AS OF TODAYMost people with endless political knowledge, like myself, figure there are 11 Senate races that are currently up for grabs. I am going to make my first predictions about these races and I plan to do so numerous times before the election. Everyone knows that 10 weeks is an eternity in politics, but if the election was today, here is now I believe these races are leaning:
Connecticut: Leaning LiebermanJoe Lieberman is ahead in the polls and should win this race. The GOP candidate hasnt a chance so many republicans are throwing their support, and even their money, to Lieberman. Believe it or not, Ned Lamont is just too liberal, even for Connecticut.
Ohio: Leaning DemocraticWell the polls are showing a small lead for Sherrod Brown. This race is getting the most attention in Ohio, and will get really interesting when the debates start. I believe the first one will be on Meet The Press, and that will be huge. DeWine still can win this thing and hopefully will, but right now I have to go with the polls and give Brown the minute advantage.
Minnesota: Likely DemocraticMinnesota is becoming a pretty Democratic State, and I believe Klobuchar will win this race without much of a problem. Most polls have him with a double digit lead, which makes a win for the GOP very improbable.
Missouri: Leaning RepublicanThe polls have this one very close, but I think that Sen. Jim Talent will keep his seat. This is another race that will rely heavily on the debates, and I think that incumbants will do very well when facing the challengers. Look for Talent to win.
Montana: Dead HeatThis one is very very close. I hope that Conrad Burns can pull it out, but it will be difficult. I think out of all the Republican Senators, he is the one in the most trouble of getting the boot. This one should get interesting.
New Jersey: Leaning DemocraticI cant believe Im saying this but the GOP has a shot in New Jersey! Bob Menendez, who was appointed after John Corzine became Governor, is in deeeeep trouble over there. That state has been ravaged by scandel in the Democratic Party. Basically, the Dems are in the same situation in New Jersey as Republicans are in Ohio. Tom Kean, who has a famous name in New Jersey, could actually win this thing, although I think that Menendez still has a very small edge.
Pennsylvania: Leaning DemocraticThis race is still leaning Democratic, but incumbant Rick Santorum has been steadily gaining ground in the polls, and I am not ready to count him out just yet. There are plenty of Republican voters in PA to pull this one out for Santorum, who is a good Senator. If he continues on this recent tear, he should be able to pull this one out. But he still has a bit of an uphill battle.
Virginia: Likely RepublicanI think George Allen will still win this race even after all the hoopla surrounding his recent comments. Im not even exactly sure what he said and I dont care, he should just be more careful about what comes out of his mouth. While he should win his Senate race easily, I think his presidential aspiration have all but sailed away.
Washington: Likely DemocraticThis one is easy, Washington is a Democratic stronghold, and while Republicans have contested some high profile races lately, like the 2004 Governor race up there, I still think the Dems will rule the day.
Rhode Island: Dead HeatYes, Lincoln Chafee is in trouble, but I think he can pull this out. The polls have this one basically even, but with Chafee's recent call for a timetable to withdrawl US troops from Iraq, he is doing just what the liberals in Rhode Island want him to do. As he distances himself from Bush, he will do better in the polls. He should win, but could still lose.
There you have it as of August 28th, I will be updating this periodically. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks.