is an impeachable offense. Obviously, with the GOP controlling both houses of Congress, impeaching the president today is an impossibility, that is why no major movement to do so is underway. However there are numerous small grass-roots efforts across the country trying to persuade congressmen and women to draw up articles to impeach, and in fact some in congress have already.
As your recall, Bill Clinton was impeached bye the House back in 1998, for lying to a grand jury about his role in the Monica Lewinsky affair (no pun intended). However, the Senate failed to carry enough votes to get Clinton out of office, mostly because of a lack of Republican votes. Today's situation is much different. George W. Bush is hated by many people on the far left today, and even among some moderate Democrats. Clinton was not a hated president. People knew he messed up, but most did not want to see him thrown out of office. Bill Clinton's presidency was nothin like George Bush's, Clinton had few tough decisions to make during his tenure, and the overall peaceful and prosperous times allowed him to do nothing and alienate few.
George W. Bush's presidency has been the exact opposite of Clintons. Bush has had to deal with a horrific terror attack, a catastropic natural disaster, a worldwide war on terrorism, and many other very serious issues. Any leader forced to deal with problems of that magnitude is likely to make enemies with his policies, and Bush's enemies are out for blood. As I said earlier, the far left hates him beyond measure and want him out of office by any means necessary.
Im not sayin that President Bush's impeachment is inevitable, but you can bet if Democrats are successful in 2006 they will try their best oust him. I hope that Democratic candidates are asked about this issue throughout this years campaign, because I believe we all deserve to know their opinion on such an important issue. I also hope that the people around and advising the president understand the severity a replay of 1994 by the Democrats this time will have on the policy of this country. As of right now, they dont seem worried about it, but all I know is that I sure am.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Ok I have been kinda busy over the past few days so I havent been updating much. Not to mention the past few days havent been exactly newsworthy. Anyways, the immigration debate continues to rage on, but it seems a the prospect of a solution anytime soon is quickly fading into the sunset. Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass their much heralded bill that would basically grant amnesty to more than 11 million illegal aliens. As usual, both party's blame each other for the failure, and now Congress will go on their 2 week Easter recess without any progress on immigration reform.
The President did something interesting today in his weekly radio address and singled out Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as the reason the bill failed to pass. Bush very rarely does things like this, so it was kind of refreshing to see him finally swipe at the Democrats.
He went on:
True, but we wont remain successful if we continue to allow millions and millions of poor people to illegally enter this country each year. Look, Im glad this bill didnt go anywhere, but not for the same reasons as Bush. I thought the bill was crap from the get go, letting illegals basically get their citizenship without any consequence. Strict rules on immigration are need right now, and the House of Representatives are willing to take those measures, but why isnt the Senate? Your guess is as good as mine. [source cnn]
I wrote about the NBC News scaldal this week. NBC and "Dateline" wanted to send Muslim men to a NASCAR race and video tape them because they figured there would be some racial hostilities toward them. The whole situation really is a joke and shows what extreme and ridiculous measure major media outlets are willing to go through to get their side of the news. They would rather make news themselves nowadays than simply report it.
Michelle Malkin had this cartoon on her site and I thought it was funny. Enjoy.
Dont forget to read my column tomorrow. Adios.
Other Stories:
More tornadoes slam the Southeast yesterday killing 12 [source]
Who Cares: Prince Harry reportely visited a strip club [source]
Iraqi's mourn the dead of another mosque bombing [source]
Rolling Stones play to a packed house in China [source]
Ohio mom still hopeful her son will return from Iraq after missing for 2 years [source]
Ok I have been kinda busy over the past few days so I havent been updating much. Not to mention the past few days havent been exactly newsworthy. Anyways, the immigration debate continues to rage on, but it seems a the prospect of a solution anytime soon is quickly fading into the sunset. Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass their much heralded bill that would basically grant amnesty to more than 11 million illegal aliens. As usual, both party's blame each other for the failure, and now Congress will go on their 2 week Easter recess without any progress on immigration reform.
The President did something interesting today in his weekly radio address and singled out Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as the reason the bill failed to pass. Bush very rarely does things like this, so it was kind of refreshing to see him finally swipe at the Democrats.

"I call on the Senate minority leader to end his blocking tactics and allow the Senate to do its work and pass a fair, effective immigration reform bill," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
He went on:
"Immigration is an emotional issue and a vitally important one," Bush said. "At its core, immigration is the sign of a confident and successful nation."
True, but we wont remain successful if we continue to allow millions and millions of poor people to illegally enter this country each year. Look, Im glad this bill didnt go anywhere, but not for the same reasons as Bush. I thought the bill was crap from the get go, letting illegals basically get their citizenship without any consequence. Strict rules on immigration are need right now, and the House of Representatives are willing to take those measures, but why isnt the Senate? Your guess is as good as mine. [source cnn]
I wrote about the NBC News scaldal this week. NBC and "Dateline" wanted to send Muslim men to a NASCAR race and video tape them because they figured there would be some racial hostilities toward them. The whole situation really is a joke and shows what extreme and ridiculous measure major media outlets are willing to go through to get their side of the news. They would rather make news themselves nowadays than simply report it.

Dont forget to read my column tomorrow. Adios.
Other Stories:
More tornadoes slam the Southeast yesterday killing 12 [source]
Who Cares: Prince Harry reportely visited a strip club [source]
Iraqi's mourn the dead of another mosque bombing [source]
Rolling Stones play to a packed house in China [source]
Ohio mom still hopeful her son will return from Iraq after missing for 2 years [source]
Ok I have been kinda busy over the past few days so I havent been updating much. Not to mention the past few days havent been exactly newsworthy. Anyways, the immigration debate continues to rage on, but it seems a the prospect of a solution anytime soon is quickly fading into the sunset. Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass their much heralded bill that would basically grant amnesty to more than 11 million illegal aliens. As usual, both party's blame each other for the failure, and now Congress will go on their 2 week Easter recess without any progress on immigration reform.
The President did something interesting today in his weekly radio address and singled out Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as the reason the bill failed to pass. Bush very rarely does things like this, so it was kind of refreshing to see him finally swipe at the Democrats.
He went on:
True, but we wont remain successful if we continue to allow millions and millions of poor people to illegally enter this country each year. Look, Im glad this bill didnt go anywhere, but not for the same reasons as Bush. I thought the bill was crap from the get go, letting illegals basically get their citizenship without any consequence. Strict rules on immigration are need right now, and the House of Representatives are willing to take those measures, but why isnt the Senate? Your guess is as good as mine. [source cnn]
I wrote about the NBC News scaldal this week. NBC and "Dateline" wanted to send Muslim men to a NASCAR race and video tape them because they figured there would be some racial hostilities toward them. The whole situation really is a joke and shows what extreme and ridiculous measure major media outlets are willing to go through to get their side of the news. They would rather make news themselves nowadays than simply report it.
Michelle Malkin had this cartoon on her site and I thought it was funny. Enjoy.
Dont forget to read my column tomorrow. Adios.
Other Stories:
More tornadoes slam the Southeast yesterday killing 12 [source]
Who Cares: Prince Harry reportely visited a strip club [source]
Iraqi's mourn the dead of another mosque bombing [source]
Rolling Stones play to a packed house in China [source]
Ohio mom still hopeful her son will return from Iraq after missing for 2 years [source]
Ok I have been kinda busy over the past few days so I havent been updating much. Not to mention the past few days havent been exactly newsworthy. Anyways, the immigration debate continues to rage on, but it seems a the prospect of a solution anytime soon is quickly fading into the sunset. Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass their much heralded bill that would basically grant amnesty to more than 11 million illegal aliens. As usual, both party's blame each other for the failure, and now Congress will go on their 2 week Easter recess without any progress on immigration reform.
The President did something interesting today in his weekly radio address and singled out Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as the reason the bill failed to pass. Bush very rarely does things like this, so it was kind of refreshing to see him finally swipe at the Democrats.

"I call on the Senate minority leader to end his blocking tactics and allow the Senate to do its work and pass a fair, effective immigration reform bill," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
He went on:
"Immigration is an emotional issue and a vitally important one," Bush said. "At its core, immigration is the sign of a confident and successful nation."
True, but we wont remain successful if we continue to allow millions and millions of poor people to illegally enter this country each year. Look, Im glad this bill didnt go anywhere, but not for the same reasons as Bush. I thought the bill was crap from the get go, letting illegals basically get their citizenship without any consequence. Strict rules on immigration are need right now, and the House of Representatives are willing to take those measures, but why isnt the Senate? Your guess is as good as mine. [source cnn]
I wrote about the NBC News scaldal this week. NBC and "Dateline" wanted to send Muslim men to a NASCAR race and video tape them because they figured there would be some racial hostilities toward them. The whole situation really is a joke and shows what extreme and ridiculous measure major media outlets are willing to go through to get their side of the news. They would rather make news themselves nowadays than simply report it.

Dont forget to read my column tomorrow. Adios.
Other Stories:
More tornadoes slam the Southeast yesterday killing 12 [source]
Who Cares: Prince Harry reportely visited a strip club [source]
Iraqi's mourn the dead of another mosque bombing [source]
Rolling Stones play to a packed house in China [source]
Ohio mom still hopeful her son will return from Iraq after missing for 2 years [source]
Thursday, April 06, 2006
National news has been distracting me from reporting whats been going on in the Buckeye state lately, so lets get up to date, shall we?
The Toledo Blade did a great story the other day on congressman Sherrod Brown's travel habits. It turns out the Brown is among the top of the list when it comes to congress people using private money to fund private trips. You would think he would be able to pay for his own trips considering he makes more than $150,000 a year.
I think I want a job with Sherrod Brown now. Id love to travel the world for free.
Now the Governor's race. I dont think this is much of a shock to most but currently, Ken Blackwell is the frontrunner for the Republican nod while Ted Strickland has a commanding lead for the Dems. [source surveyusa]
If the Republican Primary were held today:
Blackwell - 46%
Petro - 32%
Undecided - 22%
Strickland - 60%
Flannery - 15%
Undecided - 25%
Looks like a Blackwell vs. Strickland matchup in the fall. Cant wait.
The U.S. Senate today is saying they have reached a 'breakthrough' in the immigration stalemate.
Isnt that the complete opposite of what most American's want?
That's the definition of amnesty!
If this bill passes, it will officially be the end to Bill Frist's 2008 campaign. Here is the part of this whole 'breakthrough' I love the most.
That might be the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Like 11 million people are about to just pick up and go back home for while then move back here. I mean they cant be serious. I hope the House dumps this legislation like the crap it really truly is. The Senate has been extremely disappointing on this whole issue. I just dont know what they are afraid of. [source cnn]
Rudy Giuliani, who I hope is our next president, testified today against Zacarias Moussaoui. Nobody knows 9/11 like Rudy, and his testimony proved that point.
This all comes today as Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen wrote a piece advocating agaisnt sentencing Moussaoui to death for his role. I could not disagree more. Im not a huge fan of the death penality, however in this case, I dont feel it is severe enough. I wouldnt care what they did to Moussaoui, mame him, torture him, do whatever, I really dont care. All I know is that at the end of all this, he has to die for what his silence caused people on 9/11. Cohen says killing him would simply make him a martyr. Well here's a newsflash, he probably already is. Oh... and Giuliani in '08.
Here is a very interesting story. Evidentally NBC news is doing a story on the growing anti-muslim feelings in the United States. As part of the story, they wanted to send an Arab guy to a NASCAR event, thinking that going there would result in some explicit racial harassment. Well since the story came out, NASCAR is obviously pissed. And rightly so.
As a NASCAR fan myself, I just think this whole thing is stupid. These "Dateline" people just wanted to make mainstream and patriotic people look like bigots, thats it. I read somewhere online where a person said that if they want to see hatred why dont they take a conservative and follow them around at Harvard? Veeeeeeeeery good point. [source yahoo]
Other Stories:
Finally: Cynthia Mckinney apoligizes for hitting a cop [source]
Surprised? Oil prices rise to $68 per barrel [source]
Meredith Vierra will replace Katie Couric on 'Today' [source]
Pope Benedict plans to visit Israel in 2007 [source]
Tiger Woods tees off at the Master looking for 5th green jacket [source]
National news has been distracting me from reporting whats been going on in the Buckeye state lately, so lets get up to date, shall we?
The Toledo Blade did a great story the other day on congressman Sherrod Brown's travel habits. It turns out the Brown is among the top of the list when it comes to congress people using private money to fund private trips. You would think he would be able to pay for his own trips considering he makes more than $150,000 a year.
The Democrat from Avon, Ohio, a candidate for U.S. Senate this year, has taken six January trips to Florida with a total value of more than $15,000 since 1999. All were thanks to grants from Harvard University and a health-care-focused nonprofit group called the Commonwealth Fun, which sponsors the annual bi-partisan conference.
Congressional records show Mr. Brown, his family, and his staff accepted 57 privately funded trips, valued at nearly $180,000, in more than a decade in the House - including flights to Finland, Hong Kong, Hawaii, Israel, Moscow, and Taiwan.

The watchdog group PoliticalMoneyLine ranks Mr. Brown 69th of 640 current or former congressmen in the number of privately funded trips accepted. Mr. Brown's likely November opponent, incumbant Republican Sen. Mike Dewine, ranked 445th.Now I know why Sherrod Brown has done absolutely nothing for the district I live in, he was too busy being out of the country while someone else was paying the bill. Makes sense right? [source toledo blade]
Now the Governor's race. I dont think this is much of a shock to most but currently, Ken Blackwell is the frontrunner for the Republican nod while Ted Strickland has a commanding lead for the Dems. [source surveyusa]
If the Republican Primary were held today:
Blackwell - 46%
Petro - 32%
Undecided - 22%
Strickland - 60%
Flannery - 15%
Undecided - 25%
Looks like a Blackwell vs. Strickland matchup in the fall. Cant wait.
The U.S. Senate today is saying they have reached a 'breakthrough' in the immigration stalemate.
Senate Republicans and Democrats closed in on a last-minute compromise Thursday on legislation opening the way to legal status and eventual citizenship for many of the 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.
Isnt that the complete opposite of what most American's want?
As outlined, it would provide for enhanced border security, regulate the future flow of immigrants into the United States and offer legalized status to the millions of men women and children in the country unlawfully.
That's the definition of amnesty!

While final details were not available, in general, the compromise would require illegal immigrants who have been in the United States between two years and five years to return to their home country briefly, then re-enter as temporary worker. They could then begin a process of seeking citizenship.
That might be the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Like 11 million people are about to just pick up and go back home for while then move back here. I mean they cant be serious. I hope the House dumps this legislation like the crap it really truly is. The Senate has been extremely disappointing on this whole issue. I just dont know what they are afraid of. [source cnn]
Rudy Giuliani, who I hope is our next president, testified today against Zacarias Moussaoui. Nobody knows 9/11 like Rudy, and his testimony proved that point.
"I saw several people, I cant remember how many, jumping," Giuliani said as he described his actions that day. "There were two people right near each other. It appeared to me they were holding hands."
"Of the many memories, that's the one that comes to me every day."[source reuters]

Here is a very interesting story. Evidentally NBC news is doing a story on the growing anti-muslim feelings in the United States. As part of the story, they wanted to send an Arab guy to a NASCAR event, thinking that going there would result in some explicit racial harassment. Well since the story came out, NASCAR is obviously pissed. And rightly so.
NASCAR said it was "outrageous" that "Dateline NBC" targeted one of its race tracks last weekend for a possible segment on anti-Muslim sentimate in the United States.
NASCAR said NBC confirmed it was sending Muslim-looking men to a race, along with a camera crew to film fans' reactions. The NBC crew was "apparently on site in Martinsville, VA., walked around and no one bothered them," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Wednesday.
"It is outrageous that a news organization of NBC's stature would stoop to the level of going out to create news instead of reporting news," Poston said.
"Any legitimate journalist in America should be embarrassed by this stunt. The obvious intent by NBC was to evoke reaction, and we are confident our fans won't take the bait," he said.
As a NASCAR fan myself, I just think this whole thing is stupid. These "Dateline" people just wanted to make mainstream and patriotic people look like bigots, thats it. I read somewhere online where a person said that if they want to see hatred why dont they take a conservative and follow them around at Harvard? Veeeeeeeeery good point. [source yahoo]
Other Stories:
Finally: Cynthia Mckinney apoligizes for hitting a cop [source]
Surprised? Oil prices rise to $68 per barrel [source]
Meredith Vierra will replace Katie Couric on 'Today' [source]
Pope Benedict plans to visit Israel in 2007 [source]
Tiger Woods tees off at the Master looking for 5th green jacket [source]
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Well today is 04.05.06 which is pretty interesting. Anyways, Tom Delay said yesterday (which would have been 04.04.06 for you calander-buffs out there) that he would not seek re-election in November. He said that the whole thing has just gotten too nasty. True, considering people in Hollywood like Barbara Streisand and others have been dumping money to the Democrat running for his seat.
Delay has really become a scapegoat for all the Democrats who champion this "culture of corruption" nonsense. He had a target on his back because he was an extremely successful Republican leader in the House of Representatives, so getting rid of him will help the Democrats legislatively in the near future. However, this will hurt them in the November elections because they wont have Delay to be the poster child of GOP corruption.
Delay said that he plans to help the conservative cause however possible:
Haha...Amen Tom. And thanks for your service all these years. [source cnn]
Now to Iraq where the political process seems to be at a standstill, so much so that the current Iraqi Prime Minister, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari is being pressured to step down, even some believe by the American Government. Condi Rice was in Iraq last week and met with Iraqi leaders, basically telling them to get their asses in gear and get a government formed pronto.
I dont like the sound of that. The only reason those peole are able to make the decisions they are is because Americans died for it, so they better damn well accept our "advice" on how they should run their governement. Until the have something stable set up, the violence there will continue, and even though they get to see it in front of their faces everyday, I just dont think they seem to care.
The American people, including myself, are losing patience with these bumbling fools trying to establish an Iraqi government. I still pray they can do it in the very near future, however my confidence is waning daily. [source fox news]
In case anyone really cares, which I dont personally, Katie Couric is leaving the 'Today Show' after 15 years to become the first ever full time female anchor of a nightly news show on CBS replacing Bob Schieffer.
Suuuuuuuuuuuure Katie, we are all great friends. Couric forgot to mention that she probably also listened to her pocket book, as she will reportedly get around $40 million dollars over four years to host the low rated CBS broadcast. And in case you really love the today show, it is speculated that Campbell Brown will replace Katie upon her departure. [source wnbc]
Other Stories:
Cool: Ever wondered the real names of your favorite celebrities? [source]
Saddam Hussein finally cross-examined in his trial [source]
Wow: Tom Cruise now saying his daddy beat him [source]
Homeland Security official arrested in child porn sting [source]
Say what? Garth Brooks' ex-wife kidnapped [source]
Capitol Police Chief says Mckinney escalated incident [source]
Huh? Democrats pushing for immigration reform test vote [source]
"After many weeks of personal, prayerful thinking and analysis, I have come to the conclusion that it is time to close this public-service chapter of my life." the 58-year-old congressman said.

Delay said that he plans to help the conservative cause however possible:
The former House majority leader said he will continue to "engage in the important cultural and political battles of our day from outside the arena of the United States House of Representatives."As he was explaining his reasons for leaving politics, Delay had some rather harsh words for Democratic Rep. Cynthia Mckinney who is accused of repeatedly punching a Capitol Police officer with her cell phone.
"Cynthia Mckinney is a racist. She has a long history of racism. Everything is racism with her. This is incredible arrogance, and -- that sometimes hits these member of congress, but especially Cynthia Mckinney"... [source drudgereport]
Haha...Amen Tom. And thanks for your service all these years. [source cnn]
Now to Iraq where the political process seems to be at a standstill, so much so that the current Iraqi Prime Minister, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari is being pressured to step down, even some believe by the American Government. Condi Rice was in Iraq last week and met with Iraqi leaders, basically telling them to get their asses in gear and get a government formed pronto.
Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari says he is refusing to abandon his bid for a second term to break the deadlock over a new government, and more than 1,000 of his supporters called Wednesdays for an end to "U.S. interference" in Iraqi politics.

U.S. officials believe a broad-based government of Shiites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds offers the only hope for reversing Iraq's slide into anarchy. Without such a government, the Americans cannot begin withdrawing their troops.
The American people, including myself, are losing patience with these bumbling fools trying to establish an Iraqi government. I still pray they can do it in the very near future, however my confidence is waning daily. [source fox news]
In case anyone really cares, which I dont personally, Katie Couric is leaving the 'Today Show' after 15 years to become the first ever full time female anchor of a nightly news show on CBS replacing Bob Schieffer.
"I wanted to tell all of you out there who have watched the show for the past 15 years that after listening to my heart and my gut -- two things that have served me pretty well in the past -- Ive decided I'll be leaving 'Today' at the end of May," she said. "I really feel as if we've become friends through the years."

Other Stories:
Cool: Ever wondered the real names of your favorite celebrities? [source]
Saddam Hussein finally cross-examined in his trial [source]
Wow: Tom Cruise now saying his daddy beat him [source]
Homeland Security official arrested in child porn sting [source]
Say what? Garth Brooks' ex-wife kidnapped [source]
Capitol Police Chief says Mckinney escalated incident [source]
Huh? Democrats pushing for immigration reform test vote [source]
Monday, April 03, 2006
Update Alert: This story just continues to get dumber. It appears tonight that Rep. Cynthia Mckinney will have a warrant issues for her arrest sometime in the near future.
Mckinney has made this whole thing about the fact she is black and not about the fact she allegedly sucker-punched a police officer. She has gotten help from many of her friends to fight these charges by playing the race card. Here is a ridiculous video of these goons defending Rep. Mckinney.
By the way, through all of this she has yet to say that she was sorry for everything that has happened, which one might expect from a mature individual. However, she has recently apologized for illegally using taxpayer money to fund her flights back and forth to Atlanta. Quite a character this one. Hopefully she will be arrested tomorrow. [source breitbart]
While President Bush was throwing out the first pitch today at the Cincinnati Reds home opener, his new Cheif of Staff is rumored to preparing some substantial changes to his administration.
This really should be quite interesting. I personally dont care who they get rid of as long as they can get things back to where they should be. It almost seems to me that everyone in the country knows what Bush needs to do to get his approval up except for his staff. Hopefully the newly appointed Josh Bolton can right the wrongs that have been drilling the Republican party really since the President got re-elected a year and a half ago. Seven months till the mid-terms, so the time for reform is now! [source cnn]
If you have any doubt that the far left in America is completely unhinged, then here is your definite proof. Actress Susan Surandon wants election monitors for US election like are used for under-developed third world countries. Im sure she would feel the same was if Kerry would have won in 2004, right?
Aint that nice? I must give her credit for what she said next about Hillary Clinton:
Thats because people like her are running the Democratic Party. Blame yourself dummy. [source msnbc]
Allelujah, baseball season is here. Summer has unofficially begun, even though it is 40 degrees outside right now. Anyways, last night the Cleveland Indians got crushed by the champion Chicago White Sox 10-3. The Tribe didnt look so hot. After their great spring they just did not show up last night. Jim Thome, former Indian, absolutely crushed a home run last night that was measured at 430 ft. We miss you Jimmy.
To add insult to injury, our ace, C.C. Sabathia injured himself in the beginning of the game and had to leave. Here is the bad news:

The Tribe need to start out good this season. They cannot expect to gain like last year in the last 2 months of the season. The American League is going to be very tough this year and losing C.C., even this early, is seriously going to hurt the Indians chances of being competative. Damnit. [source espn]
Other Stories:
Severe weather slams the midwest killing 27 [source]
U.S. Capitol building breifly evacuated because of power outage [source]
Psycho: Al Gore slams Bush on environment and 9/11 [source]
Uh-oh: Is Hollywood souring on Hillary? [source]
Moussaoui is eligible for the death penality [source]
C-5 cargo plane crashes at Dover Air Base but all survive [source]
The U.S. Capitol Police on Monday submitted their case against Rep. Cynthia Mckinney to the U.S. Attorney's office, which will consider whether the Georgia congresswoman will face charges for tangling with a law enforcement officer last week.
"We are working with Capitol Hill police to fully understand and appreciate the incident," principal assistant U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips told The Associated Press in a telephone telephone interview.

By the way, through all of this she has yet to say that she was sorry for everything that has happened, which one might expect from a mature individual. However, she has recently apologized for illegally using taxpayer money to fund her flights back and forth to Atlanta. Quite a character this one. Hopefully she will be arrested tomorrow. [source breitbart]
While President Bush was throwing out the first pitch today at the Cincinnati Reds home opener, his new Cheif of Staff is rumored to preparing some substantial changes to his administration.
Presidential press secretary Scott McClellan and Treasury Secretary John Snow could be next in a shake-up in the Bush adminstration, according to White House and GOP sources.
"You're going to have more change than you expect," on GOP insider said.

If you have any doubt that the far left in America is completely unhinged, then here is your definite proof. Actress Susan Surandon wants election monitors for US election like are used for under-developed third world countries. Im sure she would feel the same was if Kerry would have won in 2004, right?
"I believe our next election should be monitored by international entites, just like it happened in Haiti and Iraq," Sarandon told Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, according to our translator. "The last one was an embarrassment. Everybody knew there was fraud, but nothing was done about it. In some states there were more votes than people able to vote."

Sarandon, who recently made headlines when she expressed her disappointment with Democratic Sen. Hilary Clinton - who is widely considered to be a possible presidential candidate - and isnt terribly optimistic about other Dems. "I honestly hope that the Democratic Party finds a candidate for the presidency, but I recognize that the scenario isnt inspiring."
Thats because people like her are running the Democratic Party. Blame yourself dummy. [source msnbc]
Allelujah, baseball season is here. Summer has unofficially begun, even though it is 40 degrees outside right now. Anyways, last night the Cleveland Indians got crushed by the champion Chicago White Sox 10-3. The Tribe didnt look so hot. After their great spring they just did not show up last night. Jim Thome, former Indian, absolutely crushed a home run last night that was measured at 430 ft. We miss you Jimmy.
To add insult to injury, our ace, C.C. Sabathia injured himself in the beginning of the game and had to leave. Here is the bad news:

Cleveland ace C.C. Sabathia will likely be placed on the 15-day disabled list with a strained abdominal muscle -- not the kind of strong start he and the Indians were hoping for in 2006.
The [Indians] said a formal announcement on Sabathia will be made before Tuesday's afternoon game against the White Sox.
The Tribe need to start out good this season. They cannot expect to gain like last year in the last 2 months of the season. The American League is going to be very tough this year and losing C.C., even this early, is seriously going to hurt the Indians chances of being competative. Damnit. [source espn]
Other Stories:
Severe weather slams the midwest killing 27 [source]
U.S. Capitol building breifly evacuated because of power outage [source]
Psycho: Al Gore slams Bush on environment and 9/11 [source]
Uh-oh: Is Hollywood souring on Hillary? [source]
Moussaoui is eligible for the death penality [source]
C-5 cargo plane crashes at Dover Air Base but all survive [source]
Sunday, April 02, 2006
My Sunday Column
I would like to talk to you about illegal immigration, and why this whole debate annoys me. It looks like immigration reform will be the great debate of '06. I thought it would be abortion, but I was wrong, I can admit it, since it rarely happens of course. But the whole thing is frustrating to watch. I dont like seeing all those protests, mostly because a majority of those people probably are illegals themselves, asking for rights they dont deserve. And they should not be waving the Mexican flag or any other if they expect to gain the rights of actual Americans. I dont want to see that crap. If they are so proud of the places they came from them they should just go back there.
Equally as frustrating is how politicians are more worried about dis-enfranchising voters than doing what is right for the country. I must give the Republicans credit for trying to do something about the immigration dilemma. The Democrats are silent, only to speak up to chastize the GOP for having ideas on reforming the situation. If anyone knows the Democratic position on immigration please leave a comment and explain it to me. However, not all Republicans can agree on a single solution. The House GOP wants very strict laws, making illegals felons. The Senate Republicans on the other hand seem far less interested in a hard-line approach. The inability for the two groups to find common ground is troubling considering they are the majority, which almost ensures a stalemate.
The President also hasnt been much help. He wants the best of both worlds, but he wont get it. He would like to stop the influx of poor Mexicans, but also wants some sort of guest worker program. Many Republicans see that as amnesty, which I must admit it basically is. Mr. Bush has been fairly silent on the whole issue. He was in Mexico meeting with their president the other day, and said that much progress was made. But we cannot expect any help from the Mexicans, they have no problem with their poor burdening Americans.
What must be done? Well, I believe the House bill wants to create a 2,000 mile wall on the border. Im not sure how I feel about that right now. It would be extremely expensive, we're talking billions of dollars. But it would make it very hard for people to scale a 40ft wall to get across the border. I personally want the military down there to help the Border Patrol do their job. We must understand that the border is huge, and manpower is the only safe bet to combat the millions of people trying to enter the US.
Also, I think that we should change the Constitution which says that any person born in the United States is automatically an American citizen. That should not be the case. In my opinion, you should only be a citizen if your parents are citizens. Because that means these people can come over here illegally, have a kid, and then say that since their kid is an American then they must stay. Now, if the House bill would pass and illegals were felons, they could be deported, but their children would be allowed to stay if born while their parents were here. That should change.
I really dont know whats going to happen with this debate. All I know is that we need to stop people from coming here illegally. They are a drain on the economy, the welfare state, the criminal justice system, and they also strain health care benefits. This debate should also not turn into one of racism. I have already heard people on TV calling others who want strict immigration policy "biggots" and other stupid names. I personally have no problem with anyone who wants to immigrate to the US the correct way. Thats how this country was founded and thats how it should remain. But people who defy those rules and sneak over here do not belong. They deserve to be rounded up and shipped back home. I understand most of them are coming over here to find work, which is admirable, but if their not willing to go through the system to do it then they must be turned away.
Lets all just hope that some credible legislation is passed to reform our current immigration system. With an estimate 12 million people in this country illegally right now, only God knows how many of them are here to cause harm and destruction to the American people. In a post 9/11 world, we cannot just hope that the millions streaming across the borders are all good people. The reality is mostly likely the contrary, so we must be aware of the risks of an open border. I just hope that our lawmakers understand the severity of the current situation, and that they will act in the best interest of the country they swore to "preserve, protect, and defend."
Equally as frustrating is how politicians are more worried about dis-enfranchising voters than doing what is right for the country. I must give the Republicans credit for trying to do something about the immigration dilemma. The Democrats are silent, only to speak up to chastize the GOP for having ideas on reforming the situation. If anyone knows the Democratic position on immigration please leave a comment and explain it to me. However, not all Republicans can agree on a single solution. The House GOP wants very strict laws, making illegals felons. The Senate Republicans on the other hand seem far less interested in a hard-line approach. The inability for the two groups to find common ground is troubling considering they are the majority, which almost ensures a stalemate.
The President also hasnt been much help. He wants the best of both worlds, but he wont get it. He would like to stop the influx of poor Mexicans, but also wants some sort of guest worker program. Many Republicans see that as amnesty, which I must admit it basically is. Mr. Bush has been fairly silent on the whole issue. He was in Mexico meeting with their president the other day, and said that much progress was made. But we cannot expect any help from the Mexicans, they have no problem with their poor burdening Americans.
What must be done? Well, I believe the House bill wants to create a 2,000 mile wall on the border. Im not sure how I feel about that right now. It would be extremely expensive, we're talking billions of dollars. But it would make it very hard for people to scale a 40ft wall to get across the border. I personally want the military down there to help the Border Patrol do their job. We must understand that the border is huge, and manpower is the only safe bet to combat the millions of people trying to enter the US.
Also, I think that we should change the Constitution which says that any person born in the United States is automatically an American citizen. That should not be the case. In my opinion, you should only be a citizen if your parents are citizens. Because that means these people can come over here illegally, have a kid, and then say that since their kid is an American then they must stay. Now, if the House bill would pass and illegals were felons, they could be deported, but their children would be allowed to stay if born while their parents were here. That should change.
I really dont know whats going to happen with this debate. All I know is that we need to stop people from coming here illegally. They are a drain on the economy, the welfare state, the criminal justice system, and they also strain health care benefits. This debate should also not turn into one of racism. I have already heard people on TV calling others who want strict immigration policy "biggots" and other stupid names. I personally have no problem with anyone who wants to immigrate to the US the correct way. Thats how this country was founded and thats how it should remain. But people who defy those rules and sneak over here do not belong. They deserve to be rounded up and shipped back home. I understand most of them are coming over here to find work, which is admirable, but if their not willing to go through the system to do it then they must be turned away.
Lets all just hope that some credible legislation is passed to reform our current immigration system. With an estimate 12 million people in this country illegally right now, only God knows how many of them are here to cause harm and destruction to the American people. In a post 9/11 world, we cannot just hope that the millions streaming across the borders are all good people. The reality is mostly likely the contrary, so we must be aware of the risks of an open border. I just hope that our lawmakers understand the severity of the current situation, and that they will act in the best interest of the country they swore to "preserve, protect, and defend."
Saturday, April 01, 2006
In honor of April Fools Day I decided to start off today with the biggest fool of them all, Democratice Committe Chairman Howard Dean. Thank God for him, and I really mean that, because he never ceases to make the Republican Party look great. Dean finally broke his silence yesterday about immigration, and just reiterated the fact that the Democrats have no plan for immigration, much like any other important topic in American today. During his speech, Dean accused the GOP of exploiting the issue of immigration and said they are using the hispanics as 'scapegoats.'
Its safe to say that Dean disagree's with the House bill passed on Immigration, which is very tough on illegal immigrants.
Please. First of all Bush wants a guest worker program which man Republicans dont because they see it as amnesty, which it basically is. Secondly, the only thing devisive about immigration is the fact that illegal immigrants are here illegally, and they should not be here.
Thats because your not going to be doing anything. Of course this is going to turn into a matter of racism, that whoever is against illegals hates hispanics, typical. I guess the majority of the country is racists since most Americans want the border protected and illegals out. Since Dean didnt mention one in his speech, I guess the Democratic strategy is "do nothing", just like it always is. [source mercurynews]
Here is a truly disturbing story. A Colorado High School principal has outlawed flying the American flag. He also outlawed any other flag because he thinks that they are being used in a bad way. Awwwww. Evidentally a bunch of kids decided to counter the pro-immigration protestes with one of their own, so I guess when they did so and brought out Old Glory, the school administration got a little upset.
Gimme a friggin break. I have had to look at pictures and video of protests in American with the Mexican flag flown everywhere, and now some patriotic kids use the American flag as a statement and its wrong. What the hell is this guy thinking? Misguided patriotism? That must mean free speech he doesnt agree with. I cant imagine a better learning lesson for these kids than getting to voice their opinions. As long as they keep it peaceful, let them do what they gotta do. Isnt that America?[sources michellmalkin and seattle times]
I saw this on Michelle Malkin's blog and thought it was quite interesting. Appearently Air-Head America's ratings continue to go down the toilet. The station has been embattled throughout its two-year life span, and its pathetic exisitance proves that liberals have no following on talk radio.
Air America's ratings are down in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, San Diego and elsewhere. I mean if a liberal station cant get ratings in those cities then come on...give it up. Meanwhile, Conservative radio and especially Rush Limbaugh's program either held their ratings or saw substantial gains. Surprising? I think not. This ship is going down like the Titanic. See the actual numbers at radioequalizer.
Update Alert #2: This story just keeps getting better. Anyone who thought this wouldnt happen is crazy. Democratic Rep. Cynthia Mckinney who is accused of punching a US Capitol Police officer is now playing the race card and saying shes the victim.
Here is the best part:
I dont know what actually happened in the scuffle, but this lady should be arrest for stupidity for using her race to try to get off. I have heard that she's been involved with problems like this in the past, so I find it hard to believe that a policeman singled her out for punishment while she did absolutely nothing wrong. I guess the new saying should be "better black than busted," instead of "better safe than sorry." I dont care what color you are, if you hit a cop then you go to jail. I sure as hell would if it were me. Again I dont know all the facts in the case, but race should have nothing to do with it. [source usatoday]
Other Stories:
ABC suspends producer of bush-bashing email [source]
Flip-Flop: Jill Carroll now says shes 'deeply angry' with her captors [source]
U.S. helicopter goes down in Iraq [source]
Dont forget to Spring Forward tonight [source]
Final Four teams gear up for the big dance [source]
Time magazine has an immigration poll out [source]
Dummy: John Dean wants to censure Bush [source]

"This is a nonsensical proposal put out by far right-wingers in the Republican Party who have been endorsed for re-election by the president of the United States," Dean said. "The president has a moral obligation to rein in the right-wing extremists in his party and stop this divisive rhetoric about immigrants."
Please. First of all Bush wants a guest worker program which man Republicans dont because they see it as amnesty, which it basically is. Secondly, the only thing devisive about immigration is the fact that illegal immigrants are here illegally, and they should not be here.
Nevertheless, Dean accused Bush and fellow Republicans of demagoguery in the immigration debate, saying it fit with a lont-standing pattern. He cited the president's opposition to the University of Michigan's affirmative-action program and Bush's decision to "pick on" homosexuals - an apparent reference to the gay marriage issue in the 2004 election.
"In 2006 its immigrants. That's what their strategy is on the Republican side: divide people, scapegoat them, set them aside, point the finger at them," Dean said. "Well, that may be good for the Republican Party, but its bad for American, and we're not going to do that."
Thats because your not going to be doing anything. Of course this is going to turn into a matter of racism, that whoever is against illegals hates hispanics, typical. I guess the majority of the country is racists since most Americans want the border protected and illegals out. Since Dean didnt mention one in his speech, I guess the Democratic strategy is "do nothing", just like it always is. [source mercurynews]
Here is a truly disturbing story. A Colorado High School principal has outlawed flying the American flag. He also outlawed any other flag because he thinks that they are being used in a bad way. Awwwww. Evidentally a bunch of kids decided to counter the pro-immigration protestes with one of their own, so I guess when they did so and brought out Old Glory, the school administration got a little upset.
Skyline High School Principal Tom Stumpf said American Flags were brazenly waved in the faces of Hispanic students and in one case a Mexican flag was thrown into the face of another student.
"When it involves the American flag and its abuse in vilifying other people, we simply will not tolerate it," Stumpf said. "They were using the symbol derisively as misguided patriotism."

I saw this on Michelle Malkin's blog and thought it was quite interesting. Appearently Air-Head America's ratings continue to go down the toilet. The station has been embattled throughout its two-year life span, and its pathetic exisitance proves that liberals have no following on talk radio.

Update Alert #2: This story just keeps getting better. Anyone who thought this wouldnt happen is crazy. Democratic Rep. Cynthia Mckinney who is accused of punching a US Capitol Police officer is now playing the race card and saying shes the victim.
Her lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., said, "Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin."
Here is the best part:
"Ms. Mckinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black," Myart said. "Congresswoman Mckinney will be exonerated."

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