Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Betty Sutton and Abortion


Congressional candidate Betty Sutton isnt hiding the fact that she is a huge supporter of abortion. To date, she has received more than $600,000 of campaign contributions from 'Emily's List' which is a very pro abortion group. Even worse, Sutton supports the brutal and horriying practice of partial birth abortion. I dont really know how somebody with a conscience could agree with killing a fetus in the third trimester, considering the fact that by then it is a child and could survive outside the womb. Whether or not you agree with regular abortion, supporting it until birth is vial. Living in the 13th district, I think it is important that people understand her views on this controversial subject, because I think it could really help the Republican in the race, Lorain Mayor Craig Foltin.

Foltin is a Catholic and staunch opponent of abortion. I think Mr. Foltin understand that there are many alternatives to abortion which should be exercised before a fetus is murdered. I hope that Foltin nails Sutton on this issue whenever they debate face to face, because in this district, which is quite religious, opposing abortion will get you votes. I hope that everyone out there spreads the word about Sutton's unfettered support of both regular abortion and partial birth abortion, because I doubt you will ever hear it come out of her mouth. We dont need more people like her in Congress. She is a liberal on just about every issue there is. She will weakin national security and moral security in our country. Please, go to and do whatever you can to support Mayor Foltin. Dont allow a person like Betty Sutton to support this district and our state.



scott bakalar said...

Brad - I've been all over Craig Foltin's website - do you have a link to his published policy stance on abortion - because I can't find it.

thanks for your help.

scott bakalar said...

Brad - I've been all over Betty Sutton's website - do you have a link to her published policy stance supporting late term abortions - or a link to a voting record that would support the same? - Because I can't find one.

thanks for your help.

scott bakalar said...

you there Brad?


Anonymous said...

Yo Brad,

It's Friday September 8, 2006. It's a little over 2 weeks since you posted this and I originally asked my reference questions.

I know you've been here Brad - you've posted and changed your blog template appearance, so I'm just wondering; do you have published sources for the claims you made in this post - or are you just making this up as you go along?

No sources?
No evidence?
Is this just your opinion?

The Craig Foltin I know is a RINO.
I have never heard a pro or anti abortion statement come out of his mouth (or read one in print)

I'm still looking for that
"I support late term abortion" money quote from Betty as well, Brad - do you have one stored up in your browser bookmark folder?

Or are you simply misleading your readers here Brad?
